Export to excel with Filter using Checkcode

Just sharing my experience with the users here in calling Export command of Epic from check file in Epidata
The Dos command looks like this
c:\EpiC e excel d:\ves101\ves101.rec d:\ves101\VIV02081919_FARI.xls filter="fari1yes2n=1" DELETED REPLACE
However when I try the same in the check file, the filter did not get applied My check file looks like this
sourcedir = "d:\ves101" INVES2 = COPY(INVESTIGAT,1,3) mth2 = string(month(today)) d2 = string(day(today)) hr2 = string(hr) mins3 = string(mins2) recfile = sourcedir+"ves101.rec" fariout = sourcedir+INVES2+mth2+d2+hr2+mins3+"_FARI.xls" execute c:\epic.exe "e excel @recfile @fariout filter="fari1yes2n=1" DELETED REPLACE" wait
The EpiC.log file shows the following Command: EpiC e excel d:\ves101\ves101.rec d:\ves101\VIV02081928_FARI.xls DELETED REPLACE 2/8/2010 7:29:15 PM Exporting d:\ves101\ves101.rec to d:\ves101\VIV02081928_FARI.xls Exports to: Excel Records: All Filter: None Deleted records in inputfile are included in export 7 records with 18 fields exported
I can see that the " " around the Filter are creating the problem. Single quotes did not work
Command: EpiC e excel d:\ves101\ves101.rec d:\ves101\VIV02081952_FARI.xls filter='fari1yes2n=1' DELETED REPLACE 2/8/2010 7:52:25 PM Exporting d:\ves101\ves101.rec to d:\ves101\VIV02081952_FARI.xls Exports to: Excel Records: All Filter: 'fari1yes2n=1' Deleted records in inputfile are included in export 0 records with 18 fields exported
Finally what did the trick was simply to remove the ""
execute c:\epic.exe "e excel @recfile @fariout filter=fari1yes2n=1 DELETED REPLACE" wait
EpiC Log shows: Command: EpiC e excel d:\ves101\ves101.rec d:\ves101\VIV02081955_FARI.xls filter=fari1yes2n=1 DELETED REPLACE 2/8/2010 7:54:38 PM Exporting d:\ves101\ves101.rec to d:\ves101\VIV02081955_FARI.xls Exports to: Excel Records: All Filter: fari1yes2n=1 Deleted records in inputfile are included in export 5 records with 18 fields exported
I hope this information would be of use to some of the members. Am psoting it as searching through the archives did not yield much.
Another thing I noted was that the Zip files created by EpiC can not be opened by WinRAR or PkZIP on my machine though EPiC can extract the same just fine.
Thanks ,Dr. Vivek Gupta, MBBS, MD (Community Medicine)All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi. Phone: (+91)9899410420 Alt. E-mail: drvivek(dot)gupta(at)gmail(dot)com
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