As the summer months are here and the Centre for Human Rights Research has some important updates to share with you – all of which can be found on our websitehttps://chrr.info/
1) The CHRR will be focusing on a new theme exploring the intersections of human rights and borders. “Questioning Borders?”https://chrr.info/chrr-themes/borders/ by lead author Sara Gibson, an MHR student and CHRR research assistant, unpacks a critical understanding of borders beyond the nation state. We hope this theme will help guide us in future work including Critical Conversations, guest lectures and research opportunities and collaborations. Please note an extensive list of references and resources that can be downloaded found at the bottom of the page.
2) Carlie Kane, a student at Robson Hall and the Indigenous Summer Intern with the CHRR, has compiled an extensive timeline for Aboriginal Law. This resourcehttps://chrr.info/other-resources/aboriginal-law-resources/, starting pre-contact and reaching up to the present includes detailed legal and historical information and also includes a rich list of resources and references
3) On July 13, 2022 the Centre for Human Rights Research at the University of Manitoba hosted an informative, webinar roundtable discussion “Fighting for Reproductive Rights in 2022.” This discussion brought together a variety of scholars and advocates – and those who identify as both – including Karen Sharma, Nahanni Fontaine, Kemlin Nembhard, Dr. Sarah Elvins, and Dr. Lindsay Larios. The video of the roundtablehttps://chrr.info/past-events/ as well as an indepth list of resources on reproductive health, justice and advocacyhttps://chrr.info/other-resources/reproductive-rights-resources/ compiled by Cassie Dong, a CHRR research assistant and incoming PhD student in Peace and Conflict Studies, is posted under “past events” on our website
We invite you all to explore and share these resources on our website and to offer any feedback for how you may use them as well as suggestions for how to make it more comprehensive and useful.
Looking forward!
Shayna Plaut, PhD Acting Manager for the Centre for Human Rights Research Working Days: Monday - Thurs 930am-330pm. PLEASE NOTE I DO NOT RESPOND TO EMAILS ON FRIDAYS
Office number: 204 474 6156 Cell number: 604 817 0311
participants (1)
Shayna Plaut