A federal election is well underway, and election day is in a little under a month. There is no more critical time for us to mobilize as a community and support candidates from every party who share our values. CJPAChttp://www.cjpac.ca/ (Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee) can help you get involved.
If you could make a commitment to get involved right now, it will ensure our community's voice is heard. Below are a couple of ways you can act and I hope you will commit to at least one of them: * Volunteer on a campaign: Even just a few hours on a campaign will make an immeasurable difference for our community. If you fill out this formhttp://e-activist.com/ea-campaign/clientcampaign.do?ea.client.id=123&ea.campaign.id=6631 CJPAC will help place you on a campaign of your choosing.
If you have already committed to a campaign, thank you! If you are interested, you can still make a difference by introducing yourself as a representative of CJPAC, and indicate that your help is in part due to the candidate's strong support for our community. * Spread the word: An election is the perfect time to engage your family, friends, and neighbours in Canadian politics. This is a great opportunity to reach out to politically unengaged community members and volunteer with them. You can also help promote CJPAC's work by sharing our site - www.itsup2you.cahttp://www.itsup2you.ca/ - which is full of information about how to get involved .
It has never been easier, or more important, for our community to be strategically engaged in Canadian politics. Thank you in advance for your help in ensuring our voice is heard.
Hart Jacob Director, Jewish Campus Life, Jewish Federation of Winnipeg P: 204 918-2358 hjacob1@jewishwinnipeg.orgmailto:hjacob1@jewishwinnipeg.org www.jewishwinnipeg.orghttp://www.jewishwinnipeg.org
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