FW: URGENT DEADLINE: Seeking endorsement of call for human rights oversight of covid responses

Dear All,
Just following up! So far, I've heard back (positively) from a handful of CAHRI member entities.
The deadline to be included is end of tomorrow, Wednesday, 9 April. Grateful for your consideration and response ASAP.
Please find attached the text of the letter (including a couple small edits/corrections, as sent to me yesterday by Alex Neve).
I look forward to hearing from you!
Best wishes, John Cell/text/FaceTime: 613 854 6889
________________________________ From: hr-research-centres-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca hr-research-centres-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca on behalf of Frederick John Packer John.Packer@uottawa.ca Sent: 05 April 2020 22:15 To: hr-research-centres@lists.umanitoba.ca hr-research-centres@lists.umanitoba.ca; Helen.Fallding@umanitoba.ca Helen.Fallding@umanitoba.ca Cc: Viviana Fernandez Viviana.Fernandez@uottawa.ca Subject: Re: [HR-rsch] URGENT DEADLINE: Seeking endorsement of call for human rights oversight of covid responses
Dear colleagues,
Permit me to suggest also that, in this extraordinary situation, for the first time we offer our endorsement as a group (i.e. as CAHRI). I think this combined viewpoint might, visibly, add a bit of weight.
In order to do indicate the combined endorsement (in addition to each of our own), and in the absence of any discussion or rule pertaining thereto, I take the liberty to suggest that our combined "CAHRI" endorsement be expressed only once we have a majority of member entities indicating their positive agreement AND no entity being against. I will consider your silence on this procedure to imply concurrence.
Thanks in advance for your consideration - both regarding your own action and in response to this specific e-mail suggestion of a CAHRI endorsement.
Best wishes, John ________________________________ From: Frederick John Packer John.Packer@uottawa.ca Sent: 05 April 2020 22:08 To: hr-research-centres@lists.umanitoba.ca hr-research-centres@lists.umanitoba.ca; Helen.Fallding@umanitoba.ca Helen.Fallding@umanitoba.ca Cc: Viviana Fernandez Viviana.Fernandez@uottawa.ca Subject: Fw: URGENT DEADLINE: Seeking endorsement of call for human rights oversight of covid responses
Dear CAHRI Members,
I hope this finds you, your colleagues, families, and communities well in this most unusual time.
Please see below and attached an important initiative from Alex Neve (Sec-Gen of AI Canada [English Section]) seeking endorsements from entities and individuals. The case is straightforward and, I believe, compelling. I have already indicated my endorsement (both individually and on behalf of HRREC-uOttawa). Please consider doing the same. And please share with others who you believe would be appropriate and willing to endorse.
Thanks in advance for your active cooperation.
Best wishes, John
Prof. John Packer Neuberger-Jesin Professor of International Conflict Resolution
Professeur Neuberger-Jesin sur la résolution de conflits internationaux
Directeur, Centre de recherche et d'enseignement sur les droits de la personne
Director, Human Rights Research and Education Centre
Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa
Et/and Faculté de droit | Faculty of Law
Pavillon Fauteux Hall 57 Louis-Pasteur, Ottawa,
Ontario, K1N 6N5
Tél. | Tel: +1 613-562-5800 (3462)
Téléc. | Fax: +1 613-562-5124
JP_Peacemaking www.cdp-hrc.uottawa.cahttp://www.cdp-hrc.uottawa.ca/
________________________________ From: Alex Neve aneve@amnesty.ca Sent: 05 April 2020 12:45 To: Alex Neve aneve@amnesty.ca Subject: URGENT DEADLINE: Seeking endorsement of call for human rights oversight of covid responses
Dear friends and colleagues,
It seems so woefully inadequate to say that I hope this finds you – and yours – safe and healthy; but I most certainly do. Unprecedented and such unsettling times in so many profound ways. Such an important time to be doing all that we can to bring human rights to the very core of how governments are crafting and carrying out their responses to the COVID-10 pandemic; and where we need to see transformative change going forward. And I know that we have all be doing so – with broad visions and suggested frameworks for a human rights approach to the crisis, and specific interventions and recommendations with respect to particular issues of concern.
Central to any attempt to strengthen human rights at this time, is oversight and accountability. And we hope that you will join us in endorsing the attached statement calling on governments (federal, provincial, territorial and municipal) across the country to take immediate steps to enhance that oversight (see details below).
Across the human rights community we of course have longstanding concerns and recommendations that pre-date the COVID crisis about gaps and inadequacies in human rights oversight, accountability, transparency, implementation and remedies in Canada. Those concerns have obviously increased dramatically at the present time, for two obvious reasons: (1) major decisions, with substantial human rights implications, are being made rapidly by governments at all levels; and (2) existing human rights “oversight” – through courts, human rights tribunals, Parliament, legislative assemblies, public forums, and other bodies and processed – has been weakened at this time due to those offices, bodies and processes being closed, suspended or constrained.
