[JSA/Hillel] work opportunities and training - professional development

And another opportunity
Shalom Everyone,
I am very excited to tell you that MASA Israel Journey is currently accepting applications for our Campus Representative Internship program.
This is an amazing opportunity for students who are passionate about Israel, and have an interest in encouraging fellow students to study, volunteer, and gain work experience in Israel. Campus Representatives recruit students to attend Study Abroad and Post-college programs in Israel, and generally promote awareness of MASA Israel programs and MASA grants to the campus community.
The internship provides students with a $1,000 stipend each semester, and a $1,000 budget for programming each semester. Students will attend two shabbatonim each semester and a summer training session before the start of the academic year.
The due date for applications is April 11th. For more information see the attached application or email Megan Schiff megans@masaisrael.org
All the best,
Jaclyn Jaclyn Mishal
MASA Israel Journey: The Gateway to Long Term Programs in Israel Telephone:212-339-6982 Fax: 212-339-6161 633 3rd Ave, 21st Fl New York, NY 10017 www.MasaIsrael.org
Another Opportunity
Dear Readers and Friends,
New Voices Magazine and the Jewish Student Press Service is proud to announce that registration is now open for the 37th annual National Jewish Student Journalism Conference in New York City! Register NOW for special rates by e-mailing publisher@newvoices.org with the subject line "REGISTER ME!"
Presented by New Voices Magazine and the Jewish Student Press Service, the conference features skill sessions and panels on campus media, war reporting, and Jewish ideas. It will be held from May 28th through the 30th at the Bronfman Center in Manhattan.
The conference an essential networking opportunity for to college students and recent graduates interested in Jewish journalism, student journalism, media, Jewish life, and activism.
Confirmed speakers include Jay Michaelson, columnist for the Forward and founding editor of Zeek, Alana Newhouse, arts editor of the Forward, NYU journalism professor and former reporter Newsday Mohamad Bazzi, Larry Cohler-Esses of the Jewish Week, Susan Weidman Schneider, editor-in-chief of Lilith, Esther Kaplan of the Nation Institute and WBAI's Beyond the Pale, and more.
Past presenters have included Ethan Bronner and Clyde Haberman of The New York Times and Nathan Glazer of Harvard University.
Registration fee is $60, which includes all meals and conference materials. Convenient lodging available at a discounted rate. Some scholarships available. For more information or to register, contact publisher@newvoices.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or call 212 675 1168. Registration deadline is May 1st.
Samantha Loxton
JSA/Hillel Director
C300-123 Doncaster Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3N 2B2
(C)204.918.2358 or (PH): 204.480.6561
Fax: 204.477.7405
participants (1)
Samantha Loxton