[JSA/Hillel] Use it or Lose it

How do you engage young people?
16 businesses/organizations would like to know. They have committed themselves to attend the "Good to Go" Employment Network. They want to meet and talk to students/young people about summer, entry level jobs that need to be filled. If you want the easy way to look for a job use the network, February 27, 5:00 - 7:00 PM, Multi-purpose Room, Asper Jewish Community Campus, 123 Doncaster St. Register now so we know how much pizza to order. Contact
Cliff Huot
Placement Consultant, GrowWinnipeg Initiative
The Jewish Federation of Winnipeg
C300-123 Doncaster Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3N 2B2
Ph: (204) 480-7559
mailto:chuot@jewishwinnipeg.org chuot@jewishwinnipeg.org
www.thejfwjobexchange.ca http://www.thejfwjobexchange.ca/
-Live Generously, It does a world of good R
participants (1)
Selim Hasan