Pop-up protected bikeways

Very cool! http://www.peopleforbikes.org/blog/entry/the-summer-of-demos-one-day-protect...
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The summer of demos: One-day protected bike lanes sweep across America http://greenlaneproject.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=64bd122c67bd28d620978f4a5&id=26b7a85cb9&e=92d6ca5673 Aug 14, 2014 03:32 am
*A temporary demo during StreetsAlive! in Fargo, N.D., on July 15. Photo: Dakota Medical Foundation.*
This is what a tipping point looks like.
Around the country in the summer of 2014, community groups across the United States have been using open-streets events and other festivals to give thousands of Americans their first taste of a protected bike lane.
From small-town Kansas to the middle of Atlanta, communities (many of them
inspired by last summer's successful $600 demo project in Minneapolis http://greenlaneproject.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=64bd122c67bd28d620978f4a5&id=b3d6ed4077&e=92d6ca5673) have been using handmade barriers and relatively tiny amounts of money to put together temporary bikeways that spread the knowledge of the concept among the public and officials.
"Every traffic engineer who touches a street in Oakland,...
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie