[JSA/Hillel] Important info - lots of Israel events happening on campus

University of Manitoba and University of Winnipeg JSA/Hillel E-Mailout
First, I’d like to wish everyone a happy Purim this weekend. In case you were too burdened with midterms to look at the calendar, Purim is actually this Sunday, February 28. So get some hamentashen and your gragger, and go to the reading of Megillat Esther at: Herzlia-Adas Yeshurun Synagogue (Orthodox, 620 Brock Street): 7:00 PM Saturday evening, 9 AM Sunday morning. Sha’arezy Zedek Synagogue (Conservative, 561 Wellington Crescent): 6:30 PM Saturday evening, 9 AM Sunday morning Congregation Etz Chayim (Conservative, 123 Matheson Avenue): 7:00 PM Saturday evening, 9 AM Sunday morning
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In this e-mail: 1. Israel Week (March 8-12) à*we need volunteers* 2. Punchlines for Peace à *we need volunteers* 3. Hasbarah Registration 4. Community Yom Ha’atzma’ut Celebration
Israel Week -> March 8-12: As some of you may have noticed, publicity has spread regarding a week-long event being organized at the U of M. The week, dubbed “Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW)”, is a week of speakers and discussions on topics relating to Israel and Apartheid (www.apartheidweek.org). This is an international effort, and similar events are occurring throughout university campuses all over the world. To clarify, JSA is not involved or supporting this week, as the JSA executive has determined that we feel the State of Israel is actually not an example of an Apartheid state. For those interested, you can read more about the points favouring our opinion in this well-written article (http://www.j-peg.ca/blog_post.aspx?id=859) or in this detailed package (http://www.jcpa.org/text/apartheid.pdf) from the Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs. However, we feel that it is important that Jewish students are aware of events regarding Israel occurring at the university, since many Jewish people feel a strong connection to Israel, as the Jewish state – and, if not, then many other people assume that connection for them. So, though supporters of IAW are entitled to their opinions, and open dialogue is crucial, we certainly would like to be able to voice other opinions also. We are having an impromptu meeting tomorrow afternoon to discuss the JSA response to IAW. It will be: Friday, February 26, 2010 3:00 PM University Centre Room 543-44 University of Manitoba
We need YOU to come out! If you can’t make, we hope to see you out on March 10 & 11 (see below)
As it turns out, JSA’s “Israel Week” (a.k.a. “iFest”) will also be the same week, the week of Monday, March 8 through Friday, March 12, 2010. Here is the run-down of what’s planned for the week:
Monday March 8: Dr. Mohammed Wattad will speak at the U of M from 11:30 AM to 12:20 PM in room 200 Fletcher Argue. This event, titled “You Can’t Play With the Truth” is co-hosted by the Department of Anthropology along with JSA, and all are welcome. Dr. Wattad is a lecturer at Zefat Law School, and holds a Masters in Law from the Faculty of Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (LL.M, 2004), another Masters in Law and a Doctorate in Law (JSD) from Columbia University (2007). He also served as a Legal Clerk at the Supreme Court of Israel, under the supervision of Justice Dalia Dorner (2003-2004). In addition to his academic experience, Dr. Wattad speaks regularly regarding Israel’s place in the world, the peace process, international law, and internal relations between Israel’s Jewish and Arab citizens.
Tuesday, March 9: Hookah night @ Noir (a restaurant that actually serves Hookah, corner of River and Osborne)
Wednesday, March 10: “Shuk” at the U of W Thursday, March 11: “Shuk” at the U of M The “shuk” at both campuses will be a display in a high-traffic area, with Israeli products, gimmicks, and information. A banner of an Israel scene has already been painted by students and will be on display. This will likely be our most noticeable response to IAW. However, the tables will be focused primarily on Israeli culture, way-of-life, technological advances, etc. - and not on political issues. While the “shuk” is at both universities, we need lots of volunteers to help man the table/area. Remember, the tables are “cultural” so you don’t need to feel deeply knowledgeable about the conflict to be there, and if someone asks a question about Israeli policies that you are unsure how to answer, you can respond that this display is about cultural/non-political aspects of Israel. If you’re available at any point on those days, please contact Samantha Loxton, or Eyal Kraut (U of M) or Ashley Faintuch (U of W). If you can’t stay at the table, we hope to at least see you come by!
