[JSA/Hillel] A Trip Out WEST!!!

Dear Rishona Hyman, Subscribe to the CFJS Jewsletter! http://ui.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?p=oo&m=1101452479250&ea=rhyman%40as percampus.mb.ca
Kira Draliuk has forwarded this email to you with the following message: Hi Josh, Jay, Yael and Rishona, Please forward this email to your JSA and IAC email lists. Together, we can make this a truly successful student conference! I look forward to meeting you all! Sincerely, Kira Draliuk Western Conference Chair & Member at large, Canadian Federation of Jewish Students Email: kira@cfjs.ca Phone: 778-893-5022 ________________________________
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Hi Everyone,
Happy Holidays!! Vancouver's conference is now open - sign up!
Canadian Federation of Jewish Students
December 21, 2006
Registration for the CFJS 'LOUD' Conference opens HERE http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=pfzba8bab.0.ouvea8bab.syc59zbab.0&ts=S0216&p=ht tp%3A%2F%2Fwww.cfjs.ca%2FLOUD today!
The Canadian Federation of Jewish Students Presents:
Hosted by Vancouver Hillel!
LOUD is a conference for Jewish university students in Western Canada. LOUD will be held in Vancouver on the weekend of February 15th to 18th, 2007. LOUD promises to be an amazing weekend where over 100 Jewish students from B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba will connect, learn, be inspired and just party.
LOUD is an attitude. It's about finding your own Jewish identity in the modern world, and fitting the two together. LOUD is this year's CFJS Western Regional conference.
We invite you to join us in Vancouver for this amazing weekend of making new friends, sharing ideas, learning, and just plain partying. Throughout the weekend, one idea will prevail:
L-O-U-D: Live it. Own It. Use It. Do it.
Round 1 of Registration will open HERE http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=pfzba8bab.0.ouvea8bab.syc59zbab.0&ts=S0216&p=ht tp%3A%2F%2Fwww.cfjs.ca%2FLOUD on December 21st, 2006 and will remain open until January 13, 2007 at 11:59pm.
For any inquiries related to the LOUD conference, please contact:
Kira Draliuk mailto:kira@cfjs.ca?Subject=LOUD - LOUD Conference Chair
Click HERE http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=pfzba8bab.0.tuvea8bab.syc59zbab.0&ts=S0216&p=ht tp%3A%2F%2Futoronto.facebook.com%2Fgroup.php%3Fgid%3D2227880783 to join the CFJS LOUD Conference Facebook Group!
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE! http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=pfzba8bab.0.ouvea8bab.syc59zbab.0&ts=S0216&p=ht tp%3A%2F%2Fwww.cfjs.ca%2FLOUD
Kira Draliuk
LOUD Conference Chairperson
Email: kira@cfjs.ca mailto:kira@cfjs.ca
Phone: (778) 893-5022
Web: http://www.cfjs.ca http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=pfzba8bab.0.tat88zbab.syc59zbab.0&ts=S0216&p=ht tp%3A%2F%2Fwww.cfjs.ca
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This email was forwarded to rhyman@aspercampus.mb.ca, by Kira Draliuk mailto:kira@cfjs.ca . Privacy Policy http://ui.constantcontact.com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp .Powered by Constant Contact http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?cc=tpfwe
participants (1)
Rishona Hyman