Many of us have important proposals for substantial reforms when it comes to human rights oversight, which would likely involve reforming existing laws, adopting new laws and creating new institutions. That is not feasible in the short-term, particularly with Parliaments and legislatures suspended. What is proposed in the attached, therefore, are significant measures that can be taken without the need to pass or revise laws or create new institutions that would take significant time.
So here is what we are looking for:
- Would you like to endorse this statement? We will have both a list of organizations and individuals. We aren’t at this time opening it up for broad public endorsement but certainly welcome endorsement from human rights leaders, activists and academics.
- Time is so short these days, with things moving so rapidly. We would like to send this statement to governments and release it publicly on Wednesday April 8th. We need responses by 5 pm on April 7th, please send your endorsement to me at aneve@amnesty.camailto:aneve@amnesty.ca.
- PLEASE SHARE THIS WIDELY with organizations and colleagues who may share the concern about the need for human rights oversight.
- A French translation is underway and will be ready soon.
With much solidarity and appreciation for the important work you are doing at this time.
All the best,
Alex Neve (he/him)
Secretary General
Amnesty International Canada
(English branch)
+1 613 744 7667 extension 234
On unceded Algonquin territory at:
312 Laurier Avenue East
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 1H9 Canada

Hi John,
Please count LRIDE in.
Thank you!
Mona Paré, Ph.D. Professeure agrégée / Associate Professor Faculté de droit, Section de droit civil / Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa 57 Louis Pasteur (331), Ottawa, ON, K1N 6N5 1-613-562-5800 (3242)
Laboratoire de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les droits de l'enfant (LRIDE) / Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on the Rights of the Child (IRLRC) http://www.lride.uottawa.ca/https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmail.uottawa.ca%2FOWA%2Fredir.aspx%3FSURL%3DOqiDRsFl4E8VuO2dL1c01FFr1awyKmg2ACvHTFOvFwcJU6xaP8vSCGgAdAB0AHAAOgAvAC8AdwB3AHcALgBsAHIAaQBkAGUALgB1AG8AdAB0AGEAdwBhAC4AYwBhAC8A%26URL%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252fwww.lride.uottawa.ca%252f&data=02%7C01%7C%7Cdb50852533814002018e08d70ad1b68f%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636989768136358590&sdata=OazhAw4UsAv9J7%2FkRn5G91s6cpEBFXCBqHdpG3lYjLU%3D&reserved=0
From: hr-research-centres-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca hr-research-centres-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca On Behalf Of Helen Fallding Sent: 8 avril 2020 14:36 To: centres list hr-research-centres@lists.umanitoba.ca Subject: [HR-rsch] FW: URGENT DEADLINE: Seeking endorsement of call for human rights oversight of covid responses Importance: High
Attention : courriel externe | external email Dear All,
Just following up! So far, I've heard back (positively) from a handful of CAHRI member entities.
The deadline to be included is end of tomorrow, Wednesday, 9 April. Grateful for your consideration and response ASAP.
Please find attached the text of the letter (including a couple small edits/corrections, as sent to me yesterday by Alex Neve).
I look forward to hearing from you!
Best wishes, John Cell/text/FaceTime: 613 854 6889
________________________________ From: hr-research-centres-bounces@lists.umanitoba.camailto:hr-research-centres-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca <hr-research-centres-bounces@lists.umanitoba.camailto:hr-research-centres-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca> on behalf of Frederick John Packer <John.Packer@uottawa.camailto:John.Packer@uottawa.ca> Sent: 05 April 2020 22:15 To: hr-research-centres@lists.umanitoba.camailto:hr-research-centres@lists.umanitoba.ca <hr-research-centres@lists.umanitoba.camailto:hr-research-centres@lists.umanitoba.ca>; Helen.Fallding@umanitoba.camailto:Helen.Fallding@umanitoba.ca <Helen.Fallding@umanitoba.camailto:Helen.Fallding@umanitoba.ca> Cc: Viviana Fernandez <Viviana.Fernandez@uottawa.camailto:Viviana.Fernandez@uottawa.ca> Subject: Re: [HR-rsch] URGENT DEADLINE: Seeking endorsement of call for human rights oversight of covid responses
Dear colleagues,
Permit me to suggest also that, in this extraordinary situation, for the first time we offer our endorsement as a group (i.e. as CAHRI). I think this combined viewpoint might, visibly, add a bit of weight.
In order to do indicate the combined endorsement (in addition to each of our own), and in the absence of any discussion or rule pertaining thereto, I take the liberty to suggest that our combined "CAHRI" endorsement be expressed only once we have a majority of member entities indicating their positive agreement AND no entity being against. I will consider your silence on this procedure to imply concurrence.
Thanks in advance for your consideration - both regarding your own action and in response to this specific e-mail suggestion of a CAHRI endorsement.
