New Addition to the Education in a Box Series, "Ethics in Long-Term Care"

We are pleased to announce that the latest addition to the Education in a Box series, "Ethics in Long-Term Care" is now available for circulation to personal care homes (PCH).
Developed by the WRHA PCH Program and the University of Manitoba's J. W. Crane Memorial Library, the "Education in a Box Series" focuses on topics of interest to staff in personal care homes, and contains material that is practical, easy-to-read and reflects "best practice". The boxes generally include one or two current videos, printed material, and a list of associated websites and other material, such as books and additional videos available from the library. The "Ethics in Long-Term Care" box was created by the Deer Lodge Centre Ethics Committee and Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Ethics Council and contains the video "An ethical lens on long-term care". Extra copies of the video will be available at the J. W. Crane Memorial Library.
Additional materials can be ordered from the J. W. Crane Memorial Library by filling out the form included and returning it to the Library.
Educators who request the "Box" have many options for using the included material. For example, they can choose to:
. have a video available for viewing, and have staff sign when they have viewed it
. book a time in their educational calendar to show the video
. suggest that staff read any or all printed material, and sign a sheet indicating that they have read it
. offer copies of the lists of websites and associated materials to any interested staff
Each personal care home will need to decide which materials best reflect educational needs and practice standards.
Two boxes have been created, for Winnipeg PCHs and one for rural PCHs. Personal care home staff may have to wait until the "Box" is available.
To request the loan of a "box", please contact the J. W. Crane Memorial Library by e-mail at, by phone at 831-2152, toll free 1-877-789-3804, or by fax at 888-1805.
Orvie Dingwall, BA, MLIS
Outreach Services Librarian
Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library
University of Manitoba
phone: 204.977.5660
participants (1)
Orvie Dingwall