Re: [Mediber] Passing of Sir Peter Russell

Estimados colegas, me uno al duelo de nuestros amigos anglosajones a quienes expreso mi mas sentido pésame, y lamento infinitamente la pérdida de tan afamado Maestro medievalista y celestinista que nos ha dejado trabajos imprescindibles y modélicos.
Patrizia Botta Univ.Roma
At 12.56 02/07/06 -0700, you wrote:
Dear colleagues, I am posting the sad news that Peter Russell, King Alfonso XIII Professor of Spanish Studies Emeritus at the University of Oxford, died suddenly but peacefully at home, in his armchair while having breakfast, on June 22nd. Sir Peter was 92. He would have celebrated his 93rd birthday on October 24th.
A public funeral service will take place in Exeter College chapel, Oxford, at 2:30 p.m. on July 4th, with a reception in the Hall afterwards.
Peter Russell left an indelible mark on both Hispanic and Portuguese studies. Those of us who valued his friendship will sorely miss him.
Harvey Sharrer
Harvey L. Sharrer Department of Spanish and Portuguese University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106-4150 Tel. (805) 893-8378 Fax: (805) 893-8341 E-mail:
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Patrizia Botta