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[Fwd: CIHR Canada Graduate Scholarship Master's competition/Concours de bourses d'études supérieures de Cananda bourses à la maîtrise des IRSC]
by Marcia Labiuk 27 Feb '09
by Marcia Labiuk 27 Feb '09
27 Feb '09
CIHR has received extra funding and as a result they are asking
universities to submit additional CIHR CGSM applications. Please see the
following email from CIHR for details.
I am asking for your assistance in contacting students who are CIHR
eligible and encouraging them to complete an application. I've attached
the information that was distributed previously for the CIHR CGSM
competition, as the same guidelines apply. The application instructions
can be found on the CIHR website
*Please submit complete applications to my attention at 500 University
Centre by March 6, 2009.* Due to the very short turnaround time required
to meet the CIHR deadline, we will not be following up on missing
documents. Incomplete applications will automatically be deemed
ineligible. Applicants who applied in December 2008 are not required to
reapply as their previously submitted applications will be considered
for this submission as well.
Thank you for your assistance. Please don't hesitate to contact me if
you have any questions or concerns.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CIHR Canada Graduate Scholarship Master's competition/Concours
de bourses d'études supérieures de Cananda bourses à la maîtrise des IRSC
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 10:51:46 -0500
From: Joanne Delage <Joanne.Delage(a)>
To: Canada Graduate Scholarships - Master's Awards (CGSMA)
Le texte français suit l'anglais
Important message
As announced in the Federal Budget 2009, the Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) program received a budget increase starting in 2009-10. This increase is part of Canada’s Economic Action Plan for further developing a highly skilled workforce.
As a result, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is requesting additional nominations for the February 2009 CGS Master's competition. We will be accepting full applications that you deem competitive and that have been reviewed by your Institution for nomination. We will accept additional nominations up to the original quota amount that was issued in September, thereby doubling the total amount of nominations from your institution for this competition. We will also accept a second, B-list, of nominations that exceeds this doubling of your quota if your institution feels such additional nominations could be competitive. The latter will only be included in this 2009 Master's competition if there are insufficient nominations from other institutions to address the increased funding availability.
If you require additional information on the selection process, please refer to the quotas package that was sent in September. Full applications will be accepted until March 16, 2009.
The package of applications with a covering letter from the Dean of Graduate Studies, or other appropriate institutional official, describing the pre-selection process and indicating the total number of applications received must be sent to CIHR by March 16, 2009 to the following address:
RE: “Canada Graduate Scholarships Master’s Awards”
Research Capacity Development
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
160 Elgin Street
Address Locator 4809A
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0W9
As per CIHR's policy on completeness, applications submitted to CIHR that do not contain all of the necessary information as described within the Funding Opportunity description and corresponding application forms will be withdrawn from the competition process.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Canada Graduate Scholarships Master’s Awards Program Delivery Coordinator, by telephone: (613) 946-0093 or e-mail: CGSMA(a)<>
Dominique Lalonde
Message important
Tel qu’annoncé dans le budget fédéral de 2009, le Programme de bourse d’études supérieures du Canada (BESC) verra son budget augmenter à compter de l’année financière 2009-2010. Cette augmentation s’inscrit dans Le Plan d’action économique du Canada en vue de poursuivre le développement d’une main-d’œuvre hautement qualifiée.
En raison de cette augmentation, les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC) demandent des candidatures supplémentaires pour le concours de BESC – Bourses à la maîtrise du mois de février 2009. Nous accepterons les demandes détaillées que vous jugez méritoires et qui auront été évaluées par votre établissement aux fins de mise en candidature. Ces candidatures additionnelles seront acceptées jusqu’à concurrence du nombre initial de demandes donné en septembre, doublant ainsi le nombre total de candidatures de votre établissement pour ce concours. De plus, accepterons des candidatures supplémentaires pour une liste alternative pour les candidatures que votre établissement jugera méritoires et dont le nombre dépasse le maximum désormais alloué. Ces dernières candidatures seront seulement incluses au concours de BESC – Bourses à la maîtrise 2009 si nous recevons un nombre insuffisant de nominations des autres établissements pour répondre à l’augmentation des fonds disponibles actuellement.
Si vous désirez obtenir des renseignements supplémentaires sur le processus de sélection, veuillez consulter la trousse que nous vous avons fait parvenir en septembre. Les demandes détaillées seront acceptées jusqu’au 16 mars 2009.
Les demandes de votre établissement, accompagnées d’une lettre du doyen de la faculté des études supérieures ou d’un autre responsable compétent de l’établissement qui décrit le processus de présélection et le nombre de demandes reçues, doivent être envoyées aux IRSC au plus tard le 16 mars 2009 à l’adresse suivante :
Objet : « Bourses d’études supérieures du Canada – Bourses à la maîtrise »
Développement de la capacité en recherche
Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
160, rue Elgin
Indice de l’adresse : 4809A
Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0W9
Tel que stipulé dans la politique sur l’intégralité, les demandes soumises aux IRSC qui ne contiennent pas tous les renseignements requis dans la description de la possibilité de financement et les formulaires de demande correspondants seront retirées du concours.
Pour toute question, veuillez communiquer avec la coordonnatrice à l’exécution des programmes responsable du programme de BESC – Bourses à la maîtrise par téléphone au 613-946-0093 ou par courriel à BESCBM(a)<>
Meilleures salutations,
Dominique Lalonde
Dominique Lalonde
Deputy Director, Program Delivery Division / Directrice adjointe, Division à l'exécution des programmes
Research Capacity Development / Développement de la capacité en recherche
Telephone: (613) 957-8671
Fax: (613) 954-1800
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) / Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC)
Room 97, 160 Elgin Street / Pièce 97, 160 rue Elgin
Address Locator 4809A / Indice de l'adresse 4809A
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0W9
Marcia Labiuk
Awards Officer
Faculty of Graduate Studies
University of Manitoba
Phone: (204) 474-9836
To All Awards Contact, please circulate as required. This message has
also been sent to graduate students.
To view this email in your web browser, please click link
top banner <>
The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following
competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements: 27 February 2009
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_*
/*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/
/*_Research Area_*/
/*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/
*G. Clarence Elliott Fellowship
March 15 Agriculture
Housing & Community Planning M, D 70% of annual interest earned on
fund up to a maximum of $10,000.00
For the 2009
Canada-Wide Science Fair
*What is the Canada-Wide Science Fair?*
The Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF), run by the Youth Science Foundation
since 1962,
is an annual science competition for students in grades 7-12. Each year
the location of
CWSF rotates among the science fair regions of Canada. CWSF 2009 has
been awarded to
Manitoba and will be held right here at the University of Manitoba May 9
to 17, 2009.
*How many people participate in the fair?*
450 students compete every year at the fair. Another 200 adult delegates
attend to
chaperone the students. Over 350 judges and volunteers are needed to
help the fair run
*When is it?*
The fair officially starts on Saturday May 9, 2009 and runs until Sunday
May 17, 2009.
Volunteers will also be needed both before and after the event.
*Where is it?*
CWSF 2009 will be hosted at the University of Manitoba. However some
events will take
place at locations throughout Winnipeg and Southern Manitoba.
*What types of jobs are there?*
There are a wide variety of jobs that need to be filled that require an
array of skill sets.
Committees that need volunteers include Accommodations, Registrations,
Social Events,
and Tours. We specifically need grad students for project safety checks
and to help address
student concerns during judging.
*How do I sign-up?*
Registering to volunteer is easy. Provide your name and email address to
the volunteer
coordinator Alastair Komus at volunteers(a) Early in 2009 you
will receive
an email with a user name and password to register on the Youth Science
Canada-Wide Science Fair | Expo-science Pancanadienne
cwsf2009(a) <> -
*UNESCO-L'Oréal For Women in Science International Fellowships*
The UNESCO-L'Oréal for Women in Science International Fellowships are
granted annually to promising young women scientists, at the doctorate
or post-doctorate level, in the Life Sciences to encourage international
scientific cooperation and the developing of cross-cultural networks.
Applications received will be reviewed by a Canadian committee of
L'Oreal and UNESCO representatives and scientific experts for nomination
to the International Jury for the 2010 UNESCO-L'ORÉAL Fellowships in
Life Sciences. Four (4) applicants will be submitted to represent Canada
at the international level. Final selection will be made by an
International Jury. The International Jury will select winners from
amongst entries received from UNESCO member countries in each of the
five geo-cultural regions of the world.
/Number:/ 15 (4 Canadian nominees)
/Amount/: $40,000 USD tenable two academic terms ($20,000 each
/Place of Study: /Host institute outside of Canada
/Deadline: /Postmarked application packages must be sent to the
AUCC on or before /_April 30, 2009._/
/Guidelines and application: /Visit the AUCC website:
10th Annual University ofManitoba
Faculty of Education Graduate Student Symposium
10th Annual Faculty of Education Graduate Student Symposium
Perspectives and Possibilities
*Friday, March 6 and Saturday, March 7, 2009 *
Room 222 Education Building
*Campus Engage Call for Abstracts*
Campus Engage, a network for the promotion of civic engagement
activities in higher education in Ireland, invites you to submit an
abstract for its inaugural conference to be held on June 4th and 5th
2009, in Dublin, Ireland. The conference entitled Higher Education and
Civic Engagement Partnerships: Create, Challenge, Change will bring
together higher education academics and administrators, people involved
in community organisations and students, from Ireland and beyond. It
will provide participants with an opportunity to discuss the potential
for change through service learning / community-based learning,
research, civic education and volunteering.
Submissions are welcome from individuals but we also encourage
collaborative contributions blending community, student and academic
perspectives. While not exclusive, preference will be given to
submissions that address the conference themes outlined below. Abstracts
of not more than 500 words, written in English, should be submitted
through the conference website
on or before 12 noon, Monday March 2nd 2009.
Abstracts can be submitted in the following formats:
. Oral Presentations / Papers (20 minutes)
. Workshops (90 minutes)
. Posters
Applications cannot be accepted by email. If you have any queries or
difficulties please contact the Conference Secretariat at
info(a) <>
*Conference Themes
Conceptions of the role of higher education within civil society and
theories of civic engagement. The role that institutions of higher
education play in the development of civic engagement at student,
community and societal levels.
Opportunities and barriers facing higher education and community when
embedding service learning/community based learning, volunteering,
scholarship of engagement and mainstreaming civic engagement activities.
Creating and developing pedagogies for civic engagement including
methods and models. The challenge of reciprocal learning and the
co-creation of knowledge -- case-studies from students, community and
Creating policy change at local, national and international levels to
support the development of civic engagement and higher education.
Case-studies of collaborative relationships between the agents of social
change at a policy level and those within higher education.
Ethical implications of higher education and community partnerships and
dynamics of power. Perspective on the 'push and pull' of partnership -
higher education as a community resource and community as a higher
education resource. Challenges involved in creating sustainable civic
engagement partnerships and ways of addressing these challenges.
Red River Graduate Student Conference
"Speaking Up: New Voices in English Studies"
Call for Papers: The English Graduate Student Organization at North
Dakota State University in Fargo, North Dakota invites all graduate
students in the fields of literature, composition, linguistics, and
creative writing to submit abstracts for the sixth annual Red River
Graduate Student Conference (RRGSC).
The conference will be held Friday, April 24th & Saturday, April 25th,
2009 in Fargo at the NDSU Memorial Union. All paper topics related to
literature, composition, linguistics, and creative works are welcome.
Please consider this conference even if you are in the drafting stage of
a paper or project. Panel submissions are encouraged, but not necessary.
There is a registration fee of $20 for conference participation. More
information about the conference may be found at Send abstracts of 250-500 words via
email attachment in a Microsoft Word file no later than March 18th, 2009
to ndsu.rrgsc(a) <>. Please note any
technology needs for your presentation.
IGSS Application Form Available
*International Graduate Student Scholarship (IGSS) *
Beginning with the 2005-2006 academic session, scholarships will be
offered to recognize and reward the excellence of international graduate
students pursuing Master's or Ph.D. degrees at the University of
Manitoba. The scholarships will be offered to students who:
(1) are international students (i.e., those in Canada on study permits)
continuing in full-time study in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the
University of Manitoba in either the second year of a two-year Master's
program, the second year of a two-year Ph.D. program, the second or
third year of a three-year Ph.D. program, or in the first year of a
Ph.D. program after completing a Master's degree at the University of
(2) are paying the international student tuition fee;
(3) have achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 over
the equivalent of the last two years of study;
(4) show great promise as researchers and as graduate students; and
(5) are not recipients of external funding that pays for their tuition.
The value of the scholarship is $4,000.
This scholarship may be held with the UMGF and other awards offered by
the University of Manitoba, but may not be held in conjuction with the
International Graduate Student Entrance Scholarship (IGSES) and the
International Graduate Student Bursary (IGSB). Students may be
considered for this scholarship in each year of eligible study. Students
who are enrolled in a re-registration year are not eligible.
Scholarships will only be applied against any outstanding international
tuition fee differential.
fgs logo
Mrs. Enza Pohl
Awards Assistant
Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
University of Manitoba
R3T 2N2
Telephone 204-474-6827
Fax 204-474-7553

20 Feb '09
To Awards Contacts:
Please circulate as required. This message has also been sent to
graduate students.
To view this email in your web browser, please click link
top banner <>
The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following
competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements: 20 February 2009
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_*
/*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/
/*_Research Area_*/
/*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/
March 16 Humanities M, D TBD (two awards were offered at $11,000
each in 2008-2009)
March 16 Humanities M, D available annual interest (valued at $1,525
for 2008-2009)
March 16 Arts, women M, D $3,000
March 16 Social Sciences and Humanities M, D available annual income
(valued at $4,000 in 2008-2009)
March 16 Natural, Physical or Life Sciences
Social Sciences and Humanities M, D available annual income (valued at
$10,000 for 2008/2009.)
March 16 Unrestricted M, D $1,000
*G. Clarence Elliott Fellowship
March 15 Agriculture
Housing & Community Planning M, D 70% of annual interest earned on
fund up to a maximum of $10,000.00
CALL FOR PAPERS: Canadian Journal of Native Education
*2009 Theme Issue: Indigenous Knowledges and Education (ECE -- 12)*
The Canadian Journal of Native Education (CJNE) is pleased to announce a
cooperative editorship for the 2009 CJNE theme issue with:
. Jo-ann Archibald, Q'um Q'um xiiem, University of British Columbia
. Mark Aquash, University of British Columbia
. Vicki Kelly, Simon Fraser University
. Graduate collectives from each university
The 2008 CJNE theme issue "Indigenous Knowledges and the University"
scholarly work focused on this important area of education. The 2009
theme issue will
continue to address educational challenges and successes in relation to
Knowledges and Education that spans early childhood to grade 12. This
CJNE call is for
research papers, stories and thought-pieces that address the 2009 theme.
The following
questions are of particular interest:
. How can Indigenous Knowledges contribute to the significant
improvement and
transformation of Indigenous education?
. How do we make Indigenous Knowledges matter in early childhood to high
school educational contexts?
. How can Indigenous knowledges shape research, leadership, pedagogies,
curriculum, policies, or parental/community engagement?
. What is the nature of the forces that either resist or ensure the
inclusion of
Indigenous Knowledges in ECE -- grade 12 contexts?
Please send four titled hard copies with abstract: (one hard copy to
include name and
contact address info and three hard copies without name and contact info
for blind
review) to:
2009 Theme Issue - Canadian Journal of Native Education
Dr. Jo-ann Archibald
Indigenous Education
2125 Main Mall, University of British Columbia
Vancouver BC, V6T 1Z4
OR send a digital copy in Word format to:
CJNE uses APA style. Submissions should be no longer than 6,250 words in
Deadline: July 2, 2009
*_2009 - 2010 Sheldon Chumir Internship in Ethics in Leadership_*
Applications are invited from senior university or college students or
graduates in any field relevant to ethics in leadership for an
Internship with the Sheldon Chumir Foundation for Ethics in Leadership.
A completed or nearly completed Master's degree will be an asset.
Interns work with the Foundation on research, program development and
implementation, publications and community outreach.
The Foundation seeks Interns who display a deep understanding of ethics
in leadership and public life together with imagination and creativity
of thought, demonstrated experience in working with the community,
strong organizational skills, superior writing skills and a personal
commitment to the Foundation's mission.
The stipend for the nine-month period is $34,100. A professional
development allowance of up to $3000 is available for use by the Intern
on activities agreed upon by the Intern and the Foundation. In certain
circumstances, and by mutual agreement, the Internship period can be
extended by up to three months.
*_Applications must include_:*
- a brief essay (not more than 1500 words) describing the applicant's
interest in and views on ethics in leadership, how this subject is
related to his/her academic program and career plans, and what ideas,
knowledge and skills the applicant would bring to the work of
the Foundation;
- a curriculum vitae; and
- names and contact information for _three_ referees who have been asked
to send letters of support directly to the Foundation.
*The deadline for receipt of application packages by the Foundation is
_March 13, 2009_.* Applications which are not _complete_ by this date
will not be considered.
The successful candidate will be notified by May 15, 2009, with the
Internship to commence on or about September 15, 2009. The Foundation
reserves the right not to make an award in any given year, or to make
more than one award, if appropriate.
*_Please send applications to:_*
The Sheldon Chumir Foundation for Ethics in Leadership
Suite 970, 1202 Centre Street S.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2G 5A5
tel: (403) 244-6666 fax: (403) 244-5596
email: info(a)
For further information on the Foundation please contact our office at
the above address, or visit our website at
The Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures (CeSOS)
The Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures (CeSOS) is an international
research centre at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
(NTNU), designated as a Centre of Excellence by the Research Council of
Norway. The aim of CeSOS is to develop fundamental knowledge for the
design and operation of future ships, offshore structures, floating
bridges and airports, facilities for aquaculture and production of
renewable energy from the oceans by integrating theoretical and
experimental research in marine hydrodynamics, structural mechanics and
automatic control.
