[JSA/Hillel] News and Notices

University of Manitoba and University of Winnipeg JSA/Hillel E-Mailout
On behalf of JSA/Hillel, I’d like to wish everyone an enjoyable Reading Week. At some point throughout the week, I'm sure you can find a few minutes to read about some of the many amazing opportunities that have been sent through us. Also, make sure to mark down THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 7:30 PM to come to our big “Punchlines for Peace” comedy night, with details below.
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In this E-mail: 1. MAJOR UPCOMING EVENT – Punchlines for Peace Info
a. Promotional Hummus Taste Testing Challenge at U of M 2. Community Opportunities
a. Travel on birthright with the Canadian Federation of Jewish Students! (Registration opens soon – February 17, 2010 at www.israelforfree.com) b. Apply to The Israel Project - 2010 Summer Fellowships in Journalism, Strategic Communications, and Israel Advocacy, held in Washington, DC and Jerusalem c. Sha’arey Zedek Synagogue is hosting a Jewish GLBT Purim Party on Saturday evening, February 20, 7 PM *poster attached* d. The Canada-Israel Committee is looking for applicants to its Parliamentary Internship Program, to be an assistant to an MP (deadline March 1) *info & application attached* e. Dr. Haskel Greenfield of the U of M is leading a summer school course – in Israel! ANTH 2930: Field Methods in Archeology is a travel-abroad program to an archaeology site in Israel in July 2010. *more info and application forms attached*
1. Punchlines for Peace Our upcoming comedy night, bringing in the Israeli-Palestinian Comedy Tour to the West-End Cultural Centre, is being co-organized by JSA and Muslim students at the U of M. (*see attached poster* - feel free to spread widely) On February 12, we promoted the event with a hummus taste testing contest. Passersby in University Centre tested two mystery types of hummus – one made by our very own Robin Super, the other by Talia Joundi, a Muslim student on campus – and decided which one they liked better. We then told the tasters which was which, and tallied the results throughout the day. In the end, the Arab hummus won out – but actually we both won, since we all got to eat a ton of hummus and pita, plus we sold a whole bunch of tickets to our event. On that note, get your tickets soon!! Tickets are only $8 – reply to this e-mail or contact Samantha Loxton (918-2358) for yours! (Also, watch out for a possible hummus contest repeat in the near future)
Thursday, March 4, 2010 ------ 8:00 – 9:30 PM
3. Contact: Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi: 202-857-6644 (office), 202-365-0787 (cell), jenniferm@theisraelproject.org Meagan Buren: 202-857-6671 (office), 202-230-7389 (cell), meaganb@theisraelproject.org www.theisraelproject.org
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2010 Summer Fellowships in Journalism, Strategic Communications and Israel Advocacy Visit www.theisraelproject.org/mediafellows for full details The Israel Project (TIP) Media Fellowship is open to undergraduate and graduate students as well as recent college or graduate school alumni who are starting their careers in journalism, strategic communications and Israel advocacy (please note that undergraduate students must have completed at least three years of college/university to be eligible for consideration). TIP teaches techniques designed to increase accurate and fair coverage of Israel and Jews in the American and global news media. Throughout the summer, Fellows meet with top-level journalists, Middle East analysts and strategic communications professionals. They also put their knowledge to use in writing assignments, many of which are published during the fellowship; plan and staff TIP press conferences and briefings; and undertake in-depth research projects. Additionally, Fellows become skilled at building relationships with journalists, providing them key information and researching complex topics. TIP’s Media Fellows learn directly from the research conducted by our top team including TIP Founder Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi and world-renowned pollsters Frank Luntz, Ph.D., Stan Greenberg, Ph.D. and Neil Newhouse.
2009 TIP Media Fellows with former presidential candidate Fred Thompson at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. The 2010 fellowships will be located in Washington, D.C., and Jerusalem. In our Israel office, we are also looking for people who speak native university-level German, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic. The Israel Project fellowship is unpaid and is a full-time nine-week program. However, The Israel Project WILL reimburse international participants for visa expenses. Fellows are encouraged to apply for funding from other institutions. Past Media Fellows have gone on to work at major media outlets such as The Washington Post, CBS and the Associated Press; lobbying, advocacy and public relations organizations, including Ketchum, AIPAC, the Britain Israel Communications & Research Centre (BICOM) and TIP; Congress and the White House.
Fellows will choose from one of two locations: Washington, D.C. Jerusalem, Israel
Application Deadline:
February 26, 2010 at 5 p.m.*
*All applicants, especially Europeans, are encouraged to apply as early as possible for visa processing purposes.
Session Dates:
Washington, D.C.: June 21-August 20
Jerusalem, Israel: For people who speak English or Arabic: June 13-August 12
For people who speak German, French, Spanish or Russian: July 11-September 9
Final Acceptance Notification:
March 26, 2010
To Apply:
Application can be downloaded at www.theisraelproject.org/mediafellows
Wolf Blitzer with Media Fellows following a visit to the set of The Situation Room
2008 TIP Media Fellows getting ready to attend one of the political party conventions
For More Information:
Contact Lauren Appelbaum, Media Fellows Program Coordinator, at laurena@theisraelproject.org
The Israel Project is an international non-profit organization devoted to educating the press and the public about Israel while promoting security, freedom and peace. The Israel Project provides journalists, leaders and opinion-makers accurate information about Israel. The Israel Project is not related to any government or government agency.
Board of Advisors: Senator Evan Bayh (IN), Senator Ben Cardin (MD), Senator Saxby Chambliss (GA), Senator Susan Collins (ME), Senator Judd Gregg (NH), Senator Joe Liberman (CT), Senator Bill Nelson (FL), Senator Pat Roberts (KS), Senator Gordon Smith (OR), Senator Arlen Specter (PA), Senator John Thune (SD), Senator Ron Wyden (OR), Congressman Rob Andrews (NJ), Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (NV), Congressman Eliot Engel (NY), Congressman Frank Pallone (NJ), Congressman Brad Sherman (CA), Congressman Joe Wilson (SC). _________________________________________________________________ Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. https://signup.live.com/signup.aspx?id=60969
participants (1)
Eyal Kraut