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April 2009
- 2 participants
- 4 discussions
To Awards Contact: Please circulate as required. This message has been
sent to graduate students.
To view this email in your web browser, please click link
top banner <>
The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following
competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements: 24 April 2009
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_*
/*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/
/*_Research Area_*/
/*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/
Please contact your department for the deadline to submit your
application Women's Health M, D $3,000
May 15 Alzheimer Disease D TBD (for 2008-2009 award was valued at
Canada Graduate Scholarship Foreign Study Supplement (CGS-FSS)
As announced by the Government of Canada in Budget 2008, the federal
granting agencies will be administering the Canada Graduate Scholarships
Foreign Study Supplements (CGS-FSS).
The program will be administered by Canada's federal granting agencies -
SSHRC, NSERC and CIHR. A total of 250 CGS-FSS awards will be available
and divided among the three granting agencies.
**Objectives:* *
The CGS-FSS program will support high-calibre Canadian graduate students
in building global linkages and international networks through the
pursuit of exceptional research experiences at research institutions
outside of Canada. By accessing international scientific research and
training, CGS-FSS recipients will contribute to strengthening the
potential for collaboration between Canadian universities and affiliated
research institutions and universities, or other research institutions
outside of Canada.
**Value and Duration of Supplements: * *
The value of the CGS-FSS is up to $6,000, based on the information and
budget justification provided in the application. A defined research
study period would normally be three to six months.
**Eligibility:* *
To be eligible to apply for the CGS-FSS program, applicants must:
-be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada;
-be registered at an eligible Canadian institution at the time of
application; and
-hold an active Canada Graduate Scholarship at the Master's or Doctoral
level or a Vanier CGS
Successful applicants must maintain full-time graduate research studies,
and an active CGS or Vanier CGS during the course of their CGS-FSS
supplement funded activities in order to remain eligible. Eligible
applicants can only take up one CGS-FSS while they hold an active CGS or
Vanier CGS and must do so within one year of receiving the appropriate
notification of award letter.
The Faculty of Graduate Studies internal deadlines are *May 11, 2009 and
September 10, 2009.* Students are encouraged to apply for the May
competition, as the quota may be filled before the September
competition. Complete application forms should be submitted to:
Marcia Labiuk
Awards Officer
Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB
R3T 2N2
Please note that you must apply using the appropriate agency application
form. Incomplete applications will automatically be considered ineligible.
Please see the following link for information on how to apply for the
SSHRC CGS Foreign Study Supplement…
Please see the following link for information on how to apply for the
NSERC CGS Foreign Study Supplement…
Please search in CIHR's current funding opportunities for information on
how to apply for the **CIHR CGS Foreign Study Supplement**
India Studies Fellowships 2010-2011
The Shastri Institute is happy to announce that the competition for
India Studies Fellowships for the 2010-2011 academic year is now open.
The application deadline is set for June 30, 2009. Attached is an
e-poster with some more information. Please disseminate it widely. All
the forms and guidelines are available on our website:…
For continual updates on program and award information, be sure to sign
up for our monthly electronic newsletter at:
sarah.hawkins(a) <>)
Summer Session Registration
* Summer registration opens at 8:30 am on Monday March 23. An
equal number of seats is added to each section each day. Students
have been assigned a registration day base on student number. Time
tickets begin at 8:30 each day.
* Refund Dates -- due to a large number of requests for changes to
the refund table, section comments for refunds will be added to
the sections in early April.
* Lab Fees - All lab fees have been added to appropriate sections.
fgs logo
Mrs. Enza Pohl
Awards Assistant
Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
University of Manitoba
R3T 2N2
Telephone 204-474-6827
Fax 204-474-7553

21 Apr '09
To All Awards Contacts, please circulate as required. This message was
sent to graduate students.
To view this email in your web browser, please click link
top banner <>
The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following
competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements: 17 April 2009
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_*
/*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/
/*_Research Area_*/
/*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/
May 1 science, technology, engineering D $180,000 USD over three years
May 15 Health services research M, D $5,000
May 15 Agriculture
Home Economics/Human Ecology D TBA
May 15 Alzheimer Disease D TBD (for 2008-2009 award was valued at
May 29 Aboriginal
Environmental Studies
Medical Health Sciences
Social Sciences and Humanities
Social Work M, D Value to be determined by the committee
June 1 Health related field M, D TBD (For 2008-09 two Scholarships
were valued at $4,500 each. Three Awards were valued at $2,250 each).
June 1 cardiovascular sciences M, D approx. $5,000
Number and value to be determined by the selection committee.
Summer Session Registration
* Summer registration opens at 8:30 am on Monday March 23. An
equal number of seats is added to each section each day. Students
have been assigned a registration day base on student number. Time
tickets begin at 8:30 each day.
* Refund Dates -- due to a large number of requests for changes to
the refund table, section comments for refunds will be added to
the sections in early April.
* Lab Fees - All lab fees have been added to appropriate sections.
fgs logo
Christal Barkman
Awards Assistant
Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2
ph: (204) 474.6827
fax: (204) 474.7553
email: barkman(a)

14 Apr '09
To All Awards Contacts, please circulate as required. This message was
sent to graduate students.
To view this email in your web browser, please click link
top banner <>
The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following
competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements: 09 April 2009
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_*
/*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/
/*_Research Area_*/
/*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/
May 15 Alzheimer Disease D TBD (for 2008-2009 award was valued at
May 8 advancement of housing in Canada, social, economic, design or
technical aspects of housing M, D $10,000
Summer Session Registration
* Summer registration opens at 8:30 am on Monday March 23. An
equal number of seats is added to each section each day. Students
have been assigned a registration day base on student number. Time
tickets begin at 8:30 each day.
* Refund Dates -- due to a large number of requests for changes to
the refund table, section comments for refunds will be added to
the sections in early April.
* Lab Fees - All lab fees have been added to appropriate sections.
NSERC's Innovation Challenge Awards
Dear Student,
Does your engineering or science research thesis have the potential to
turn into a commercial product or process that might benefit Canadians?
If so, you might qualify to win one of NSERC's Innovation Challenge
Awards <>
<>. In three years,
two U of M graduates have received $1,000 each for their exciting
research on "fabricating a micro-machined magnetic field sensor" and on
"developing an ecologically friendly technology for wastewater treatment."
There are three awards: one *$10,000* main prize and two *$5,000*
runner-up prizes as well as *$1,000* for honourable mentions. For more
detailed information, check out
*The scoop:
*- are you working on a Master's or Ph.D. in science, engineering or
computer sciences?
- does your research thesis have the potential to turn into a commercial
product, process or service that will benefit Canadians?
- will you be submitting or expect to submit your thesis between May 1,
2008 and May 14, 2009?
- are you a Canadian citizen or permanent resident in Canada?
If you answered YES to all of these questions and are interested in
applying then please read on!
1) First please speak to your supervisor to find out if he/she would be
willing to support you in the application process -- he/she will have to
write a letter of support for you.
2) Put together an up-to-date resume that provides information on your
contributions to publications (including patents) and collaborative
research activities.
3) Write a one page proposal that clearly explains how your research
results produced during the pursuit of your master's or Ph.D. degree
that could be translated into a commercial product or service.
4) By Friday *April 17, 2009*, email Meridel Smith, Research Awards
Administrator at smithm0(a)
<> <> with
your resume and proposal along with the name and contact information of
your supervisor.
Since the University is only able to submit **TWO** applications, we
will then get back to you by *April 27** *to let you know if you have
been short listed to apply.
At any time in this process, please feel free to contact Meridel at
474-8697 should you have any questions or if you would like some help
with your application. Remember, this is an exciting opportunity to
showcase and be rewarded for your hard work! Spaces are limited so get
your applications in early!
We look forward to reading about your exciting research and potential
commercial products / services!
Meridel Smith
(Acting) Research Awards Administrator
Phone: 474-8697
Fax: 261-0325
University of Manitoba
540 Machray Hall
Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2 <>
Sixth International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual
Instrumentation (REV 2009)
University of Bridgeport
June 22-25, 2009
The Sixth International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual
Instrumentation (REV 2009) will be held on June 22-25, 2009 at the
University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Connecticut, U.S.A.
REV 2009 is the sixth in a series of annual events addressing the area of
remote engineering and virtual instrumentation. Previous editions of REV
were organized in the form of an international symposium, and evolved in
2007 to be the annual conference of the International Association of Online
Engineering. The general objective of this conference is to discuss
fundamentals, applications and experiences within the field of online
engineering, both in industry and academia. REV 2009 offers an exciting
technical program as well as academic networking opportunities during the
social events.
Scope of the conference: *
Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation are emerging trends in
engineering and science. Due to:
o The increasing complexity of engineering tasks
o The availability of specialized and expensive equipment as well as
software tools and simulators
o The need for highly qualified staff to control equipment
o The demands of globalization
The general objective of this conference is to discuss fundamentals,
applications and experiences in the field of remote engineering and virtual
instrumentation. It is becoming increasingly necessary to allow the shared
use of equipment and specialized software. The use of virtual and remote
laboratories is one of the future directions for advanced teleworking,
remote services, collaborative research and e-working environments.
Another objective of the conference is to discuss guidelines for education
in university level courses. The organizers encourage industry personnel to
present their experiences and applications of remote engineering and
virtual instruments.
This conference will be organized by the School of Engineering at the
University of Bridgeport.
*Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): *
o Virtual and remote laboratories
o Remote process visualization and virtual Instrumentation
o Remote control and measurement technologies
o Online engineering
o Networking and grid technologies
o Mixed Reality environments for education and training
o Demands in education and training, e-learning, b-learning, m-learning and
o Teleservice and telediagnosis
o Telerobotics and telepresence
o Support of collaborative work in virtual engineering environments
o Teleworking environments
o Telecommunities and their social impact
o Present and future trends including social and educational aspects
o Human computer interfaces, usability, reusability,accessibility
o Applications and experiences
o Standards and standardization proposals
o Innovative organizational and educational concepts for remote engineering
The REV 2009 Conference is soliciting manuscripts which address the various
challenges and paradigms in this technological world through research and
instructional programs in Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation.
Suggested conference session topics are listed above. Other innovations in
course and laboratory experiences are also most welcome for submission. To
submit your paper abstract, please visit the conference website at
If you are interested in submitting a special paper session, panel,
tutorial, or workshop proposal, the contact information are also available
at the conference website at If your
company or institution would like to exhibit at, or co-sponsor, the
conference, the sponsorship and exhibit forms are also available at the
conference website.
*Paper and other Proposal Submissions *
Prospective authors are invited to submit their abstracts online in
Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format through the website of the conference at Proposals for special sessions,
tutorials, panels, workshops, co-sponsorship and exhibitions are also
welcome. Please check the conference website regarding instructions for
these proposal submissions.
*Important Dates
Abstracts due 21st April, 2009
Acceptance notification 8th May, 2009
Final manuscript & Registration due 29th May, 2009*
Student Looking for Aid in Thesis Research
I'm a student at the University of Leipzig (Germany) and chose to write
my Master's thesis on the subject of English-French bilingualism in
Canada. My goal is to give a general overview of Canadian bilingualism
"in theory and practice", so I'm taking a look at a great variety of
topics, including language laws & history, education, and also practical
aspects like traffic signs and packaging from all over Canada.
Unfortunately, I cannot be in Canada while I'm writing my thesis, so I'm
hoping to get as much help as possible from people currently living
there. They would only have to answer a few simple questions that can be
found here: (in English) (in French)
Thank you very much in advance for your help!
Kind regards,
Karina Nestler
fgs logo
Gene Senior
Recruitment, Promotion and Communications
Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Manitoba
p (204) 474 6172
f (204) 474 7553
Find out more about our students! Click the image below.
UofMore <>
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sender, please destroy this transmission and contact us immediately.
Christal Barkman
Awards Assistant
Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2
ph: (204) 474.6827
fax: (204) 474.7553
email: barkman(a)

06 Apr '09
Good afternoon,
This notice was sent to all graduate students. Please feel free to post
and/or distribute as you see fit.
To view this email in your web browser, please click link
top banner <>
The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following
competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements: 03 April 2009
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_*
/*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/
/*_Research Area_*/
/*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/
April 30** Polish language study M, D na
April 30 Civil Engineering M $1,000
April 30 biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, agriculture, medicine,
pharmacy, physiology M, D $40,000 USD tenable for two academic years
($20,000 USD for each year)
April 30 travel, unrestricted M, D na
May 1 sustainable development M, D $6,000
May 15 Alzheimer Disease M, D TBD (for 2008-2009 award was valued at
Students Becoming Teachers
*For all Graduate Students *
*Wednesday, May 6, 2009 *
*8:45am --- 4:30pm *
*Room 118, St. John's College Fort Garry Campus*
*Registration available online*
Students becoming Teachers UTS, in collaboration with the Faculty of
Graduate Studies, is hosting a one day event designed to facilitate the
development of your academic teaching skills. All graduate students are
invited. Topics included are: preparing to teach, engaging students in
learning, cross-cultural communication in the classroom, principles of
evaluation and effective management of incivility. Lunch will be
provided. Fort Garry Campus Students enrolled in CHET may receive up to
6 workshop hours toward their requirements in the program.
For the 2009
Canada-Wide Science Fair
*What is the Canada-Wide Science Fair?*
The Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF), run by the Youth Science Foundation
since 1962,
is an annual science competition for students in grades 7-12. Each year
the location of
CWSF rotates among the science fair regions of Canada. CWSF 2009 has
been awarded to
Manitoba and will be held right here at the University of Manitoba May 9
to 17, 2009.
*How many people participate in the fair?*
450 students compete every year at the fair. Another 200 adult delegates
attend to
chaperone the students. Over 350 judges and volunteers are needed to
help the fair run
*When is it?*
The fair officially starts on Saturday May 9, 2009 and runs until Sunday
May 17, 2009.
Volunteers will also be needed both before and after the event.
*Where is it?*
CWSF 2009 will be hosted at the University of Manitoba. However some
events will take
place at locations throughout Winnipeg and Southern Manitoba.
*What types of jobs are there?*
There are a wide variety of jobs that need to be filled that require an
array of skill sets.
Committees that need volunteers include Accommodations, Registrations,
Social Events,
and Tours. We specifically need grad students for project safety checks
and to help address
student concerns during judging.
*How do I sign-up?*
Registering to volunteer is easy. Provide your name and email address to
the volunteer
coordinator Alastair Komus at volunteers(a)
<>. Early in 2009 you will receive
an email with a user name and password to register on the Youth Science
Canada-Wide Science Fair | Expo-science Pancanadienne
cwsf2009(a) <> -
Invite an international student to Canada on a study or research
The Government of Canada is seeking applications from Canadian publicly
funded institutions for the 2009 Students' Exchange Program. This
program provides international students with research or study
scholarships for four to six months.
*GSEP* --- Graduate Student Exchange Program For graduate-level
international students to undertake research at a public Canadian
university or affiliated research institute. DURATION: 4 months 5 or 6
months VALUE: $7500 $10,000
*CUSEP* --- College and Undergraduate Student Exchange Program For
international students at the college and undergraduate level to
undertake study at Canadian public universities or colleges.
*DURATION*: 4 months
*VALUE*: $7,500
*Deadline: May 22, 2009 *
Information and online application is available at: If you have questions, please
<>. Canadian institution must apply
on behalf of the student.
Summer Session Registration
* Summer registration opens at 8:30 am on Monday March 23. An
equal number of seats is added to each section each day. Students
have been assigned a registration day base on student number. Time
tickets begin at 8:30 each day.
* Refund Dates -- due to a large number of requests for changes to
the refund table, section comments for refunds will be added to
the sections in early April.
* Lab Fees - All lab fees have been added to appropriate sections.
Teaching Opportunity with the Princeton Review
The Princeton Review is looking for highly skilled and highly motivated
individuals to teach the biology component of our MCAT course. Teaching
for The Princeton Review is fun and rewarding. You can take pride in
knowing that you will really make a difference in your students' scores
and future educational goals.
. Join our team and teach general chemistry, organic chemistry, biology
or physics
. A typical time commitment is 3 hours per week for one course
. MCAT instructors start at $23/hour.
. Training is provided
. Compensation for prep time
What does it take to be a Princeton Review instructor?
Prior teaching experience is a plus, but not a requirement. It is more
important that you meet a certain set of qualifications. You should be
able to:
. communicate our techniques in a clear, engaging, and interactive manner
. be comfortable in front of a group
. be organized, reliable, and a team player
. have a clear understanding of how to succeed on standardized tests
How do you become a Princeton Review instructor?
1. Please apply with a resume and cover letter to
Infovancouver(a) .
