Hi all, here is some info on a Montreal conference that will be taking place in January. Please let either Gadi or myself know if you are interested in going.
Leandro Zylberman leandro@shaw.ca
Gadi Glogowski gadig@shaw.ca
Last week I sent out some information on the ONE conference in Montreal.
really want to keep you in the loop as plans take off. Please find
an extremely tentative schedule. We welcome your suggestions and
as we would like to enhance the current draft of the schedule. Just
keep in mind things are changing every minute.
As well I would like to propose a conference call for all those staff interested in hearing more about the conference, the plans, registration, marketing etc...Anyone interested is welcome to dial into our conference call line on Tuesday Nov 23 at 2:00 PM EST. Dial in information:1-866-772-8115, passcode 960161#.
Finally I will be emailing out our promotional flyer in PDF form, please print as many copies as possible. I will also be air mailing some
glossy, colour 18 by 11 inch posters so all you have to do is distribute them.
Thanks for all the interest you have expressed in helping to make this an extremely meaningful and exciting weekend experience.
Best, Ryla
Ryla Braemer Program and Resource Coordinator National Jewish Campus Life UIA Federation Canada 416-636-7655 x257 rbraemer@uiafed.org