Repeat webinar by demand: Strategies to Enable Winter Cycling and Walking, Thurs, Feb.6th, noon-1:30, EcoCentre

Given that many people interested in this APBP webinar were not able to attend the original airing a couple of weeks ago, we are holding a repeat viewing next week. Please see the attached slides for reference.
Join Green Action Centre and Bike Winnipeg in the boardroom at the EcoCentre (3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave) next Thursday at noon for this 90-minute webinar. Very timely issue and a nice lead-in to the International Winter Cycling Congress in Winnipeg the week following.
Also mark your calendar for the next APBP webinar on Wed, Feb. 19th, 2-3pm, on the topic of "Designing for Pedestrian and Cyclist Comfort". Details to follow closer to the date.
cheers, Beth (204) 925-3772
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Strategies to Enable Winter Cycling and Walking
*Thursday, Feb. 6th | 12:00-1:30 p.m.*
Winter conditions vary across a range of temperatures and precipitation, but in all cases communities must find ways to provide safe, accessible conditions for winter cycling and walking while balancing competing priorities. This webinar offers examples of policies and practices that are used to ensure timely snow removal from sidewalks, pathways, bike lanes and cycle tracks.
Presenters in this session will discuss:
- An overview of different types of winter climates and how facilities and maintenance should be adapted to local climate - Different policy approaches to snow removal from sidewalks - The importance of prioritization and predictability of snow removal in encouraging winter cycling - A pilot program to determine operation and funding requirements to achieve improved snow clearing and street sweeping along on-street bike routes.
Presenters include:
- Tyler Golly, General Supervisor - Sustainable Transportation, City of Edmonton, Alberta - Marc Jolicoeur, Research Director, Velo Quebec - Nicole Losch, Bicycle/Pedestrian/Environmental Planner, City of Burlington, Vermont - Arthur Ross, Pedestrian/Bicycle Coordinator, City of Madison, Wisconsin
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie