That's Not Funny, Is It?:
Humour in Medieval Iberian Culture
20-21 September 2004
University of Liverpool
The conference organizers invite offers of papers, not to exceed twenty minutes, from interested parties. The objective of the conference is to explore the configurations of humour and its functions in medieval Iberian culture.
Plenary speakers:
Prof. Joseph Snow, Humour in the cantigas de escarhno
Prof. Louise Vasvári, 'Juan Ruiz' is a joke.
For further information, or with offers of papers, please contact the Conference Organizers:
Dr Louise M Haywood Prof Dorothy S. Severin
Trinity Hall School of Modern Languages (Hispanic Studies)
Cambridge Modern Languages Building
CB1 2PR Chatham Street
L69 7ZR
01223 332522 0151 794 2775/ 2774
Louise M. Haywood, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. University Senior Lecturer in Medieval Spanish Studies, University of Cambridge Joint Schools' Liaison Officer, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, University of Cambridge
Fellow in Spanish & Tutor, Trinity Hall, Cambridge External Director of Studies, St John's College, Cambridge
Secretary, Association of Hispanists of Great Britain & Ireland
Postal Address: Trinity Hall, Cambridge, CB2 1TJ Tel: 01223 332522; Fax: 01223 332537