Bathtub Project
The United Nations General Assembly has designated November 25th, as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (Resolution 54/134). To raise awareness and support of our local Winnipeg community, Violence is the expression of physical force against self or other, compelling action against one's will on pain of being hurt. Variant uses of the term refer to the destruction of non-living objects .... JSA/Hillel's has organized the second annual bathtub project to support women and children who are victims of domestic violence. A physical bathtub provided by Habitat for Humanity Re- store will be on November 25th at: * the University of Manitoba 1st floor University Centre, near the University of Manitoba Student Centre (UMSU), * November 26th at Gray Academy at the Rotunda 2nd floor of the school, and * December 2nd at the University of Winnipeg Info Booth Foyer.
Co-Chairs Social Action JSA/Hillel Co-Chairs Alix Billinkoff and Lauren Tennenhouse are requesting donations of slightly used clothing, household appliances, toys, books and new toiletries all of which were given to Osborne House a haven for women and children.
I would like to extend a personal Kol Ka Havod to the Committee Chairs for organizing this successful project.
Samantha Loxton
Director of Campus Life/Israel Experience Centre
C300-123 Doncaster Street
Winnipeg, MB R3N 2B2
Ask about the combined Jewish Appeal Endowment Fund