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- ----- 2008 -----
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October 2008
- 3 participants
- 5 discussions
Please note that this message has also been sent to graduate students.
To view this email in your web browser, please click link
top banner <>
The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following
competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements for the week ending: 31 October 2008
Reminder: Final paper submission deadline for CISSE 2008
Reminder that the extended and final paper submission deadline for the
on-line International E-Conference on Computer, Information, and Systems
Sciences, and Engineering [CISSE 2008] (
is in one week (October 28, 2008). The Conference organizing committee
has decided to extend the paper submission
deadline due to numerous deadline extension requests from potential
CISSE 2008 authors.
CISSE 2008 has received more than 450 paper submissions so far from over
70 countries and we are looking forward to your quality paper
Please note that this is a hard deadline, so that the technical
committees can perform their paper reviewing duties in a timely manner.
You are invited to submit full papers electronically through the website
of the conference at
Accepted papers must be presented in the virtual conference by one of
the authors. To submit your paper, visit
The full conference call for papers including all the details about the
submission and virtual presentation of the papers is enclosed in this
Paper submission Deadline: October 28, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: November 9, 2008
Final Manuscript and Registration: November 26, 2008
Please do not reply to this message. If you need to contact us please
email us at info(a) <>
Looking forward to your participation in CISSE 2008.
Call for Papers: *Borders and Border Crossings*
Call for papers for the Second Annual UBCO FCCS/IGS graduate student
conference taking place *March 13-14, 2009* in Kelowna, British
Columbia. This is a conference created for graduate students by graduate
students in an attempt to create a supportive academic environment for
up and coming research.
*Borders and Border Crossings:*
*An Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference on Liminality, Hybridity,
Mediation, Exchange and Everything In-Between*
At the University of British Columbia Okanagan
March 13 & 14, 2009 in Kelowna B.C., Canada
The Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Department at the
University of British Columbia in Kelowna invites you to attend our
Second Annual Graduate Student Conference. This conference seeks to
examine "in-between" texts through the utilization of creative and
critical perspectives. Although this conference focuses on Studies in
English, Languages, Culture, Multi-media Arts, and Creative Writing, we
encourage submissions from across graduate disciplines.
Proposals for both academic papers and creative work will be considered,
and all presentations will be 15 minutes in length. Proposals should be
no longer than 500 words, bear no identifying information, and be
accompanied by a covering letter that includes the applicant's name and
contact information. Please submit proposals to ubco.igsa(a)
<> as email attachments in .pdf, .rtf, or .doc
format by January 1, 2009.
Graduate students and independent scholars are encouraged to apply to
one of the following panels:
*Theorizing Sites of Liminality: *This panel invites submissions that
interrogate popular theories of liminal spaces/places, bodies and
structures. Areas of interest may include unique readings of theory in
Bakhtin's Carnivalesque, Turner's Ritual, Butler's Performance, and
Mollenkopf's "Contested City."
*Representations of Gender and Sexuality: *This panel invites
submissions that interrogate representations of gender and sexuality
against the complexities of identity, performance and classification.
Possible areas of interest include deviance and hegemony, queer
discourse, feminine masculinities/masculine femininities, the
performance of gender and the cross-dressed tongue.
*Children's Literature and Folkloric Texts:* This panel invites
submissions on any aspect of fairy tales, folk tales and children's
literature. Areas of interest may include critical and creative
approaches to myth and morality, as well as interrogations of in-between
places (ie. towers, forests, fairy kingdoms, etc), events (puberty, the
quest, etc) and/or characters (shapeshifters, witches, monsters,
mythohistorical figures, teenagers, etc).
*Pop Culture:* This panel invites submissions that explore popular
culture through its text and reception. Areas of interest include
television, cinema, music, graphic novels, popular fiction and videogames.
*Gothic Texts:* This panel invites submissions on any aspect of
eighteenth century and modern Gothic texts. Possible areas of interest
include the abject, postcolonial hauntings, telepathy, phantasmagoria,
supernatural literature or film, the Uncanny and liminal creatures (ie.
ghosts, vampires, shapeshifters, the undead, etc).
