Message on behalf of the United Nations University Office at the United Nations, New York
Junior Professional Fellows Programme, UNU Office at the United Nations, New York
The United Nations University Office at the United Nations, New York (UNU-ONY) is currently recruiting Junior Professional Fellows for the session running from August 2008 to January 2009. The Junior Professional Fellows Programme is developed from the previous internship programme to reflect the responsibility and opportunity given to those accepted into this programme. For more information, please visit www.ony.unu.edu/interndescription.shtml.
Description of UNU-ONY:
The aim of the UNU is to function as a think tank of and for the UN, and to bridge the gap between policy makers and academia. In light of this, the activities of the UNU Office in New York have for a long time centered on event organizing, marketing and fundraising. This is mainly the responsibility of the Event team, Marketing team and Fundraising team. During the Junior Professional Fellows session running from August 2008 to January 2009, two more teams are envisioned to be developed, a Policy Research team and a Latin America team. The UNU-ONY, in its work, mainly liaises with the UN Secretariat, the Permanent Missions, academia and foundations.
Junior Professional Fellows' responsibilities:
The responsibilities of the Junior Professional Fellows range widely, encompassing aspects of all of UNU-ONY's work. The specific tasks will mostly depend on which team the fellow is part of.
The Event team focuses on organizing public seminars and invitation-only forums on different UN relevant topics, as requested either from within the UN or from the different UNU Research and Training Centers around the world. Some seminars are also a way to disseminate UNU publications. Tasks for event organizers include liaising with speakers, planning the agenda, arranging media coverage, conducting background research and other responsibilities that are needed to make the event a success.
The Marketing team's objective is to market the UNU and its activities as a whole as well as the UNU-ONY in specific. The events are being marketed online, through video and audio, and multimedia, like web casting and video conferencing, is used for maximizing the interaction outreach. This is in line with the aim of achieving a truly global UNU, in all of its aspects. The continuous update of the contents on UNU-ONY's website is also part of the responsibilities.
The Fundraising team is focused on fundraising mostly on project level and for the activities of the office, but also at programme (RTC/Ps) level, and the overall UNU system level. The geographic proximity to numerous foundations in the New York-Washington D.C. areas, make these suitable targets.
The Policy Research team, set to start in August 2008, will have as its overarching goal the political and diplomatic linking and helping to make UNU a stakeholder and full-fledged partner of the UN system (i.e. its agendas, processes and results). Tasks may include keeping UNU-ONY up-to-date on questions arising on the UN agenda and facilitating the UNU response to different developments in the global arena. It may also include assisting the UNU centers around the world with their research, when they are using New York as a base.
The Latin America team is also set to start in August 2008 and will have as its mission to develop partnerships and activities in Latin America which, due to its geographic proximity, would be suitable for the UNU Office in New York to partner with and interest in this has been expressed from different potential partners. Since Spanish translations also might be an important element in this cooperation, good knowledge of Spanish in writing and speaking is preferable.
Overall the Junior Professional Fellows will also be doing general office work and administrative support and coordination as well as assist in the recruiting of Junior Professional Fellows for the next session (February 2009-July 2009).
Please note that UNU-ONY Junior Professional Fellows positions require full-time commitments and are unpaid.
Qualifications required:
* Strong communication and interpersonal skills
* Ability to work with a team
* Proficiency in Microsoft Office
* Strong writing and research skills
* Knowledge of at least two official UN languages desirable (preferably French or Spanish)
* MA within relevant subjects preferred
How to apply:
Collect the following application materials:
* Complete the application form, downloaded from: www.ony.unu.edu/Documents/internapplication.doc
* Resume/CV
* Cover letter (please state the 2 teams which are preferred)
* 1-3 page writing sample in English
* 1-3 page writing sample in another language of your choice (preferably French or Spanish)
* Two letters of recommendation
Submit these materials in a single email to intern@ony.unu.edu (subject line: Junior Professional Fellow). The deadline for handing in application materials is extended to June 6, 2008.
The Junior Professional Fellows will be selected based on their skills and preferences in relation to the five different teams. For the session running from August 2008-January 2009 there are 4-5 openings.