Reminder that MHIKNET's free, online, education session is today:
Searching for Health Information
TODAY - September 23rd (online)
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Register at: http://
We will discuss the 5 steps involved in searching for health information, reliable sources to use in your search, and a brief overview of MHIKNET library services. This webinar is offered as part of Learn @ Work Week.
Can't Attend Today's Session?
If you can't attend today's session, the recording will be posted on our website: www.mhiknet.ca
Want to Attend Other Free, Online, MHIKNET Education Sessions?
Visit our website, or view the attached poster, for the listing of our fall education program.
All MHIKNET education events are online and free to attend, and we encourage you to circulate these events with your colleagues.
Orvie Dingwall, BA, MLIS, AHIP MHIKNET Librarian Head, Outreach Services Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library, University of Manitoba email: phone: 204.977.5660 | toll free: 1.877.789.3804 cell and text: 204.227.5749 fax: 204.789.3923 book an appointment: website: www.mhiknet.ca
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