Joseph T. Snow Winner of CELJ Award

Message forwarded by Patrizia Botta
Dear Colleagues --
I have the pleasure of announcing that Professor JOSEPH T. SNOW of Michigan State University has been named runner up in the annual Award for Distinguished Editor conferred by the international Council of Editors of Learned Journals. This honor comes in recognition of his labor as founder and, for the past 25 years, Editor of the highly respected journal Celestinesca, soon to move to the University of Valencia. The recipient of this award for a retiring editor must be an established leader not only as an editor but also in the intellectual field the journal serves.
The CELJ Awards Ceremony will be conducted at the Modern Language Association Convention in New York the evening of December 27 (check program for location and time; the MLA has a membership of some 30,000 but the CELJ serves journals from a much wider spectrum of the sciences and humanities). Prof. Snow cannot be present at that ceremony but George Greenia will accept the award in his name and display it and the text of the CELJ commendation with all those attending the Cash Bar of the MLA Division on Medieval Spanish Language and Literature later in the Convention.
Those wishing to express their congratulations to Prof. Snow may contact him directly at The competition for these awards is intense with many worthy candidates nominated each year. Our sector of Medieval Studies shares in Joe's reflected glory. Enhorabuena, José.
gd greenia
George D. Greenia, Editor, La corónica Director, Medieval & Renaissance Studies Dept. of Modern Languages PO Box 8795 College of William & Mary Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795 tel 757-221-3676 fax 757-221-3637
participants (1)
Enrique Fernandez