We hope everyone is staying well amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. If you're looking for a free, online, education session, consider attending our May MHIKNET Education Sessions on PubMed - the largest collection of health literature that's free to search.
The New PubMed
TOMORROW - Friday May 1, 2020 (online)
11:00 pm - 12:00 pm
Register at: http://bit.ly/2PwMIuR
PubMedhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ is free to search and is the largest collection of health literature. This session will demonstrate how to search PubMed, including its new interface and search features. A session relevant for novice and experienced PubMed searchers alike!
Can't Attend Tomorrow's Session?
If you can't attend tomorrow's session, the recording will be posted on our website: www.mhiknet.cahttp://www.mhiknet.ca
For those who can't get enough of PubMed searching, or for those curious to learn more, also note:
The New PubMed - Part 2
Tuesday May 12, 2020 (online)
13h00 - 14h00
Register at: https://bit.ly/34B5Te0
PubMedhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ includes several extra features that can help you in your search for information. This session will cover what you can do with a MyNCBI account, built-in search filters, and the single citation manager. To get the most out of this session, participants should already be familiar with how to search for articles in PubMed.
Orvie Dingwall, BA, MLIS, AHIP MHIKNET Librarian Head, Outreach Services Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library, University of Manitoba email: orvie.dingwall@umanitoba.camailto:orvie.dingwall@umanitoba.ca phone: 204.977.5660 | toll free: 1.877.789.3804 cell and text: 204.227.5749 fax: 204.789.3923 book an appointment: http://bit.ly/orvie website: www.mhiknet.cahttp://www.mhiknet.ca/ [mhiknet logo 1] If you no longer wish to receive emails from the MHIKNET listserv, please unsubscribe herehttp://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/options/mhiknet-l.