Friday, March 12, 2010: Free Shabbat dinner co-hosted by JSA and birthright, at the home of Jesse Marantz, 708 Oak Street, from 7:00 to 10:00 in the evening. Come for great food and bring all your birthright buddies! Note that you don’t have to have gone on birthright to come (all Jewish students are invited).
“Punchlines for Peace”: If you’ve been reading these e-mails, then I think you can get the point: JSA & Muslim students at the U of M present the Israeli-Palestinian Comedy Tour at the West-End Cultural Centre, 586 Ellice Avenue, from 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM, with tickets at $8, on Thursday, March 4, 2010. But get your tickets fast!! You can get them through Samantha Loxton (918-2358), by replying to me at this e-mail, or through the Answers Booth (U of M) or at the Info Booth (U of W). Looking forward to seeing you all there! It’ll be a very funny time.
Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=282446562569&ref=ts Comedians’ website: http://www.ipcomedytour.com/
Aslo, we are looking for volunteers to help out before and during the event. The West-End Cultural Centre is providing their own ushers and ticket-takers, so we actually don't need to get people to do that. However, we still need people to: a) To come in throughout the afternoon of March 4 to help set up the centre for the event, and for general arrangements. Samantha will be there at noon, so if anyone's free, they can e-mail her (sloxton@jewishwinnipeg.org) and tell her when they'd be able to come. b) To sell tickets at the door. If there are leftover tickets, we'll have a booth set up there before the show starts. d) To help clean up at the end! (as many people as possible, of course)
Hasbarah Registration: “Hasbarah Fellowships” is a project of Aish International and is dedicated to educating students on issues related to Israel, such as how to respond to IAW when it comes to the U of M. Even better, their sessions are held in Israel - and registration is now open. It is a great trip, full of opportunity and fun. You meet with students from all over North America (except on the Canadian Trip), and major scholarships are available. The dates for summer 2010 are May 9-27, May 23-June 7, and August 1-August 16. More information is also available on their website (www.hasbara.com) and registration information is available at http://www.israelactivism.com. If anyone has other questions, or if you plan on applying (I can put in a good word), feel free to contact Ashley Faintuch (who went on the program last year) at ashleyfaintuch@gmail.com.
Yom Ha’atzmaut 2010: This year Yom Ha’atzmaut will be recognized with a community-wide celebration at the Asper Jewish community Campus with activities and programming for all ages and interests on Tuesday, April 20/2010.
FREE Program highlights include: Lively concert featuring entertainment from Israel as well as community performers Israeli Scavenger Hunt for students in Grades 5-7 Children’s activity fair featuring crafts, games, wall-climbing, music, art etc. Rady JCC pool becomes Tel Aviv beach for family swim Shuk/Market with vendors selling Israeli products Israeli Café, Fireworks, dance party, and much more
Volunteers Wanted To make this one of the best celebrations of Israel the Winnipeg Jewish community has ever planned,we need volunteers to work in a variety of areas including:
décor/atmosphere, food preparation, food & beverage sale, children’s’ activities, security, day of set-up & tear down, hosting & ushering In order to make this a true community celebration we are asking that each community organization and synagogue recruits volunteers to volunteer for Yom Ha’atzmaut 2010. Volunteer shifts are available from 3:00 pm - 11:00 pm on April 20. Shifts are also available during the daytime on Monday, April 19 & Tuesday April 20 for decor and set-up Please contact Einat Paz-Kenynan at ekeynan@jcfswinnipeg.org
Eyal Kraut
President of JSA/Hillel @ the University of Manitoba _________________________________________________________________ Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. https://signup.live.com/signup.aspx?id=60969
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Eyal Kraut