Hi Everyone,
In Manitoba we have a variety of First Nations linguistic groups including Cree, Ojibwe, Dakota, Ojibwe-Cree, Dene. I happened across this resource this morning in the "Internet Scout Report" for today (vol 19, no 39) http://scout.wisc.edu/. I especially like the ability to search in English and hear the proper pronunciation of the Ojibwe term (eg. Heart).
"The Ojibwe People's Dictionary http://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu/
The Ojibwe People's Dictionary was created by faculty and students in the Department of American Indian Studies at the University of Minnesota. The project was the brainchild of Professor John Nichols who worked to digitally record Ojibwe elders as part of a research grant for the National Science Foundation's Endangered Languages Program. Working with a team of creative colleagues they decided to create this online dictionary which includes helpful documents, video clips, images, and elaborate illustrations. The How to Use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary section is a great place to start as it includes search tips as well as keys to Ojibwe parts of speech and regions of use. Visitors can also browse the dictionary or browse through the Cultural Galleries to look over some of the illustrative materials that include images from Ojibwe life, complete with background information on how to pronounce the related words and phrases. [KMG]"
Does anyone else have any other recommendations? Sincerely, Carol
-- Carol A. Cooke Acting MHIKNET Librarian Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library University of Manitoba e. carol.cooke@umanitoba.camailto:carol.cooke@umanitoba.ca p. 204-977-5660 c. 204-290-6710 w. http://mhiknet.lib.umanitoba.ca/