UMIH Newsletter February 7th 2022 - Feb 14th @ 2:30 PM : "From Aztlan to the Antilles: Human Trafficking, Indigenous Diaspora, and Nahua Convict Labour in Colonial Cuba" by Dr. Jason Yaremko (University of Winnipeg)

Dear Friends of the hUManities,
Welcome to a new week!
Upcoming Public Lectures: The UMIH Research Cluster on Power and Resistance in Latin America presents: From Aztlan to the Antilles: Human Trafficking, Indigenous Diaspora, and Nahua Convict Labour in Colonial Cuba by Dr. Jason Yaremko (University of Winnipeg) Monday, February 14th at 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM CT Join Dr. Jason Yaremko, professor of history in the department of history and in the Faculty of Education Access program at the University of Winnipeg for this talk. His scholarship focuses on ethnohistory, Indigenous–newcomer relations, comparative colonization, and borderlands history in the Americas. His publications include Indigenous Passages to Cuba, 1515-1900 (University Press of Florida, 2016); “Indigenous Diaspora, Bondage, and Freedom in Colonial Cuba,” in Borderlands of the Iberian World, edited by Cynthia Radding and Danna Levin Rojo. This event will be held on Zoom. For the link to attend, please email:
The Occupy Bartleby Research Cluster presents a reading and public discussion: Lower Broadway, Fall, 1843 by Andrew Loman, Department of English, Memorial University of Newfoundland February 17, 2022, at 02:00 PM CT via Zoom Andrew Loman will be reading an excerpt from his manuscript Cod Tongue: A Romance, which tells the story of Dr. Anthony Lepper, assistant professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador. Following the reading, there will be a discussion and room for a Q and A session. Please see the attached two-page poster for more details and, a short bio of Dr. Loman. For the Zoom link to attend, email: There will be live ASL included in this talk; kindly email us with other accessibility needs which we will do our best to meet.
UMIH Sponsored events: Mosaic Journal presents: Relative Time/Little Time Speaker Series Emerging Scholars Roundtable: Dr Chigbo Authur Anyaduba, Dr. Melanie Braith, Dr. Sean Singh Matharoo & Dr. Melanie Dennis Unrau. Monday, February 7th, 2022 at 1 PM CT We are happy to announce the Relative Time/Little Time Speaker Series, a collaborative project between Mosaic, an interdisciplinary critical journal and Bik Van der Pol, has resumed. Today's program is a round table discussion with Dr. Chigbo Authur Anyaduba (University of Winnipeg), Dr. Melanie Braith (University of Winnipeg), Dr. Sean Singh Matharoo (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), and current UMIH research affiliate, Dr. Melanie Dennis Unrau (Colombia University). To register, visit this Eventbrite link.
Of-Interest: pAGES - Department of English, Theatre, Film & Media Call for Submission to Loose Threads (Summer 2022 virtual colloquium) Deadline: April 8th 2022 pAGES, the Association of Graduate English Students, from the University of Manitoba’s Department of English, Theatre, Film & Media invites folks to submit proposals for their Summer 2022 virtual colloquium titled “Loose Threads” to be held over zoom on Friday, June 10th, 2022. Please see the attached call for papers and poster for details. If you have any questions about submission guidelines, accessibility, or anything else, please send inquiries to
Workshops by The Centre for Social Science Research and Policy Introduction to Qualtrics: February 18th, 2022 from 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM CT Intermediate Qualtrics: March 4th, 2022 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CT The Introduction to Qualtrics workshop is a 3-hour workshop that provides a practical introduction to Qualtrics survey interface. Participants will receive a walk-through of the Qualtrics online survey software, including an overview of navigating the Qualtrics interface, creating a survey, using the basic question types, structuring the survey, and the steps involved in testing a survey, launching it, and downloading data for analysis. The intermediate-level course builds on the Introduction to Qualtrics workshop, providing information about more complex aspects of survey programming in Qualtrics. Please note that registration will close at 8:30 a.m. two days before each workshop. To register, visit this link
Take care, friends
Ekene Maduka
Assistant to the Director
Institute for the Humanities
University of Manitoba
407 Tier Building
204 474 9599
participants (1)
U Of M Institute For The Humanities