Best wishes, John ________________________________ From: Frederick John Packer <John.Packer@uottawa.camailto:John.Packer@uottawa.ca> Sent: 05 April 2020 22:08 To: hr-research-centres@lists.umanitoba.camailto:hr-research-centres@lists.umanitoba.ca <hr-research-centres@lists.umanitoba.camailto:hr-research-centres@lists.umanitoba.ca>; Helen.Fallding@umanitoba.camailto:Helen.Fallding@umanitoba.ca <Helen.Fallding@umanitoba.camailto:Helen.Fallding@umanitoba.ca> Cc: Viviana Fernandez <Viviana.Fernandez@uottawa.camailto:Viviana.Fernandez@uottawa.ca> Subject: Fw: URGENT DEADLINE: Seeking endorsement of call for human rights oversight of covid responses
Dear CAHRI Members,
I hope this finds you, your colleagues, families, and communities well in this most unusual time.
Please see below and attached an important initiative from Alex Neve (Sec-Gen of AI Canada [English Section]) seeking endorsements from entities and individuals. The case is straightforward and, I believe, compelling. I have already indicated my endorsement (both individually and on behalf of HRREC-uOttawa). Please consider doing the same. And please share with others who you believe would be appropriate and willing to endorse.
Thanks in advance for your active cooperation.
Best wishes, John
Prof. John Packer Neuberger-Jesin Professor of International Conflict Resolution
Professeur Neuberger-Jesin sur la résolution de conflits internationaux
Directeur, Centre de recherche et d'enseignement sur les droits de la personne
Director, Human Rights Research and Education Centre
Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa
Et/and Faculté de droit | Faculty of Law
Pavillon Fauteux Hall 57 Louis-Pasteur, Ottawa,
Ontario, K1N 6N5
Tél. | Tel: +1 613-562-5800 (3462)
Téléc. | Fax: +1 613-562-5124
JP_Peacemaking www.cdp-hrc.uottawa.cahttp://www.cdp-hrc.uottawa.ca/
________________________________ From: Alex Neve <aneve@amnesty.camailto:aneve@amnesty.ca> Sent: 05 April 2020 12:45 To: Alex Neve <aneve@amnesty.camailto:aneve@amnesty.ca> Subject: URGENT DEADLINE: Seeking endorsement of call for human rights oversight of covid responses
Dear friends and colleagues,
It seems so woefully inadequate to say that I hope this finds you – and yours – safe and healthy; but I most certainly do. Unprecedented and such unsettling times in so many profound ways. Such an important time to be doing all that we can to bring human rights to the very core of how governments are crafting and carrying out their responses to the COVID-10 pandemic; and where we need to see transformative change going forward. And I know that we have all be doing so – with broad visions and suggested frameworks for a human rights approach to the crisis, and specific interventions and recommendations with respect to particular issues of concern.
Central to any attempt to strengthen human rights at this time, is oversight and accountability. And we hope that you will join us in endorsing the attached statement calling on governments (federal, provincial, territorial and municipal) across the country to take immediate steps to enhance that oversight (see details below).
Across the human rights community we of course have longstanding concerns and recommendations that pre-date the COVID crisis about gaps and inadequacies in human rights oversight, accountability, transparency, implementation and remedies in Canada. Those concerns have obviously increased dramatically at the present time, for two obvious reasons: (1) major decisions, with substantial human rights implications, are being made rapidly by governments at all levels; and (2) existing human rights “oversight” – through courts, human rights tribunals, Parliament, legislative assemblies, public forums, and other bodies and processed – has been weakened at this time due to those offices, bodies and processes being closed, suspended or constrained.
Many of us have important proposals for substantial reforms when it comes to human rights oversight, which would likely involve reforming existing laws, adopting new laws and creating new institutions. That is not feasible in the short-term, particularly with Parliaments and legislatures suspended. What is proposed in the attached, therefore, are significant measures that can be taken without the need to pass or revise laws or create new institutions that would take significant time.
So here is what we are looking for:
- Would you like to endorse this statement? We will have both a list of organizations and individuals. We aren’t at this time opening it up for broad public endorsement but certainly welcome endorsement from human rights leaders, activists and academics.
- Time is so short these days, with things moving so rapidly. We would like to send this statement to governments and release it publicly on Wednesday April 8th. We need responses by 5 pm on April 7th, please send your endorsement to me at aneve@amnesty.camailto:aneve@amnesty.ca.
- PLEASE SHARE THIS WIDELY with organizations and colleagues who may share the concern about the need for human rights oversight.
- A French translation is underway and will be ready soon.
With much solidarity and appreciation for the important work you are doing at this time.
All the best,
Alex Neve (he/him)
Secretary General
Amnesty International Canada
(English branch)
+1 613 744 7667 extension 234
On unceded Algonquin territory at:
312 Laurier Avenue East
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 1H9 Canada
participants (2)
Helen Fallding
Mona Paré