Indicate the scores you have achieved if you have written the official
2. If you are unable to provide an official score report, you will be
expected to write a content test to determine your ease and aptitude
with the subjects and the way in which they are tested on the exam.
3. Qualified candidates will be invited to a phone interview.
4. From these interviews, we select candidates to participate in our
training program. Candidates are hired after successful completion of
the training program.
. Training is provided; candidates are compensated a flat rate for their
training time.
. Training is an interactive and evaluative process, in which you both
learn our techniques and present them. During training, you are
evaluated by a Princeton Review Master Trainer. Only trainees who are
certified by the trainer are eligible to teach for The Princeton Review.
. Please apply with resume cover letter to infovancouver(a)
. Please indicate the test type(s) you are applying for
. If you have any questions before applying, you can email us at
infovancouver(a) and we will be glad to give you more information.
The Fourth Session Of The International Congress Geo Tunisia 2009
The Tunisian Association of Digital Geographic Information
<> and in cooperation with an important number
of universities, organizations, companies and institutions concerned
with geographic information systems and spaces sciences, organizes :
The Fourth Session Of The International Congress Geo Tunisia 2009
"Survey of the hydraulic resources and of desertification by using the
geographic information systems, remote detection and numeric designing "
*On 16/20 December 2009 in Tunis*
The invitation is addressed to the various researchers, the
academicians, the institutions, the research centres, the private and
public enterprises to participate in the different manifestations of the
Congress in which shall presented work papers, surveys, experimental
researches and workshops in addition to the geo-technological exhibition
held at this occasion under the sponsorship of well known international
institutions that are active in the geographic information systems and
remote detection, and its various applications in the hydraulic
resources and desertification.
* For more information you can visit our web site
*For the major scientific themes of the congress
*To participate in the geo tehnology exhibition you can visit the
following link <>*
GradShare, graduate student information resource
GradShare is an online graduate student community where students can
share their experiences and ask for advice, with the aim to help each
other succeed. Students can use GradShare to ask questions and get
answers about anything affecting their graduate studies. They can even
post research questions or ask what tools others are using to complete
their projects. No question is too big or too small.
GradShare ( <>) website creates
a national forum where graduate students can share their challenges to
both get advice from peers and to find solutions offered by their
graduate school or library. This free online student community allows
graduate students to expand their academic support network by tapping
the knowledge of other students, subject experts, and professors from
across the country. The /Get Answers /section contains user-generated
content that allows peer mentoring, including sharing questions,
answers, and bookmarks. Visitors can browse for answers to their
questions by academic field and topic area. The /Expert Advice/ section
provides explanations and insights relating to graduate studies from
experienced faculty members and administrators.
<> - *an
international conference on the regeneration of towns and cities.
The *Future Cities Forum* is a network for urban renewal in Central and
Eastern Europe, with links to the international urban community. Based
in Prague, the Forum allows specialists in metropolitan development to
exchange ideas and expertise.
The *Future Cities * *Forum* *Conference* is the launch event for the
What are the new trends in urban thinking? With presentations from
cities around the world, and from the commercial and public sectors, the
conference will cover:
* Economic and social urban regeneration. /In the present global
financial crisis, how can we afford to regenerate our towns and
* The function and appearance of future cities. /What will cities
look like?/
* Intelligent cities and buildings./ How will technology transform
* The future of energy. /How will technology meet the threat of
global warming/?
* Communication and transportation. /How will people be connected to
each other and to their surroundings? /
* Culture and Creativity. /How can we use culture and creativity to
regenerate urban areas?/
What are the innovations? What are the challenges? You will hear from
planners, architects, service providers and other experts in the
development and regeneration of urban areas.
The *Future Cities Forum Conference* is being held as part of the Urbis
Invest Exhibition <>, a major event for
attracting investment to cities, on 22 and 23 April in Brno in the Czech
Republic. Now in its fourth year, this exciting Exhibition attracts over
*100,000* visitors and this year those numbers are expected to soar, as
it is a highlight in the calendar of events of the Czech Presidency of
the European Union.
Delegates at the conference represent municipalities, local government,
regional authorities, private companies, local communities,
international organisations, planning bodies and academic institutions.
*We invite you to represent your city as a delegate at the Forum. *
* *If you are interested in being involved in this unique opportunity,
please contact us <> so that we
can send you further information. You can also visit the event website
<> to see the
register on-line
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