Please share widely with colleagues and students.
[Date: May 14th, 2024, 12:00 - 1:00 pm, ZOOM presentation. Presenters: Dr. Heather Watson, MD, FRCSC (PDWH); Kira Friesen, RN, BA, BN, MScN, CNS, Women's Health Program, HSC; & Dr. Fabiana Postolow, MD, Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, RFHS & Attending Neonatologist, HSC/SBH Title: Eat Sleep Console: The Manitoba journey Abstract: The public health opioid crisis has led to an increased number of perinatal overdose and death since surveillance began in 2016. Opioid exposure in pregnancy has tripled in that time, with devastating effects on both maternal mortality and newborn morbidity. Fetal exposure of these substances during pregnancy may cause symptoms of withdrawal postnatally when substance sources are interrupted after birth. Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) and NOWS: Neonatal Opioid withdrawal syndrome is a serious multisystemic disease and can present as poor feeding, poor sleep and excessive cry and irritability, including seizures. Traditional management of neonatal opioid withdrawal after delivery has been primarily medicalized, often resulting in protracted NICU admissions isolating infants from parental care. Research has highlighted a need for practice change when caring for newborns exposed to substances. The Eat Sleep Console model of care is a framework that provides a new way of understanding the parent-newborn experience of antenatal opioid exposure as a unit even after delivery. It centres the parent as not only the newborn's primary source of comfort but also empowers parental agency to assess and oversee infant needs as an essential member of the care team. ESC encourages a nonjudgemental and attachment-based approach to reframe management of Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome as a parent-provider collaboration, prioritizing non-pharmacologic strategies to optimize infant achievement of their normal milestones related to eating, sleeping, consoling and weight gain. It has been validated to reduce medication use, duration of hospitalization and separations between parent and child. Shared Health Manitoba has endorsed the implementation of Eat Sleep Console across the province. In order to ensure consistency of care and consistency of practice at all of our 13 obstetrical sites provincial documents have been drafted. These documents are now being trialed at the Health Sciences Centre Women's Hospital in Winnipeg. We will present our real-world experience implementing ESC in this presentation.]Extending a warm welcome to you, your colleagues and students to join us at the Catalysts for Care 2024 Nursing Grand Rounds Speaker Series!
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Upcoming Presentations
Tuesday June 11th, 2024 12:00 - 1:00 pm Stephanie Lelond, RN, MN, CHPCN(C), CNS, CancerCare Manitoba, Instructor II, College of Nursing, UM; Director-at-Large: Advocacy and Policy, Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology: Finding new models of care to support patient centered care and improved health system management in health disparities. Tuesday September 10th, 2024 12:00 - 1:00 pm Andrea Raynak, RN, MPH(N), PhD(C), Director, Nursing Practice, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre; Lecturer, Lakehead University: Nurses' attitudes towards patients who use substances in the hospital setting. Tuesday October 8th, 2024 12:00 - 1:00 pm Dr. Preetha Krishnan, NP, PhD, WRHA Long Term Care: Orchestrating Comfort: Getting Everyone on the Same Page: Long Term Care Nurses' Experiences with Advance Care Planning. Tuesday November 12th, 2024 12:00 - 1:00 pm Simone Stenekes, RN, MN, CHPCN(C), CNS, Pediatric Palliative Care, WRHA Palliative Care Program: The Impact of COVID-19 Visitor Restrictions on the Multidisciplinary Health Care Team of a Palliative Care Unit: A Qualitative Study.
ARCHIVE LINK TO ALL RECORDED PRESENTATIONS: https://umanitoba.yuja.com/V/PlayList?node=4121225&a=1926463596&auto...
The Clinical Chair Program, supported by the Health Sciences Centre, University of Manitoba College of Nursing, and the Health Sciences Centre Foundation, aims to foster clinically relevant research partnerships, networks and synergies fueling nursing research and clinical innovation, enhancing knowledge translation, and supporting improved patient outcomes. The goal of this free monthly virtual speaker series is the creation of a space for clinicians, researchers, scholars, and students to share knowledge, expertise, insights, and questions to spark ideas and connection to strengthen nursing research and practice, building a strong nursing community across Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Northwestern Ontario, and beyond!
Dr. Diana E. McMillan, RN, PhD, Associate Professor, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Nursing, University of Manitoba, & Clinical Chair, Health Sciences Centre.
We are booking presenters for the 2025 series. Please contact Diana at diana.mcmillan@umanitoba.camailto:diana.mcmillan@umanitoba.ca if you are interested in sharing your research or innovation.
Dr. Diana E. McMillan, RN, PhD Professor, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Nursing, University of Manitoba; Clinical Chair, Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg; & Research Affiliate, Manitoba Centre for Nursing and Health Research
** Please email as I am often working remotely or offsite.
McMillan, D.E., Brown, D.B., Rieger, K.L., Duncan, G., Plouffe, J., Amadi, C.C., & Jafri, S. (2023). Patient and family perceptions of a discharge bedside board. Patient Education and Counseling - Innovation, 3, e100214. Elsevier, Online. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pecinn.2023.100214