[ADR-RLO-Others] Save the Date: January 12

[Title: U of M Header - Description: Message from Susan M. Gottheil, Vice-Provost (Students)]
The current Strategic Enrolment Management Plan is in its final year. As we begin work on our next SEM Plan, it is timely to pause and reflect on the successes and challenges of the past five years, and examine internal and external factors that will impact student enrolment now and into the future.
Please join us for:
"Enrolment Planning: What's on the Horizon?" Friday, January 12, 2018 9:00 am to 11:00 am Senate Chamber
We look forward to an interactive discussion setting a foundation for the future strategic enrolment management plan at the University of Manitoba.
Thank you,
Susan Gottheil and Todd Mondor, Co-Chairs, Strategic Enrolment Management Planning Committee
participants (1)
Marcia Davies