Subject: Exciting Cuba Mission- time sensitive
Hi everyone,
I am sure that by now you are all running around taking care of both Hillel related and personal last minute Passover errands.
I am excited to let you know about a really exciting mission to Cuba that CFJS is organizing. As I am sure you all know, to date we have taken two missions to Cuba that have been Jewishly stimulating, effective as a Tikun Olam initiative and a great way to engage new students. The Cuban Jewish community, in many ways can be a great role model for the Jewish communities that we are thriving to be, just based on the fact that the majority of the community leaders are under the age of 25.
The strength and uniqueness of their Jewish community, coupled with the recent changes to the political leadership, the 1950's magic of the country and the decrepit state of the buildings and homes, make this country an ideal location for a volunteer mission, for Jews and non-Jews alike.
CFJS has decided to organize a mission to Cuba for Jewish and non-Jewish students. The non-Jewish target market is students that are involved in their student union and/or some other major leadership role on campus and that you have begun to, or are interested in developing a relationship with.
As for Jewish students, we are looking for students who are interested in social action, but one's that would also be able to gain as well as contribute to a mission of this nature.
As this is a pilot trip, we are only looking for about 4-5 non-Jewish students and 5-6 Jewish students. The trip is from May 25th-June 3rd and as that date is coming very quickly, although I know it will be difficult with Passover, we would like all applications in by April 28th. Please get in touch with your campus contacts and offer them applications. You might want to ask your contacts at the student union for recommendations about who to take. As always, we will ask you to help us decide who to take from your campus.
A JPEG for your newsletters as well as the application is attached. The application can also be found at www.cfjs.cahttp://www.cfjs.ca
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach me on my cell at 647-267-8752
Thanks for your help and good luck!
Yacov Fruchter Director, Jewish Leadership Development National Jewish Campus Life UIA Federations Canada w: 416-636-7655 x. 256 c: 647-267-8752 March of Remembrance and Hope applications available at www.remembranceandhope.comhttp://www.remembraceandhope.com