Better Health, Better Value, Better Care - New reports by CHSRF, CNA and CIHI

Three new reports on healthcare improvement commissioned by the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation and the Canadian Nurses Association:
1. Better Health: An analysis of public policy and programming focusing on the determinants of health and health outcomes that are effective in achieving the healthiest populations
2. Better Value: An analysis of the impact of current healthcare system funding and financing models and the value of health and healthcare in Canada
3. Better Care: An Analysis of Nursing and Healthcare System Outcomes
Citizen Engagement in Health Casebook - Canadian Institutes of Health Research. This casebook builds on results of a meeting hosted by CIHR in 2010. One of its principal recommendations was that examples of citizen engagement in health care across Canada should be documented and shared. The casebook includes national, provincial, regional and local examples of meaningful citizen engagement in decisions around health services.
Orvie Dingwall, BA, MLIS, AHIP Outreach Services Librarian MHIKNET Library Services Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library University of Manitoba email: phone: 204.977.5660 website:
participants (1)
Orvie Dingwall