[Given the connection between AT and greenspace, thought this might be of interest. -cheers, Beth]
You are invited to the following public forum about keeping Winnipeg’s greenspace’s green including the Windsor Park and St. Boniface golf courses along the Seine River. Save Our Seine is a founding member of OURS, one of the event sponsors. If you know someone who might be interested, please forward this invitation to them. * Public Forum – Keep Winnipeg Greenspace Ours **When: *Monday, March 19, 2012 *Where: *St Mary’s Road United Church at 613 St. Mary’s Road. Winnipeg, MB (map < http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=613+St+Marys+Road,+Winnipeg,+MB&hl=en&l...http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=613+St+Marys+Road,+Winnipeg,+MB&hl=en&ll=49.862638,-97.111158&spn=0.012753,0.035019&oq=613+St+mary&hnear=613+St+Mary%27s+Rd,+Winnipeg,+Division+No.+11,+Manitoba&t=m&z=15> ) *Time: 7:00 to 9:30 pm Description: Public forum on Winnipeg greenspace. Panelists and audience participation. Discussion regarding the potential sale and development of city owned golf courses. Co-sponsored by OURS-Winnipeg and Council of Women of Winnipeg. *For info, visit www.ours-winnipeg.com http://www.ours-winnipeg.com and www.councilofwomen-winnipeg.ca http://www.councilofwomen-winnipeg.ca
Denis De Pape Volunteer Vice President – Save Our Seine