[JSA/Hillel] Post-Reading Week info

University of Manitoba and University of Winnipeg JSA/Hillel E-Mailout
JSA/Hillel hopes you’ve been having an enjoyable Reading Week so far. Once classes resume, we’ve already got many things planned for the second half of the winter term.
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In this e-mail: JSA Events: 1. PUNCHLINES FOR PEACE – March 4, 8:00 PM, West-End Cultural Centre (*poster attached* 2. iFest – A week-long celebration of Israel from March 8-12 at both universities (tentative schedule below - please contact us if you're available to help out)
a. The “Size Doesn’t Matter Campaign” is a national Jewish students initiative to promote Israel throughout that week. Check out the website (http://sizedoesntmatter.ca/) and this humourous clip: http://vimeo.com/9559909
Community Reminders: 4. Applications are also still open for the CIC Parliamentary Internship. Deadline is March 1. (*application form attached*) 3. Applications are still open to be the Israel Ambassador for Folklorama this summer!! Deadline is February 24. (*application form attached*)
1. Punchlines for Peace:
This is a comedy night featuring four comedians from the Israeli-Palestinian Comedy tour (http://www.ipcomedytour.com). Organized as a joint initiative between the Jewish Students Association and Muslim students at the University of Manitoba, it will be a night to remember - full of laughs and a good time!
Founded in 2006, in Chicago, the Israeli-Palestinian Comedy Tour (IP Comedy Tour) has toured through out the United States, Israel, Palestine and Canada to sold out crowds. Their style of comedy strives to bring the two discordant sides together under the pretense that they will be able to co-exist peacefully if they can first laugh at themselves and at each other.
The IP comedy tour is traditionally composed of three Jews and one Palestinian. All four members are American. Two of the Jewish members, Aaron Freeman and Yisrael Campbell (not performing on March 4th), are converts to Judaism. Another member of the troupe is Charley Warady whose professional accomplishments include performing on Comedy Central, immigrated to Israel about ten years ago. And Ray Hanania, the sole token Arab of the IP Comedy Tour was born to Palestinian Christian parents from Bethlehem and Jerusalem; but grew up as an American in Chicago. Ray is an accomplished Journalist who writes for a wide spectrum of publications including the Jerusalem Post and a newspaper in Saudi Arabia.
The anecdotes and humor presented by the Israeli-Palestinian Comedy Tour are satirical, political, cultural, and self-deprecating. The ensemble leaves no room for questioning of their insight; they truly comprehend the wide range of perspectives on the conflict in all its platitudinous political sound bites. The tenets of the Israeli-Palestinian Comedy Tour are admirable and possibly even realistic. Their stchik make us laugh!
TICKETS WILL BE SOLD ON Thursday, February 4th, 2010 at Answers Booth at U of Manitoba, the Info Booth at University of Winnipeg and through: Asma Mneina, Talia, Ayat Mneina, Robin Super, Eyal Kraut, Ashley Faintuch and Samantha Loxton.
Doors Open at 7:15pm, Show Starts @ 8pm. Pre-show with musical entertainment from 7:15 - 8pm. Cost: $8.00 Location: West End Cultural Centre - location is 586 Ellice Avenue
Major Sponsor: Asper Endowment Fund of the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba
Funded by the ICC Israel Advocacy Grant Project and Supported by the AVI CHAI Foundation
2. iFest: Across the country, JSAs are hosting a week about Israel from March 11 to March 15, called the “Size Doesn’t Matter Campaign”. The official site (http://sizedoesntmatter.ca/ - click “Enter Site” at the bottom) is packed with info and pictures for the whole country – so check it out. Also, on that note, look at this amusing, related video: http://vimeo.com/9559909. Here is the tentative schedule for our upcoming Israel festival in Winnipeg:
Monday March 11: Dr. Mohammed Wattad (info below) will speak at the U of M during the day and at another venue in the evening. Tuesday, March 12: Hookah night @ Noir (corner of River and Osborne) Wednesday, March 13: “Shuk” at the U of W during the day, potential movie night in the evening Thursday, March 14: “Shuk” at the U of M during the day, potential movie night in the evening Friday, March 15, 2010: Free Shabbat dinner co-hosted by JSA and birthright
All events are currently being finalized, but we wanted to make sure everyone is aware of all upcoming events, so you can free up your time. All details will be provided by next week. The “shuk” at both campuses will be a display in a high-traffic area, with Israeli products, gimmicks and information. A banner of an Israel scene has already been painted by students. While the “shuk” is at both universities, we need lots of volunteers to help man the table/area. If you’re available at any point on those days, please, please contact Samantha Loxton, or Eyal Kraut (U of M) or Ashley Faintuch (U of W). If you can’t stay at the table, we hope to at least see you come by! Dr. Mohammed Wattad: Monday, March 8th, 11:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. @ University of Manitoba, 200 Fletcher Argue Dr. Wattad is a lecturer at Zefat Law School, and holds a Masters in Law from the Faculty of Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (LL.M, 2004), another Masters in Law and a Doctorate in Law (JSD) from Columbia University (2007). He also served as a Legal Clerk at the Supreme Court of Israel, under the supervision of Justice Dalia Dorner (2003-2004). In addition to his academic experience, Dr. Wattad speaks regularly regarding Israel’s place in the world, the peace process, international law, and internal relations between Israel’s Jewish and Arab citizens. Hosted by the Department of Anthropology, University of Manitoba
3. CIC Parliamentary Internship Program If you’re interested in politics, then the Canada-Israel Committee has the perfect position for you! Sign up now to become an assistant to a Member of Parliament for one year. A stipend is included and those who have done the internship say that it is one of the best experiences of their life. The deadline is March 1. This outstanding program benefits both the applicant and our ongoing advocacy efforts. Details are in attachment to this e-mail and on their website. (www.cicweb.ca)
4. Folklorama Folklorama is Winnipeg’s biggest multicultural festival. Held every August, each ethnic community produces a pavilion to show off its culture. This is your chance to represent the Jewish community, meet tons of people all over the city, get tons of free stuff, and VIP treatment throughout Folklorama! The application form isattached to this e-mail. Deadline is February 26.
The Israel Pavilion-Shalom Square is inviting candidates to apply for the positions of
Adult Male & Female Ambassadors
Folklorama 2010 Sunday, August 8 –Saturday, August 14 Asper Jewish Community Campus
Adult applicants must be at least 18 years old as of May 1, 2010
We are looking for enthusiastic and energetic individuals who would enjoy sharing our culture with other people.
Applicants must be available for several small events throughout the summer and while the pavilion is operating from August 8 – August 14.
Applications are available at the Rady JCC Membership Desk or at www.radyjcc.com Deadline is February 24, 2010
For more info contact Tamar Barr 477-7537 or tbarr@radyjcc.com _________________________________________________________________ Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. https://signup.live.com/signup.aspx?id=60969
participants (1)
Eyal Kraut