Fwd: FW: Living Green: The Holiday Edition

Hope you don't mind if I share the Holiday Edition of our newsletter. It has a few items that I thought might be of interest to folks on this list. (But I won't make it a habit!)
And if you would like to subscribe to the general Green Action Centre e-newsletter, sign up here http://greenactioncentre.ca/support/support/.
thanks, Beth
* * * * *
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=135473c034&e=03ca7cb4d4 *November 28, 2013*
Santa praised for climate-friendly travel
Canadians could achieve major GHG reductions by switching to flying reindeer as a regular mode of transportation, according to a study by Green Action Centre. With his eco-friendly travel, Santa is not only reducing emissions, he's saving thousands of dollars to boothttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=c35e01d00b&e=03ca7cb4d4 . ------------------------------ Unique holiday gift baskets for sale!
Place your order today for a holiday gift basket filled with delicious and useful homemade goods. It makes a perfect present and also supports Green Action Centre! Learn more or purchase a basket herehttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=12ac3eae85&e=03ca7cb4d4 . Limited numbers available. We're also giving away a basket: become a memberhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=ed34cc3988&e=03ca7cb4d4 between November 26th and December 20th for a chance to win! ------------------------------ *Which Christmas tree is better – real or fake?* Oh, those holiday decisions. Natural tree or artificial? Go for a walk or eat another piece of shortbread? We can't help with the latter but here's the lowdown on Christmas trees along with other greenery optionshttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=5203401f6b&e=03ca7cb4d4 . ------------------------------ *Share Green Action Centre* Like what you read? Share it with your friends and family! *[image: Twitter] http://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=a211450e8a&e=03ca7cb4d4 [image: Facebook] http://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=005e2a495a&e=03ca7cb4d4 *
*Green Action Centre News* ------------------------------ *Be merry and green through the holidays*
Must we empty our pockets to fill our hearts with joy? We think not. From gift wrapping to decorations and lighting to entertaining, here are 10 eco-friendly ways to keep the holidays merry and bright.http://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=c0b2b29c8e&e=03ca7cb4d4 ------------------------------ *The year-end cometh – make your gift count*
Making year-end charitable donationshttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=a798bb5176&e=03ca7cb4d4? Please donate nowhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=325e726dde&e=03ca7cb4d4to Green Action Centre – it's secure, easy and online through Canada Helps. Your gift will support down-to-earth, practical solutions for greener living in Manitoba. Thank you! ------------------------------ Dear Santa, please bring us a greener 2014
Here's what we're asking Santa for this year – gifts from the Province of Manitoba, Government of Canada, and the City of Winnipeg among othershttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=21ca114caf&e=03ca7cb4d4. Fingers crossed he's in a giving mood in 2014. ------------------------------ Sustainable strategies for the holiday hoopla
It's a stressful time of year (no kidding!). Need help surviving the holidays while keeping your energy and pocketbook balanced? Here are some creative coping strategies from someone who can relatehttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=5b15073904&e=03ca7cb4d4 . ------------------------------ Sign up for Membership Green Action Centre is your voice for advocating and educating about important environmental issues in Manitoba. Become a memberhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=bf6ef95baa&e=03ca7cb4d4to help make our voice even stronger You are receiving this email as a supporter of Green Action Centre.
Our mailing address is: Green Action Centre 3-303 Portage Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B4 Canada
Add us to your address bookhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/vcard?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=cc2a0ca305
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Hello, In light of local shopping for Christmas and doing it through active transportation, I love the artist, Karen Johannsson who used to be on Lipton street in Wolsley but is now on Clifton Street near Portage Ave. Very accessible by transportation but call before hand to ensure she is open. I have sent her art all over Canada (light weight and easy to pack) as well as the United States. She even has Batik cards that are cheap enough for those $10 work gift exchange parties.
Happy Holidays! Cyndi Otfinowski
On 28-Nov-13, at 6:46 PM, Beth McKechnie wrote:
Hope you don't mind if I share the Holiday Edition of our newsletter. It has a few items that I thought might be of interest to folks on this list. (But I won't make it a habit!)
And if you would like to subscribe to the general Green Action Centre e-newsletter, sign up here.
thanks, Beth
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November 28, 2013
Santa praised for climate-friendly travel
Canadians could achieve major GHG reductions by switching to flying reindeer as a regular mode of transportation, according to a study by Green Action Centre. With his eco-friendly travel, Santa is not only reducing emissions, he's saving thousands of dollars to boot. Unique holiday gift baskets for sale!
Place your order today for a holiday gift basket filled with delicious and useful homemade goods. It makes a perfect present and also supports Green Action Centre! Learn more or purchase a basket here. Limited numbers available. We're also giving away a basket: become a member between November 26th and December 20th for a chance to win! Which Christmas tree is better – real or fake? Oh, those holiday decisions. Natural tree or artificial? Go for a walk or eat another piece of shortbread? We can't help with the latter but here's the lowdown on Christmas trees along with other greenery options. Share Green Action Centre Like what you read? Share it with your friends and family!
Green Action Centre News Be merry and green through the holidays
Must we empty our pockets to fill our hearts with joy? We think not. From gift wrapping to decorations and lighting to entertaining, here are 10 eco-friendly ways to keep the holidays merry and bright. The year-end cometh – make your gift count
Making year-end charitable donations? Please donate now to Green Action Centre – it's secure, easy and online through Canada Helps. Your gift will support down-to-earth, practical solutions for greener living in Manitoba. Thank you! Dear Santa, please bring us a greener 2014
Here's what we're asking Santa for this year – gifts from the Province of Manitoba, Government of Canada, and the City of Winnipeg among others. Fingers crossed he's in a giving mood in 2014. Sustainable strategies for the holiday hoopla
It's a stressful time of year (no kidding!). Need help surviving the holidays while keeping your energy and pocketbook balanced? Here are some creative coping strategies from someone who can relate. Sign up for Membership Green Action Centre is your voice for advocating and educating about important environmental issues in Manitoba. Become a member to help make our voice even stronger You are receiving this email as a supporter of Green Action Centre.
Our mailing address is: Green Action Centre 3-303 Portage Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B4 Canada
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Copyright (C) 2013 Green Action Centre All rights reserved.
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participants (2)
Beth McKechnie
Cyndi Otfinowski