[Forwarded on behalf of Mike Tuthill, Health in Common]
Greetings PACM & AT Folks!
We've just been discussing some new policy for our organisation . . . has anyone had a mileage rate for on the job AT? Was it included in policy or part of an event? Has anyone heard of such a policy in place elsewhere?
Also does anyone have a fund at their place of employment that covers healthy/active living expenses for employees (gym memberships, bicycle tune ups, sports fees, etc.)?
Please let me know of any leads you may have,
Mike Tutthill
Information & Access Coordinator
100-6 Donald Street
Winnipeg, MB R3L 0K6
tel: 204.949.2002
fax: 204.284.2404
email: mtutthill@healthincommon.ca
web: www.healthincommon.ca
March E-Newsletter deadline is February 20.
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