Hello everyone,
Hope this finds you warm and well!
I'm delighted to advise the Human Rights Program is growing and there is a vacancy for the Endowed Chair in Human Rights at St. Thomas University. The position is a 23 month term, beginning on August 1, 2019. The position description can be found herehttps://www.stu.ca/employment/endowed-chair-in-human-right/. The deadline for applications is February 25, 2019. I'd greatly appreciate if you could please share this with your networks.
Best wishes, Christina
Christina Szurlej, PhD Director, Atlantic Human Rights Centrehttp://wp.stu.ca/ahrc/ Acting Director & Assistant Professor, Human Rights Departmenthttp://w3.stu.ca/stu/academics/departments/human_rights/ St. Thomas University, Fredericton, NB E3B 5G3 P: 506-452-0451 ~ E: cszurlej@stu.camailto:cszurlej@stu.ca ~ FB: STU Human Rightshttps://www.facebook.com/stuhumanrights/ ~ T: @STUHMRTDepthttps://twitter.com/stuhmrtdept
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi