[JSA/Hillel] March of Remebrance and Hope

Be one of 60 student leaders from across Canada to take part in a once in a lifetime experience: a 9-day Holocaust and genocide study mission in Germany and Poland. March of Remembrance and Hope (MRH) provides campus student leaders with the education and understanding they need to stand up and speak out against anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial, genocide, racism and other forms of discrimination.
Apply now @ www.centrefordiversity.ca For more information contact: Jeffrey Silverstone , Canadian Centre for Diversity phone: 416-597-9693 x41 * 1-800 663-1841 x41 Email: jsilverstone@centrefordiversity.ca EXTENDED Application Deadline: January 18, 2010 Trip Dates: May 9 - 17, 2010
Stepping BACK in time marching FORWARD for CHANGE
Samantha Loxton
Director of Campus Life/Israel Experience Centre
C300-123 Doncaster Street
Winnipeg, MB R3N 2B2
Ask about the combined Jewish Appeal Endowment Fund
participants (1)
Samantha Loxton