[JSA/Hillel] Summer Study Tour - "The Land of Israel: The Jewish Connection"

We are excited to announce that the Study Tour - entitled "The Land of Israel: The Jewish Connection" - is making its reappearance at the International School of the University of Haifa this summer in June. We welcome students from around the world to join us as we navigate Israel from top to bottom.
During this three-week intensive academic course, students immerse themselves into 4000 years of history through engaging seminars and outdoor field studies. Through study, hiking, reading and exploring, our students gain a hands-on, close-up understanding of the history and the challenges facing Israel and the Jewish People. Students earn academic credit while having the summer of a lifetime! For more information about the Study Tour program, please http://uhaifa.org/page.asp?id=44&a=a3&b=b4 click here.
We would appreciate it if you would pass this message along to anyone who may be interested, and we welcome anyone to contact us with any questions.
Thank you for sharing information about our program!
Best regards,
Caroline Arends Fuks Director of Marketing International School University of Haifa Haifa 31905, Israel Tel: + 972 4 8240717 - Fax: + 972 4 8240391
Email: mailto:cfuks@univ.haifa.ac.il cfuks@univ.haifa.ac.il http://www.uhaifa.org www.uhaifa.org
participants (1)
Selim Hasan