The annual budget is about USD 5 million. About eighty researchers are
affiliated with the Centre and the annual research effort is about 50
researcher years.
CeSOS would like to invite applications for:
* CoE1/09: *Postdoctoral Fellowship in Unmanned Aerial Systems
*(duration of 1-2 years) We are looking for a young and ambitious
researcher with a PhD degree in aerospace and control, and a strong
background or interest in unmanned aerial systems. The candidate is
expected to be interested in both fundamental and applied research, and
in working on the boundary of several research domains. Specifically,
the work will involve research on guidance and control systems for both
single and multiple unmanned aerial vehicles. The candidate should be
prepared to work with PhD students, give seminars at the PhD level, and
to work with other researchers in a multi-disciplinary research group.
* CoE2/09: *Postdoctoral Fellowship in Guided Cooperative Control of
Unmanned Vehicles *(duration of 1-2 years) We are looking for a young
and ambitious researcher with a PhD degree in electrical, mechanical,
marine or aerospace engineering and control, and a strong background or
interest in unmanned vehicles. The candidate is expected to be
interested in both fundamental and applied research, and in working on
the boundary of several research domains. Specifically, the work will
involve research on guidance and control systems for multiple unmanned
vehicles, including unmanned underwater, surface, and aerial vehicles.
The candidate should be prepared to work with PhD students, give
seminars at the PhD level, and to work with other researchers in a
multi-disciplinary research group.
* CoE3/09: *Postdoctoral Fellowship in Condition Estimation and
Fault-tolerant Control for Marine Vehicles* (duration of 1-2 years) We
are looking for a young and ambitious researcher with a PhD degree in
electrical, mechanical or marine engineering and control, and a strong
background or interest in fault diagnosis, estimation, change detection
and control of nonlinear systems. The candidate is expected to be
interested in both fundamental and applied research, and in working on
the boundary of several research domains. Specifically, the work will
involve research on change detection and fault-tolerant design of
control systems in one out of two areas, dependent on the successful
applicant´s background and interest. One area is parametric roll
resonance where the purpose is to detect and control the phenomenon
before it develops to critical levels. The other is fault-tolerant
estimation and control to optimize ship propulsion in waves when a
diesel engine is used as prime mover. The candidate should be prepared
to work with PhD students, give seminars at the PhD level, and to work
with other researchers in a multi-disciplinary research group. For all
positions, the candidate must have a strong background in dynamics and
control, including both linear and nonlinear control theory. Experience
with Matlab and Simulink is also essential. The candidate must have
obtained the PhD degree within the last five years, or have completed
the PhD degree requirements before the beginning of the fellowship
award. Postdoctoral fellows will normally be engaged for a one or two
year period, with a possibility of extension depending on the results
achieved in the period. The gross salary for post doctors will typically
be between NOK 435 500 and NOK 496100.
Further information about the positions may be obtained from:
Professor Thor I. Fossen: [+47] 91 89 73 61 Fax: [+47] 73 59 55 28
E-mail: fossen(a)
Home page:
Specific information about position CoE3/09 may be obtained from:
Professor Mogens Blanke [+45] 45 25 35 65 E-mail: mogens.blanke(a)
The homepage of the centre:
Applications must include the following documentation:
* Letter of intent outlining how the postdoctoral fellowship will
further the applicant's career path - maximum 1,000 words (4 typed pages)
* Curriculum vitae, not exceeding 10 pages
* Two letters of recommendation from supervisors at the MSc and PhD
level. These letters should comment on the candidate's work ethic,
research ability and personal attributes. The referee should comment
specifically about the candidate's potential in the chosen field
* One letter of recommendation from an employer, if applicable
* A study record, with copies of all degree certificates/diplomas,
undergraduate and graduate. If the PhD is in progress, please provide
proof of enrolment in the program
* Publication list and PDF files of selected publications (maximum of 3)
* Possible achievements in research
* TOEFL score, or similar
Applications should be sent to: coe(a)
You may send an e-mail with all the necessary documents attached
electronically, but we require authorized documents by air mail before
signing a contract with you.
Mark your application with: CoE1/09, CoE2/09 or CoE3/09 *Apply as soon
as possible, and at the latest: 2009-03-01*
IGSS Application Form Available
*International Graduate Student Scholarship (IGSS) *
Beginning with the 2005-2006 academic session, scholarships will be
offered to recognize and reward the excellence of international graduate
students pursuing Master's or Ph.D. degrees at the University of
Manitoba. The scholarships will be offered to students who:
(1) are international students (i.e., those in Canada on study permits)
continuing in full-time study in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the
University of Manitoba in either the second year of a two-year Master's
program, the second year of a two-year Ph.D. program, the second or
third year of a three-year Ph.D. program, or in the first year of a
Ph.D. program after completing a Master's degree at the University of
(2) are paying the international student tuition fee;
(3) have achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 over
the equivalent of the last two years of study;
(4) show great promise as researchers and as graduate students; and
(5) are not recipients of external funding that pays for their tuition.
The value of the scholarship is $4,000.
This scholarship may be held with the UMGF and other awards offered by
the University of Manitoba, but may not be held in conjuction with the
International Graduate Student Entrance Scholarship (IGSES) and the
International Graduate Student Bursary (IGSB). Students may be
considered for this scholarship in each year of eligible study. Students
who are enrolled in a re-registration year are not eligible.
Scholarships will only be applied against any outstanding international
tuition fee differential.
fgs logo
Gene Senior
Recruitment, Promotion and Communications
Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Manitoba
p (204) 474 6172
f (204) 474 7553
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Any unauthorized distribution, copying, disclosure or dissemination of
this transmission or taking of any action in reliance on the contents of
this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not (one of) the
intended recipient(s), if you receive this transmission in error or if
it is forwarded to you without the express authorization of the original
sender, please destroy this transmission and contact us immediately.
Christal Barkman
Awards Assistant
Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2
ph: (204) 474.6827
fax: (204) 474.7553
email: barkman(a)
Please see attached for the following documents:
1. A memo from Dr. Doering regarding the 2009/2010 UMGF quotas.
2. 2009/2010 UMGF Quotas
3. 2009/2010 UMGF Recommendation Form
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Marcia Labiuk
Awards Officer
Faculty of Graduate Studies
University of Manitoba
Phone: (204) 474-9836

09 Feb '09
o Awards Contacts. please circulate as required. This message has also
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The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following
competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements: 06 February 2009
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_*
/*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/
/*_Research Area_*/
/*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/
March 2 Aboriginal issues D $16,000
March 2 Education, Law, and most departments in the Faculty of
Arts M, D $600 maximum to help defray costs of attending the conference
*For 2009 _only_, the March deadline will be March 2* unrestricted
M, D $500 for travel in North America, $750 for international travel
*G. Clarence Elliott Fellowship
March 15 Agriculture
Housing & Community Planning M, D 70% of annual interest earned on
fund up to a maximum of $10,000.00
March 1 Freshwater Aquatic Science M, D $2,500
March 1 Ukrainian or Ukrainian-Canadian topic M, D $2,000-$15,000
depending upon award
Public Safety Canada (PSC) is seeking to encourage graduate research in
support of its mandate, which is to enhance the safety and security of
Canadians in their physical and cyber environments.
These awards are available for those students who are studying and
conducting research in the area of Emergency Management (EM). This
includes work in the areas of one or more of the four pillars of
Emergency Management; mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.
Studies focused on the all hazards approach with regard to EM are
encouraged, as are studies in cyber security, disaster management, and
critical infrastructure protection and assurance*. Cross disciplinary /
multi-disciplinary studies in these areas are preferred and encouraged.
Preferred disciplines are regional planning, engineering, environmental
studies, computer science, geography, sociology, economics and/or areas
such as risk modeling and system science.
*For a definition of what PSC deems to be critical infrastructure
see:* **** *
*Number of Awards: *Eight (8)
*Value: *$19,250 CDN
*Deadline Date:* March 31, 2009
Interested candidates will find the information needed to apply for this
program in a PDF or Word format by visiting the Association of
Universities and Colleges of Canada's
Symposium: ETD 2009 Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations
The ETD 2009 Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations is
organized by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
(NDLTD) <>.
The NDLTD initiative is an open federation of hundreds of universities
and supporting organizations worldwide including research institutions
and private companies.
The 2009 conference will be held June 10 -- 13 at the University of
Pittsburgh <> in Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.
ETD 2009 will provide a forum to:
* Share the secrets of successful ETD, institutional repositories
and open access programs.
* Learn about new developments related to ETD authoring, archiving
and dissemination.
* Meet and discuss ETD challenges and issues with peer participants
in your region.
* Build skills that will facilitate ETD implementation at your
* Review issues that influence the success of your ETD program.
* Share experiences and research with the ETD community.
Deadline for Abstract Submission: *February 16, 2009 *
43rd Annual Prairie Universities Biological Symposium (PUBS)
Designed by graduate students for graduate and senior undergraduate
students, the 43rd Annual PUBS brings prairie university students
together to exchange ideas and research in various disciplines.
Conference topics include but are not confined to aquatic biology,
behavioural ecology, botany, chemistry/biochemistry, genetics,
geography, kinesiology, molecular biology, natural history,
neuroscience, palaeontology, parasitology and toxicology.
More info at ** <>
Transportation Association of Canada Foundation Scholarships
Just a reminder that the Transportation Association of Canada Foundation
Scholarships deadline is March 2, 2009.
Full details on the Foundation can be found
<> or by contacting the Foundation at
foundation(a) <>.
Foundation scholarships are intended to provide education assistance in
technical areas or disciplines which will contribute to safe, secure,
efficient, effective and environmentally and financially sustainable
transportation services in support of Canada's social and economic goals.
In Canada as a whole, the Foundation's primary focus for educational
support (scholarships) is on roadways and their strategic linkages and
inter-relationships with other components of the transportation system.
In urban areas, the primary focus is on the movement of people, goods
and services and its relationship with land use patterns and other
transportation modes.
*EQUIPP: Enhancing Qualitative Understanding of Illness Process
and Prevention
*A CIHR STIHR Program* - click for more info
EQUIPP is a one-year certificate training program in qualitative
methodologies for graduate and post doctoral students and researchers
from all disciplines, interested in health research. The program is
offered through the University of Alberta under the auspices of the
Faculty of Nursing. This program is a Strategic Training Initiative in
Health Research (STIHR) currently funded by the Institute of Gender and
Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (IGH, CIHR). The
trans-disciplinary program combines formal classes, interactive
seminars, and hands-on research experience to provide the best possible
learning experience. Focusing on research methods, rather than any one
health care discipline, graduates will return to the workforce prepared
to conduct research in any area. Limited fellowship funding is available
based on CIHR guidelines.
The overall objective of the EQUIPP training program is to prepare new
investigators, postdoctoral, doctoral and masters trainees to be leaders
in Canada and globally with the highest level of skill in qualitative
and mixed method transdisciplinary health research. This objective will
be accomplished by 1) enhancing our already developed superior training
and mentoring environment; 2) supporting collaboration between trainees
and mentors, including those leading transdisciplinary research teams;
and 3) providing meaningful training in the ethical conduct of
qualitative and mixed method research, facilitating translation of
qualitative knowledge, and enhancing professional skills development.
The EQUIPP training program is currently in its final year of funding,
ending April 2009. The Committee has applied to CIHR for a renewal of
funding which, if successful, will enable the program to offer
qualitative training for a further six years, starting May 2009.
Community Health and Humanities, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial
University of Newfoundland
Applications for a tenure track position in
*Environmental/Occupational Health*
The appointment will be at the Assistant Professor level and salary will
be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Individuals who are
currently in the later stages of their graduate training are encouraged
to apply. A completed earned doctorate is required for the appointee to
receive the rank of Assistant Professor and to be in a tenure-track
position. (If a successful candidate has not completed an earned
doctorate, he/she shall be appointed to a regular term, non-renewable
three-year appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor. If the
candidate completes all the requirements for the doctorate during the
first 24 months of the term appointment, he/she shall begin a
tenure-track appointment following completion of the requirements of the
degree). The successful candidate will contribute to the undergraduate
and graduate programs within the Division; establish and maintain an
independent, externally funded program of applied health research; and
participate in service activities.
Candidates will be expected to possess a PhD in a relevant health field
and have expertise in any combination of the following areas: air
quality, food and water quality, climate change, toxicology,
environmental/occupational exposures, and environmental/occupational
health policies. Preference will be given to applicants who have
experience working with community stakeholders and familiarity with
geographical information systems in the environmental/occupational
health context.
*Applications should be addressed to*: Dr. Shree Mulay, Associate Dean,
Division of Community Health and Humanities, Faculty of Medicine, Health
Sciences Memorial University of Newfoundland, Room 2843, Health Sciences
Centre, A1B 3V6. Applications can be submitted electronically to
brendah(a) <> or by fax: (709) 777-7382.
The application package should include /curriculum vitae/, contact
details of three referees, a letter of application, one sample of
scholarly writing, an overview and discussion of qualifications and
interests as they relate to the position, and a statement of teaching
The deadline for application is *May 1, 2009*.
