With MHIKNET staff contemplating a well-deserved holiday break, we thought you'd be interested in a few web sites and articles on health and the holidays. Most of the sites are from the Government of Canada's Healthy Canadians web site and might be good for your patients and family. The Statistics Canada page is a wealth of information and facts that will stagger and amaze you. Definitely worth the long read. We've also selected articles on a variety of topics from the health effects of holidays; toxic holiday plants; energy expenditure; a holiday wish for Canadian children and an interesting case of Christmas giving a small population Hay Fever! Hope you enjoy reading them as much as we enjoyed selecting them!
Web sites
* Stress, depression and the holidays: Tips for copinghttp://mayocl.in/1j1enjF [Mayo Clinic] * Healthy Holiday Eatinghttp://bit.ly/1duQvhp [Healthy Canadians; 2013] * Holiday food safetyhttp://bit.ly/19kYnCO [Healthy Canadians; 2013] * Toy safety during the holidayshttp://bit.ly/1faDrPp [Healthy Canadians; 2013] * Holiday Safetyhttp://bit.ly/18FmIjd [Healthy Canadians; 2013]
Statistics Canada Christmas... by the numbers 2013http://bit.ly/1faDuLe [Statistics Canada] You'll be amazed!
Articleshttp://bit.ly/1b0x8Kb [freely available]
-- Carol A. Cooke Acting MHIKNET Librarian Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library University of Manitoba e. carol.cooke@umanitoba.camailto:carol.cooke@umanitoba.ca p. 204-977-5660 c. 204-290-6710 w. http://mhiknet.lib.umanitoba.ca/
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