*Narratives of Trauma: *This panel invites submissions on texts that
explore trauma through (inter)personal, literary or historical
discourse. Possible areas of interest include holocaust literature,
illness/disability narratives and historical/cultural traumas which
could include themes of disability, torture, transmission of trauma,
(false) memory, normalization and mortality.
*Postcolonial Discourse:* This panel invites submissions that explore
post-colonial theory through historical and literary contexts. Areas of
interest may include critical or creative approaches to repression,
genocide, slavery and imperialism within Aboriginal Canadian discourse,
Indigenous texts and "Minor" literature.
*Historical (Mis)Representations: *This panel invites submissions on the
representation and/or misrepresentation of historical events and figures
in literature, film, or television. Areas of interest may include
author(ity) and authenticity, (his)story, the "medieval" period, oral
history and historical fallacy.**
*Genres of Writing: *This panel invites submissions that interrogate*
*forms and classification of writing with specific attention to overlaps
in fiction and nonfiction. **
Areas of interest may include creative nonfiction, fictional
(auto)biography, autobiographical fiction, and historical fiction.**
*Transnational and Diasporic Trends in Canadian Texts:* This panel
invites submissions that explore ethnicity, nationality and identity
within Canadian discourse. Areas of interest may include hybridity,
immigration, cosmopolitanism, tourism and symbols of (dis)connection
(ie. "/," "-" and "&").
fgs logo
Mrs. Enza Pohl
Awards Assistant
Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
University of Manitoba
R3T 2N2
Telephone 204-474-6827
Fax 204-474-7553
To view this email in your web browser, please click link
top banner <>
The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following
competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements for the week ending: 17 October 2008
*Upcoming Award and Scholarship Deadlines*
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_*
/*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/
/*_Research Area_*/
/*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/
November 17 Human Rights & Soc Justice, Resp Citizenship, Canada and
the World, Humans & the Natural Environment D $40,000 per year, for up
to four years plus an additional $20,000 per year for research-related
travel and participation in events of the Foundation.
November 21
physical education, physiology, psychology
M, D
over $10,000 in cash and prizes
*Oops! Where Did all the Safe Food Go?*
A perspective on the current listeriosis crisis and deficiencies in the
Canadian food safety system will be discussed. We can have safe food on
our plates more dependably, but we need to tackle the problems wisely.
Easy, cosmetic fixes (inspection enhancement) are politically expedient,
with uncertain benefits. Canada can have the safest food in the world if
it wants. Come find out how it is possible.
* *Tuesday October 21, 2008*
* 7:00 pm Robert B. Schultz Lecture Theatre St. John's College Fort
Garry Campus
* For more info: 474-9020
Invitation for Grad Students in Social Sciences and Humanities to
participate in research!
Invitation for Grad Students in Social Sciences and Humanities to
participate in research!
10 men and 10 women will have the opportunity to discuss their use of
support networks like friends, family, peers, and instructors as mentors
and inspirations on their career path. Issues related to mentoring,
practical, economic, social and emotional support needs and resources
will be discussed. Barriers and challenges in accessing needed support
will be explored. If you are a graduate student in social sciences or
humanities, you are welcome to join a focus group to discuss these
issues, share your opinions, and contribute to knowledge building
through this research project.
Focus groups will be audio taped and facilitated by two researchers (Dr.
Marlene Pomrenke & Carolyn Peters, PhD (cand.).
Participants will receive $15 and a free lunch.
Location: University Centre 4th floor.
Contact the researcher to register: Marlene Pomrenke at 474-8594 or
e-mail: pomrenke(a) <>
*Dates: *
Friday November 14, 12 noon -- 1:30 Women's focus group
Friday November 21, 12 noon -- 1:30 Men's focus group
This research is approved by the Research Ethics Board for Sociology and
Psychology and is partially funded by the Faculty of Social Work
Endowment Fund.
Canada Graduate Scholarship Foreign Study Supplement (CGS-FSS)
*Canada Graduate Scholarship Foreign Study Supplement (CGS-FSS)*
As announced by the Government of Canada in Budget 2008, the federal
granting agencies will be administering the Canada Graduate Scholarships
Foreign Study Supplements (CGS-FSS).
The program will be administered by Canada's federal granting agencies -
SSHRC, NSERC and CIHR. A total of 250 CGS-FSS awards will be available
and divided among the three granting agencies.
*Objectives: *
The CGS-FSS program will support high-calibre Canadian graduate students
in building global linkages and international networks through the
pursuit of exceptional research experiences at research institutions
outside of Canada. By accessing international scientific research and
training, CGS-FSS recipients will contribute to strengthening the
potential for collaboration between Canadian universities and affiliated
research institutions and universities, or other research institutions
outside of Canada.
*Value and Duration of Supplements: *
The value of the CGS-FSS is up to $6,000, based on the information and
budget justification provided in the application. A defined research
study period would normally be four to six months.
*Eligibility: *
To be eligible to apply for the CGS-FSS program, applicants must:
-be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada;
-be registered at an eligible Canadian institution at the time of
application; and
-hold an active Canada Graduate Scholarship at the Master's or Doctoral
level or a Vanier CGS
Successful applicants must maintain full-time graduate research studies,
and an active CGS or Vanier CGS during the course of their CGS-FSS
supplement funded activities in order to remain eligible. Eligible
applicants can only take up one CGS-FSS while they hold an active CGS or
Vanier CGS and must do so within one year of receiving the appropriate
notification of award letter.
The Faculty of Graduate Studies internal deadline is *November 17,
2008*. Complete application forms should be submitted to:
/*Marcia Labiuk
Awards Officer
Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB
R3T 2N2 */
Please note that you must apply using the appropriate agency application
form. Incomplete applications will automatically be considered ineligible.
Please see the following link for information on how to apply for the
SSHRC CGS Foreign Study Supplement…
Please see the following link for information on how to apply for the
NSERC CGS Foreign Study Supplement
Please search in CIHR's current funding opportunities for information on
how to apply for the **CIHR CGS Foreign Study Supplement**
* International Graduate Scholarships - 2008 Competition*
*2008 Competition for Commonwealth Scholarship Plan*
Applications for Canadians to study, under the Commonwealth Scholarship
Plan, are currently being accepted for the following countries.
Deadlines are as follows:
*United Kingdom: December 1, 2008
*( )
*New Zealand: December 15, 2008 *( )
*2008 Competition for Foreign Government Awards Program*
Applications for Canadians to study, under the Foreign Government Awards
Program, are currently being accepted for the following countries.
Deadlines are as follows:
**Mexico**: October 31, 2008
( )
**France:**** December 15, 2008** ( )
*Further information is available at
Requires a Part-time Research & Evaluation Coordinator
CUPE- $22.137 to 28.934 per hour
Permanent Position
(.8 EFT)
*The Research and Evaluation Coordinator is part of the Administrative
Team and operates as a component of the Nine Circles Community Health
Centre integrated model of service delivery and is committed to:*
* Uphold the Mission, Values and Guiding Principles of Nine Circles
* Provide effective and accessible direct client services to Nine
Circles target populations.
* Deliver flexible and responsive programming.
* Challenge systems to demand social justice.
* Address all issues in a manner that encourages honest
communication, equality, inclusion and respect.
*Position Summary:*
* Work with the Management Team and program staff to design and
implement data collection tools for Nine* *Circles programs
evaluation/reporting and to implement corresponding technology to
strengthen program evaluation/reporting.
* Support the Program Coordinators to design standards-based
indicators of success and implement data collection tools for
program and volunteer evaluation in all Nine* *Circles programs.
* Support the Clinical Team in expanding the program's use of
existing technology for data collection and program evaluation.
* Support the Management Team in the provision of supervisory
support for research and special projects;
* Identify opportunities to increase Nine* *Circles capacity to
participate in HIV/AIDS research.
The successful candidate will have a bachelor's degree and several years
of experience working with quantitative and qualitative data, doing
research and evaluation, and working in the health care system. An
equivalent combination of education, training and experience may be
* Experience in researching, analyzing and disseminating data;
* Knowledge in basic statistics and research methods;
* Knowledge of the principals of community based research and
program evaluation;
* Experience in facilitation of peer focus groups and peer
participation programming;
* Knowledge of issues of sexual health, blood-borne infections
(HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C) and related risk activities in
particular MSM, IDU and TSW;
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
* Possess basic computer skills including Microsoft Office and
ability to write and edit documents, and information sheets;
* Ability to design and use data collecting instruments and
experience in statistical software and/or MS Access;
* Possess basic data base skills;
Please forward a resume (including 3 references and salary expectations)
along with a letter of application to:
pscott(a) <> or:
Hiring Committee:
Research and Evaluation Program
Nine Circles Community Health Centre
705 Broadway
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3G 0X2
*Application Deadline: 4:00 PM, Friday, October
/Nine Circles thanks all applicants but only applicants selected for an
interview will be contacted./
Nine Circles Community Health Centre encourages applications from
qualified First Nations and Metis persons as well as qualified gay,
lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and two-spirited persons.
fgs logo
Mrs. Enza Pohl
Awards Assistant
Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
University of Manitoba
R3T 2N2
Telephone 204-474-6827
Fax 204-474-7553

[UM GradStudies notice] FGS Announcements for the week ending October 10
by Christal Barkman 14 Oct '08
by Christal Barkman 14 Oct '08
14 Oct '08
Good morning,
This advertisement has been sent to graduate students. Please feel free
to post and/or distribute as you see fit.
To view this email in your web browser, please click link
top banner <>
The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following
competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements for the week ending: 10 October 2008
*Upcoming Award and Scholarship Deadlines*
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_*
/*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/
/*_Research Area_*/
/*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/
October 30 Ukrainian Heritage M, D $1,500
November 3
M, D
$500 - $750
November 1
women, travelling, science, mathematics, engineering humanities, social
M, D
*The Business Of Science (BOS) Symposium 2008*
*The Business Of Science (BOS) Symposium 2008
Tuesday, October 21 and Wednesday, October 22, 2008*
The Fairmont Winnipeg
*The Business of Science provides a forum to learn new strategies, hear
the latest industry developments and, with research, industry and
capital partners all under one roof, create the important relationships
key to your success in this industry.*
The theme of this year's conference is "*Capturing the Value of
*For Students*
Whether you're a biochemistry student, a business whiz, an engineering
expert or a green- thinking environmental studies buff -- the place to
be on October 22nd is at the */Business of Science Symposium's
Bioscience Future Leaders Program/*. The Program serves to educate
post-secondary students on career opportunities within Manitoba's life
sciences sector; towards building bioscience leaders of the future.
The*/ Bioscience Future Leaders Program/* is* offered free of charge* to
students and features three main components: sessions on the
opportunities available within Manitoba's life sciences industry,
sessions dedicated to informing students on the networking skills and
job search materials needed to be recognized in industry, and the career
expo. Register today!
*More information and registration:*
Research and Knowledge (SPARK)*
Research and Knowledge (SPARK)*
*Stipend / Salary:*
Master's Student -- Up to a maximum of $4000
Doctorate Student -- Up to a maximum of $6000
***Important opportunity to bridge qualified students into full time
positions in the federal Public Service** *
Apply online/more info:
(Reference number WCO08J-009309-000047)
*Key research topic*
* Rural post-secondary institutions as economic drivers
*Short background on the research area*
* Post-secondary institutions drive the economy of regions in more
ways than many previously realized. Manitoba has three
post-secondary institutions outside the City of Winnipeg. While
they have an obvious impact on the local economy, could more be
done to help stimulate growth?
*Core research objectives*
* Determine variety of ways that post-secondary institutions can
contribute to the growth of local regional economies. What has
worked in other jurisdictions?
* What are the opportunities and gaps in the rural Manitoba labour
market and how could Universities help address them?
* What role exists for the Department of Western Economic
Diversification Canada (or other federal departments and levels of
government) in helping post secondary institutions stimulate growth?
*Main research question(s)*
* What is the economic impact of Brandon University, Assiniboine
Community College and the University College of the North on local
regional economies and what opportunities are there to augment
their contribution to economic growth?
*Expected deliverables and delivery dates; and any preferred research
methodology (if applicable)*
* At the end of 18 weeks, deliver one Final Report containing all
relevant findings and recommendations based on research including
interviews, surveys and literature reviews.
* Monthly meetings to discuss progress (to include copies of
surveys, names of interviewees, etc.)
* Interim reports to be submitted in January 2009.
Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation
Vale Inco Scholarships
At the master's level, there is the $10,000 Vale Inco Master's
Engineering Scholarship and the $10,000 AMEC
Master's Engineering Scholarship -- both are open to women studying in
any field of engineering. Both
scholarships come with a summer job opportunity.
Finally, there is the exceptional $15,000 Claudette MacKay-Lassonde
Scholarship offered to a woman working
on her PhD in engineering.
All scholarships are awarded based on leadership, extracurricular
activities and the ability to act as a role
model for other women to pursue a career in engineering, rather than on
academic achievement.
Scholarship informational packages and posters will be sent to all
universities, Deans, engineering
organizations and clubs, WISE organizations, provincial associations and
other stakeholders. Please contact
CEMF if you wish to receive a package.
All applications and criteria are available now online at
Deadline for application is
January 16, 2009.
*Contact*: For more information, call 1-866-883-2363 or visit
* <>*
Summer Program in Japan
*Graduate Students:* Experience another culture and language while
conducting research at a national laboratory, university or institute in
The Summer Program in Japan provides graduate students in the health
sciences, natural sciences and engineering with hands-on research
experience and an introduction to a different culture, language, and
university research system. Participants can complement their training
by learning new research techniques and accessing excellent research
facilities. CIHR and NSERC collaborate with the Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science to offer this unique program.
*Deadline**:* *November 1, 2008*
*Value:* $3,000 plus all travel and living expenses
*Program Duration: *Awards are held for approximately eight weeks, from
June to August. Exact start dates vary each year; successful candidates
will be informed of the final program schedule for summer 2009.
At the time of application, you must:
* be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada; and
* be enrolled in a graduate program in the health sciences, natural
sciences or engineering at a Canadian institution.
Participants should make contact with a host researcher in advance to
develop ideas for a summer research project. Assistance is available for
students who have difficulty identifying or contacting a host researcher
in Japan. The results of the competition will be announced in March.
For more information about this program, or to request an application
form, contact:
Summer Programs in Japan
Scholarships and Fellowships Division
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
350 Albert Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 1H5
Telephone: (613) 944-5803
E-mail: SCHOL(a) <>
Web site: <>
CIHR Summer Program in Japan
Program Delivery Coordinator
Research Capacity Development Branch
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Telephone: (613) 946-0093
Fax: (613) 954-1800
E-mail: JSPSSummer(a) <>
Web Site:
Summer Program in Taiwan
*Graduate Students:* Experience another culture and language while
conducting research at a national laboratory, university or institute in
The Summer Program in Taiwan provides graduate students in science and
engineering with hands-on research experience and an introduction to a
different culture, language, and university research system.
Participants can complement their training by learning new research
techniques and accessing excellent research facilities. NSERC
collaborates with the National Science Council of Taiwan to offer this
unique program.
*Deadline:* *November 1, 2008*
*Value:* $3,000 plus all travel and living expenses
*Program Duration: *Awards are held for approximately eight weeks, from
June to August. Exact start dates vary each year; successful candidates
will be informed of the final program schedule for summer 2009.
At the time of application, you must:
* be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada; and
* be enrolled in a graduate program in the natural sciences or
engineering at a Canadian institution.
Participants should make contact with a host researcher in advance to
develop ideas for a summer research project. Assistance is available for
students who have difficulty identifying or contacting a host researcher
in Taiwan. The results of the competition will be announced in March.
For more information about this program, or to request an application
form, contact:
Summer Programs in Taiwan
Scholarships and Fellowships Division
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
350 Albert Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 1H5
Telephone: (613) 944-5803
E-mail: Z-SCHOL(a) <>**
Web site: <>
*World Environmental Education Congress - Call for Papers*
You are warmly invited to submit an abstract to the 5th World
Environmental Education Congress to be held at the Palais des Congrès in
Montreal from May 10 to 14, 2009.
The 5th World Congress will draw a large attendance, potentially
becoming one of the field's most significant gatherings on environmental
education. The mobilization of support behind the organization of this
Congress is further evidence of the tremendous enthusiasm at play.
Your proposal must be submitted online. Thematic niches are:
1. Relationships between ecology and economy: the issue of sustainability
2. Questions of fairness in socio-ecological issues
3. Environmental health
4. Urban challenges
5. Ecologizing colleges and universities
6. School and community
7. Learning in society
8. Heritage interpretation
9. Indigenous knowledge and practices
10. Ethics, environmental thought, and worldviews
11. Art: imagination, creativity, and meaning
12. Ecological identity
More information about these themes can be found at:
Types of presentations are: oral presentation, poster presentation,
roundtable presentation, workshop, NGO/NPO forum. Detailed instructions
are available at the Congress site: under "Calls for Papers."
The submission deadline is *October 30, 2008*.
For more information on the Congress or your trip to Montreal, please
visit the Congress site: <>.
Further details will be added to in the coming months.
*2009 Space Studies Program*
The Canadian Foundation for the International Space University (CFISU)
is pleased to announce the 2009 International Space University (ISU)
Space Studies Program.
The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) has been
asked by CFISU to coordinate the Canadian competition for the ISU 2009
Space Studies Program.
*Duration: June 22 to August 28, 2009*
*Location:* NASA -- Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, California
*Deadline:* *January 30, 2009*
*Value:* Tuition, travel, room and board on campus
(approximately $27,000)
Applicants must be Canadian citizens or Permanent
Applicants must be proficient in English, the
working language of the ISU (an ISU requirement).
All applicants must have completed an undergraduate
degree or equivalent *at the time of application*
*Applicants must be:*
* Enrolled or accepted in a post-graduate degree-granting or
professional program; or
* Practicing professionals.
*Candidates from non-typical space disciplines are particularly
encouraged to apply.*
For additional information regarding the application process, please
visit the AUCC website at the following
Or contact:
Chantal Lemire
Program Officer, Partnership Programs, AUCC
Tel.: (613) 563-3961 ext. 314 / Fax: (613) 563-9745
E-mail: clemire(a) <>
fgs logo
this communication sent by:
Gene Senior
Recruitment, Promotion and Communications
Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Manitoba
p (204) 474 6172
f (204) 474 7553
Please distribute the following SSHRC announcement.
Thank you,
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: SSHRC NEWS / Nouvelles du CRSH
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 14:14:36 -0400
From: Perreault,Christine <Christine.Perreault(a)>
*To/Aux :* Deans of Graduate Studies and SSHRC Liaison
Officers / Doyens des études supérieures et Agents de liaison du CRSH
*From/De* *: * Marilyn Taylor, Vice-President, Grants and
Fellowships /
Vice-présidente, Subvention et Bourses
* *
*Date : *October 9, 2008 / le 9 octobre 2008
*Subject/Object : *PDF deadline extension and EAMS changes / Remise
de la date limite de presentation des demandes au Programme de bourses
postdoctorales et changements au SEGO
* *
(la version française suit)
* *
As part of our commitment to improve client service delivery, SSHRC has
recently implemented and is currently testing a pilot project for a new
online application process. This project is part of a longer term
initiative to develop an Enterprise Awards Management System (EAMS) that
allows applicants, institutions, and appraisers to submit applications
and all supporting documentation to SSHRC electronically. Our goal is to
modernize and improve the application process for clients. The first
EAMS pilot project is currently underway for SSHRC?s postdoctoral
fellowships program.
Feedback to date from our users based on their experience in this pilot
online application system is allowing us to evaluate and improve on the
EAMS system. To date, two important issues have been identified, namely;
1) Additional characters are required in the Program of Work section
of the letter of appraisal.
2) Users have requested that we become more selective in the amount
of personal information we collect for identification purposes in the
User Profile.
SSHRC is immediately addressing these issues by making two changes to
the application :
1. The Program of work section in the */_letter of
appraisal_/* will now allow 1,000 characters (increased from 500
characters). Appraisers who have already submitted their appraisal, and
who wish to update the Program of work section in the letter of
appraisal should contact the EAMS support centre at
2. We are also reducing the amount of personal information required from
each user in the User Profile. Unnecessary personal information will be
purged from all EAMS User Profiles received to date.
These changes to the application will be in effect by Tuesday, October
14. In view of these changes, SSHRC is extending the application
deadline for the SSHRC postdoctoral fellowships *to Friday October 24^th .*
We thank you for your collaboration and support as we continue to work
through the pilot online application system. Should you require further
information, please contact our Postdoctoral Fellowships program, where
our staff will be pleased to assist you.
Postdoctoral Fellowships Program
*Fellowships and Institutional Grants Division*
350 Albert Street
P.O. Box 1610
Ottawa, ON K1P 6G4
Tel.: 613-943-7777
Fax: 613-943-1329
E-mail: fellowships(a) <>
* *
Le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH) s?est engagé à
améliorer son service à la clientèle. Dans cette optique, nous avons
récemment lancé un nouveau projet pilote pour la présentation des
demandes en ligne que nous sommes en train de tester. Ce projet fait
partie d?une initiative à long terme visant à mettre en place un système
d'entreprise de gestion des octrois (SEGO) qui permettra aux candidats,
aux établissements et aux appréciateurs de soumettre les demandes et les
documents à l?appui au CRSH par voie électronique. L?objectif est
d?améliorer et de moderniser le processus de présentation des demandes.
Le CRSH a choisi le Programme des bourses postdoctorales comme premier
projet pilote pour tester le SEGO.
Jusqu?à présent, les commentaires de nos utilisateurs nous ont permis
d?évaluer et d?améliorer le système. On nous a notamment signalé deux
principaux problèmes :
3) la section « Plan de travail » de la lettre d?appréciation doit
permettre la saisie d?un plus grand nombre de caractères;
4) une meilleure sélection des renseignements personnels demandés
doit être faite dans le profil personnel des utilisateurs du SEGO.
Nous avons entrepris de régler immédiatement ces problèmes en apportant
deux changements au formulaire de demande :
1) il sera maintenant possible de saisir 1 000 caractères dans la
section « Plan de travail » de la */_lettre d?appréciation_/*, soit
500 caractères de plus. Les appréciateurs qui ont déjà soumis leur
évaluation, mais qui désirent y apporter des changements, peuvent
communiquer avec le centre de soutien du SEGO
(support-soutien(a) <>);
2) le nombre de renseignements personnels demandés a été réduit dans
le profil personnel des utilisateurs. Les renseignements qui ont déjà
été recueillis, mais qui ne sont plus nécessaires, seront retirés des
demandes des profils personnels du SEGO.
