[Hillel/JSA] Weekly Announcements

JSA/Hillel - Weekly Announcements:
This email contains:
1. Rockin' Revival II (Purim Party) 2. Late Summer Blues: JSA/WZI Israeli Film Festival 3. Pilates 4. Religion and Life Week at UW 5. Israel Folklorama Pavilion
1. Rockin' Revival II (Purim Party)
The Rady JCC, Jewish Students' Association/Hillel and Israel Experience Centre presents.
Rockin' Revival II
"Saturday Night Fever"
Saturday, March 26th, 2005
8:30 p.m.
Rady JCC Gymnasium
123 Doncaster Street
Tickets: $15 (Students: $10)
Groovy Music & Dancing - Dy-No-Mite Cash Bar - Far Out Silent Auction - Psychedelic Prizes for Best Costume
*Must be of legal drinking age
Get your tickets today by calling 477-7510 or email mailto:jkoffman@aspercampus.mb.ca jkoffman@aspercampus.mb.ca
2. Late Summer Blues: JSA/WZI Israeli Film Festival
The Late Summer Blues will be shown on Thursday, March 10th at 7:30PM at the University of Winnipeg, Lockhart Hall - Room 1L13.
The Jewish Students' Association/Hillel invites everyone to attend. Admission is free to students displaying their student card and $5 for adults. Complimentary snacks are also provided.
Synopsis: A group of seven 18-year-old men and women spend the short time between final exams and induction into the Israeli Defence Forces as the War of Attrition at the Suez Canal approaches. They must answer questions of life and death as their adolescence is cut short. First Prize Winner at the 1987 Jerusalem Film Festival.
For more information about the Jewish Students' Association/Hillel & WZI film festival, contact 480-7550 or 477-7464 or log on to www.wzic.org.
3. Pilates
Where: The Asper Jewish Community Campus
When: Tuesdays 8:00-9:00 pm
Cost: $2.00
DROP-IN or pre-register with me at mailto:paula_sturrey@hotmail.com paula_sturrey@hotmail.com
4. Region and Life Week
Religion and Life Week, 2005 University of Winnipeg
Dates: March 7 - 11
Theme: Religion and Natural Disasters: Making Sense of Human Existence and Natural Catastrophes
Shahina Siddiqui (Islam) - March 7 (Monday) Klaus Klostermaier (Hinduism) - March 8 (Tues.) Susan Van Dreser (Unitarian) - March 9 (Wed). Radhika Abeysekera (Buddhism) - March 10 (Thur.) Dan Epp-Tiessen (CMU) - March 11 (Fri.)
Mon., Wed., Fri.: 2L17 (12:30 - 1:20PM) Tue., Thurs.: 2M70 (12:00 - 1:15 PM)
5. Israel Folklorama Pavilion
The Israel Pavilion-Shalom Square is inviting candidates to apply for the positions of: Adult Male & Female Ambassadors and also Youth Male & Female Ambassadors
Folklorama 2005
Sunday, July 31 -Saturday, August 6
Asper Jewish Community Campus
Ambassadors will have the opportunity to represent our community at the Israel Pavilion-Shalom Square and at the many other pavilions participating in Winnipeg's annual Festival of Nations.
Youth applicants must be between 12 and 17 years old as of May 1, 2005. Adult applicants must be at least 18 years old as of May 1, 2005.
Applicants must be available for several small events throughout the summer and while the pavilion is operating from July 31 - August 6.
Application forms are available at the Rady Jewish Community Centre's Reception Desk.
Deadline is March 2. For additional information, please call 477-7510.
Jewish Students' Association/Hillel Executive Board
participants (1)
Gadi Glogowski