
Aurora Finance Client Email List

Welcome to the Aurora Finance Client email list at the University of Manitoba. You have been added to this list to receive regular information from Financial Services regarding the Aurora Finance systems and business processes/procedures.

The intended audience is the faculty/unit staff who regularly perform or initiate financial transactions such as journal vouchers, budget adjustments, purchase requisitions, ID Charges, AR billings, travel expenditures etc. It is recommended that at least two people in your area subscribe to this list to ensure your unit/faculty/department is receiving regular updates which may be of importance to your operations regarding Aurora Finance.

This list is not intended for members to communicate with each other on other topics and is solely used by Financial Services or designates from time to time.

Information provided in these emails will also be posted to the Aurora Finance web site.

To contact the list owners, use the following email address:

You have to sign in to visit the archives of this list.

Subscription / Unsubscription

To subscribe or unsubscribe from this list, please sign in first. If you have not previously signed in, you may need to set up an account with the appropriate email address.

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