Ces changements entreront en vigueur le mardi 14 octobre prochain. Par
conséquent, le CRSH remettra la date limite de présentation des demandes
au Programme de bourses postdoctorales au* vendredi 24 octobre 2008.*
Alors que nous continuons à améliorer ce système pilote de présentation
des demandes en ligne, nous vous remercions de votre collaboration et de
votre appui. Si vous désirez obtenir d?autres renseignements, veuillez
communiquer avec le personnel du Programme des bourses postdoctorales
qui se fera un plaisir de vous répondre :
Programme des bourses postdoctorales
*Division des bourses et des subventions institutionnelles*
350, rue Albert
C.P. 1610
Ottawa (Ontario) K1P 6G4
Tél. : 613-943-7777
Téléc. : 613-943-1329
Courriel : bourses(a) <>
Marcia Labiuk
Awards Officer
Faculty of Graduate Studies
University of Manitoba
Phone: (204) 474-9836

[UM GradStudies notice] FGS Announcements for the week ending September 19
by Christal Barkman 03 Oct '08
by Christal Barkman 03 Oct '08
03 Oct '08
Hi all,
My apologies for not getting this out to your department much sooner
than this. Please distribute as you see fit. This ad has already been
sent to graduate students.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [UM GradStudies notice] FGS Announcements for the week ending
September 19
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 20:55:13 -0500
From: Gene Senior <Gene_Senior(a)>
Organization: University of Manitoba
To: um-gradtemp(a)
To view this email in your web browser, please click link
top banner <>
The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following
competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements for the week ending: 19 September 2008
*Upcoming Award and Scholarship Deadlines*
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_*
/*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/
/*_Research Area_*/
/*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/
October 15 medicine, nursing, oncology M, D $5,100
October 15
M, D
October 15
northern topics from all disciplines and in multi-disciplinary fields.
M, D
Range from $500 to $4,000
October 1
M, D
*Right to Know Week - commerating international access legislation
(access to government information)*
*1. Monday, September 29 - 3:30 to 4:30 - University of Winnipeg, *
*Eckhardt-Gramatte Hall*
Public presentation by Dr. Alasdair Roberts, Professor of Law and Public
Policy, Suffolk
University, Boston, titled: "Blacked Out: Government Secrecy in the
Information Age".
*2. Wednesday, October 1 - noon to 1:00 - Portage Place, Edmonton Court*
Public information event, "Know Your Right to Know", with participants
from the media, other
experienced access to information seekers and access to information
professionals sharing their
experiences and addressing questions.
*3. Friday, October 3 - noon to 1:00 - St Boniface College, Room 1531*
Public presentation, in French, by Suzanne Legault, Assistant
Information Commissioner of
Canada, titled: <<Moderniser l'accès à l'information au Canada: de
crieur public au village mondial...>>.
<>_ *
*4. Tuesday, October 21 - Delta Winnipeg, Workshops associated with
Prairie Health *
*Information Privacy Day *
Workshops organized by Manitoba Ombudsman and the Offices of the
Information and Privacy
Commissioners of Alberta and Saskatchewan:
*Morning - *"PIA (Privacy Impact Assessment) Primer"**
*Afternoon - *"Advanced PIAs...When the Answers are Not So Clear"
*5. Wednesday, October 22 - Delta Winnipeg, Prairie Health Information
Privacy Day*
Conference organized and co-hosted by Manitoba Ombudsman and the Offices
of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Alberta and
Saskatchewan, for access and privacy personnel,
health professionals and health organizations, all staff of provincial
and municipal government,
school divisions, universities and the interested public.
<>_ *
*Hope to see you at these Right to Know Week and Prairie Health *
*Information Privacy Day events!*
Gail Perry
Manager, Research and Education
Manitoba Ombudsman
(204) 982-9139 (Winnipeg); 1-800-665-0531 (toll free in Manitoba)
fgs logo
this communication sent by:
Gene Senior
Recruitment, Promotion and Communications
Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Manitoba
p (204) 474 6172
f (204) 474 7553
Christal Barkman
Awards Assistant
Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2
ph: (204) 474.6827
fax: (204) 474.7553
email: barkman(a)