UMIH Newsletter January 31st 2022 - Agrarian Extractivism in Latin America by Dr.Ben M. McKay (University of Calgary) Friday, February 4th 2022 from 2:30 - 4:00 PM CT

Dear Friends of the hUManities,
Welcome to a new week!
Up-coming Public Lectures: The UMIH Research Cluster on Power and Resistance in Latin America presents: Agrarian Extractivism in Latin America by Dr.Ben M. McKay (University of Calgary) Friday, February 4th 2022 from 2:30 - 4:00 PM CT Join Dr Ben M. McKay, Assistant Professor of Development and Sustainability at the University of Calgary, discussing agrarian extractivism. Dr. McKay's research focuses on the political economy and ecology of agrarian change in Latin America, agrarian extractivism, and food sovereignty alternatives. For more details on this event and a short bio on Dr. McKay, please view the attached two-page PDF. For the Zoom link to attend, email:
UMIH Sponsored events: The University of Manitoba Press with support from the UMIH presents: A virtual book launch of The Arts of Indigenous Health and Well-Being Monday, January 31st 2022 at 7 PM CT The Arts of Indigenous Health and Well-Being demonstrates the healing possibilities of Indigenous works of art, literature, film, and music from a diversity of Indigenous peoples and arts traditions. In this interdisciplinary collection, Indigenous knowledge informs an approach to health as a wider set of relations that are central to well-being, wherein artistic expression furthers cultural continuity and resilience, community connection, and kinship to push back against forces of fracture and disruption imposed by colonialism. To attend this book launch, please visit this link
Mosaic Journal presents: Relative Time/Little Time Speaker Series Week two schedule: February 3rd 2022 - February 7th 2022 We are happy to announce the Relative Time/Little Time Speaker Series, a collaborative project between Mosaic, an interdisciplinary critical journal and Bik Van der Pol, has resumed. The schedule for the coming weeks includes; Dominic Pettman presenting on Thursday, February 3rd, Steven Duval & Marina McDougall presenting on Friday, February 4th and, a round table discussion with Chigbo Authur Anyaduba, Melanie Braith, Sean Singh Matharoo, and current UMIH research affiliate, Melanie Dennis Unrau on Monday, February 7th. To attend the following talks, please visit this Eventbrite link.
Of-Interest: The Decolonizing Lens Series & The Winnipeg Art Gallery present: Naadohbii: To Draw Water Symposium Film Program Thursday, February 3rd, 2022 at 7:00 PM CT – 9:00 PM CT. Live Panel begins at 8:15 PM CT The Winnipeg Art Gallery and the Decolonizing Lens are proud to present a virtual screening of 4 films (75min total) from Turtle Island, Aotearoa, and Australia to accompany the Naadohbii: To Draw Water Symposium. Following the screening, filmmakers Victoria Anderson-Gardner (Mni Wiconi: Mitakuyelo), Keelan Walker (The Pakohe Trails), Kath Akuhata-Brown (Washday), and, tentatively, Jason De Santolo (Warburdar Bununu: Water Shield), will discuss the themes within their works (45min). To pre-order a ticket for this symposium, please see the following link
pAGES - Department of English, Theatre, Film & Media Call for Submission to Loose Threads (Summer 2022 virtual colloquium) Deadline: April 8th 2022 pAGES, the Association of Graduate English Students, from the University of Manitoba’s Department of English, Theatre, Film & Media invites folks to submit proposals for their Summer 2022 virtual colloquium titled “Loose Threads” to be held over zoom on Friday, June 10th, 2022. Please see the attached call for papers and poster for details. If you have any questions about submission guidelines, accessibility, or anything else, please send inquiries to
Take care, friends
Ekene Maduka
Assistant to the Director
Institute for the Humanities
University of Manitoba
407 Tier Building
204 474 9599
participants (1)
U Of M Institute For The Humanities