Early Bird Ticket Pricing Extended - Department of Family Medicine Gala

The early bird ticket deadline for the Department of Family Medicines 50th Anniversary has been extended until Friday, February 24, 2023. Tickets can be purchased here: Event Brite - Department of Family Medicine 50th Anniversary Galahttps://www.eventbrite.ca/e/department-of-family-medicine-50th-anniversary-gala-tickets-416041109157?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Join us on May 26, 2023 to celebrate our successes over the past 50 year! Doors will open at 5:30PM where guests will have the opportunity to view the museum galleries and enjoy appetizers and cocktails. Later in the night attendees will hear from Jeff Sisler, Andre Picard and a live performance from Ron Paley Big Band.
Attached you will find our sponsorship package.
participants (1)
Family Medicine