University of Manitoba and University of Winnipeg JSA/Hillel E-Mailout
This is a long e-mail but there’s a lot of relevant info in here. Thank you to those who have completed our survey – your concerns will be taken into account for next year. Also, on behalf of JSA/Hillel, we wish you a very happy and kosher Passover, and enjoy both seders!
In this E-mail: 1. ELECTION INFO for next year’s JSA/Hillel board 2. End-of-Year Shabbat Dinner/Party (Friday evening, April 30th) 3. Community Events:
a. Yom Ha’Zikaron ceremony info attached (April 18) b. Community Yom Ha’Atzma’ut celebration still needs volunteers! (April 20) 4. Job Opportunity as a Hillel Director in Ontario 5. CFJS Elections 6. Message from CFJS President Samantha Banks 7. Work/Study/Volunteer Opportunities in Israel with MASA (attached poster)
If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please reply to this e-mail with the subject "unsubscribe". You will be required to confirm your unbsubscription via a subsequent e-mail, sent from "hillel-jsa-requests". Don't just grumble about why you're on this list every time.
1. ELECTION INFO Did you love being part of JSA this year, or did you not like how things were and want to make changes? Either way, you should join next year’s JSA/Hillel board! The nomination period is now open for all positions. Attached is a list of descriptions of the roles of all of the positions, which include:
· President* · Vice-President/Communications Director* · Israel Affairs Chair* · Cultural/Religious Chair · Tzedek Chair · Social Chair · Shabbat Dinner Coordinator · Holocaust Awareness Chair · First-Year Representative · Grad Students Representative
Those positions marked by a * are elected by the entire JSA/Hillel student body, while the other positions are appointed by those elected, in cooperation with the Director. Information on how to apply is attached with the position descriptions. Nominations close April 9 for elected positions; applications are due April 26 for appointed positions. The elections will take place in person (i.e. not online) on Sunday, April 25, 2010 at the Asper Jewish Community Campus from 12- 2 PM, and all are invited. Following the elections, the other positions will be appointed. For those who can not attend the election meeting, an absentee ballot is possible. Please write to wpg_jsa@hotmail.com to arrange your absentee ballot. The Election Meeting will also feature a great lunch, as well as presentations on behalf of this past year’s board.
2. End of Year Shabbat Dinner – April 30, 2010 Save the Date! JSA/Hillel is excited to finish off this year, and welcome next year’s board, with a fun and tasty Shabbat dinner. U of M VP Yael Shrom is graciously hosting this event. Exact times to be announced.
3. Community Events Volunteers are still needed for a variety of programs in our community celebration of Israel’s 62nd birthday. Yom Ha’atzma’ut is being celebrated all day on Tuesday, April 20, at the Asper Campus. More info and volunteer forms are in the previous e-mail, or contact Eynat Paz-Keynan at ekeynan@jcfswinnipeg.org The community-wide Yom Hazikaron service commemorating fallen Israeli soldiers will be held on Sunday, April 18 at the Berney Theatre. Poster is attached.
4. Job Opportunity as a Hillel Director in Ontario Maybe you don’t want to be on our board, but if you want a big role in another JSA in Ontario, the National Jewish Campus Life is looking for applicants. Applications are due April 9. For more information, see Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=103031816402453&ref=nf or reply to this e-mail.
5.CFJS Elections Don't forget to register before April 8th for the elections of the Canadian Federation of Jewish Students! Go to www.cfjs.ca/elections to read the candidate platforms.
6. Message from CFJS Message from Samantha Banks, President of the CFJS: ACTION ALERT:ACT NOW: Tell FM Cannon to Push Hard for Iran Sanctions at the G8 March 24th 2010
Dear Friends,
Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lawrence Cannon, has announced that he will raise the issue of Iranian nuclear proliferation when Canada hosts the G8 foreign ministers meeting next week.
Now is the time for Canada to push for sanctions. Canada should take the lead in this principled action and use the Special Economic Measures Act (SEMA) to confront the nuclear threat and human rights violations posed by Iran.
ACT NOW! Click on the link below or copy-and-paste it into your browser to write to Foreign Minister Cannon, urging him to push hard for Iran sanctions with his G8 counterparts.
http://e-activist.com/ea-campaign/clientcampaign.do?ea.client.id=123&ea.... Thank-you for your support.
Samantha Banks President Canadian Federation of Jewish Students
~Thanks for reading! Happy Pesach!~ _________________________________________________________________ Stay in touch. http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9712959