Reminder that MHIKNET's free, online, education session is tomorrow:
Googling for Good Evidence
TOMORROW - Friday November 22, 2019 (online)
11:00 pm - 12:00 pm
Register at: http://bit.ly/2lPUxk5
We will discuss tips and tricks that you can use to take your Google search up a notch.
Can't Attend Tomorrow's Session?
If you can't attend tomorrow's session, the recording will be posted on our website: www.mhiknet.cahttp://www.mhiknet.ca
Orvie Dingwall, BA, MLIS, AHIP MHIKNET Librarian Head, Outreach Services Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library, University of Manitoba email: orvie.dingwall@umanitoba.camailto:orvie.dingwall@umanitoba.ca phone: 204.977.5660 | toll free: 1.877.789.3804 cell and text: 204.227.5749 fax: 204.789.3923 book an appointment: http://bit.ly/orvie website: www.mhiknet.cahttp://www.mhiknet.ca/ [mhiknet logo 1]