*Theme: Earth Systems*
*Prize: $250,000 USD*
Notice of intent to nominate is encouraged: *February 28, 2009*
Complete Nomination: April 30, 2009
Dear Colleague:
On behalf of The Franklin Institute, I invite you to nominate candidates
for the 2010 Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science. This
award is presented annually by The Franklin Institute to an individual
of any nationality for outstanding work in the basic, applied, or
engineering sciences. Each year, a predetermined field of study is
chosen as a theme. A gold medal and a cash prize of $250,000 are awarded
to the individual selected to receive the award.
The theme for the 2010 Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science
is Earth Systems. *The Franklin Institute seeks nominations of
individuals who have made significant scientific contributions to our
understanding of the interrelationships among Earth Systems leading to
increased predictability of natural or human-induced changes on
the planet. Nominations should recognize efforts that encompass various
earth systems and processes, including: the Earth's interior,
lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere, biogeochemical
cycles, and Earth history. *
The Franklin Institute Awards Program is among the oldest and most
comprehensive international science and technology awards programs in
the world. The list of Franklin Institute laureates reads like a "Who's
Who" in the history of 19th, 20th, and 21st century science, including
such titans as Thomas Edison, Marie and Pierre Curie, Rudolph Diesel,
Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Enrico Fermi, Ruth Patrick, Stephen
Hawking, Ralph Cicerone, Sir Martin Rees, Noam Chomsky, Paul Baran, Rob
Van der Voo, Luna Leopold and M. Gordon Wolman, and Wallace Broecker. I
urge you to nominate a candidate whose name should be added to this
distinguished list.
For more information on nominating a candidate for The 2010 Bower Award
and Prize for Achievement in Science, please visit:
Questions about the appropriateness of a particular nomination are
welcome and should be directed to Dr. Frederic Bertley, Vice President,
The Franklin Institute, at fbertley(a) <>. If
you know of a candidate who has made an extraordinary contribution in
the area of Earth Systems, I strongly encourage you to participate in
this 2010 Bower nomination process.
Call for Abstracts: Higher Education and Civic Engagement
Partnerships: Create, Challenge, Change
Campus Engage, a network for the promotion of civic engagement
activities in Irish higher education, has issued a call for abstracts
for its inaugural conference on June 4th and 5th 2009.
The conference, entitled Higher Education and Civic Engagement
Partnerships: Create, Challenge, Change is being co-sponsored by the
Talloires Network. It will bring together higher education academics and
administrators, people involved in community organizations and students,
from Ireland and beyond. It will provide participants with an
opportunity to discuss the potential for change through service learning
/ community-based learning, research, civic education and volunteering.
The conference will be organized around four general themes: Philosophy,
Practice, Policy, and Partnership.
Abstracts can be submitted in the following formats:
* Oral Presentations / Papers (20 minutes)
* Workshops (90 minutes)
* Posters
Submissions are welcome from individuals but we also encourage
collaborative contributions blending community, student and academic
perspectives. While not exclusive, preference will be given to
submissions that address the conference themes listed above. Abstracts
of not more than 500 words, written in English, should be submitted
through the conference website
( on or before 12
noon, *Monday February 16th 2009*. Applications cannot be accepted by
email. If you have any queries or difficulties please contact the
Conference Secretariat at info(a)
<> (info(a)
FILM: UNDER RICH EARTH - *Two Nights Only ! Sat. & Sun/ Feb. 7 & 8
/ 7:00 PM*
*Two Nights Only ! Sat. & Sun/ Feb. 7 & 8 / 7:00 PM *
THE Winnipeg Film Group CINEMATHEQUE, 100 ARTHUR ST.
Introduced By Director (and former Winnipegger) Malcolm Rogge
Rogge's latest documentary tells of an extraordinary and overlooked
collision between the global mining corporation Ascendent Copper and the
humble family farmers of Ecudaor's Intag Valley. With its blend of
incredible on-site footage, shocking activities, and stunning first
person accounts, Rogge's film effectively unearths the saga of a tiny
community forced into battle against the world.
International Medical Students Research Congress 2009 - Call for
*International Medical Students Research Congress 2009 I.stanbul / Turkey
8 - 10 May 2009
Call for abstracts
**Deadline: 15 February 2009
*Dear international medical students, Have you performed scientific
research which you would like to present to (bio)medical students from
all over the world? Over 300 students will attend the International
Medical Students Conference / Approximately 150 students will present
their results. Don't miss it!! Send in your abstract !!
<> - Date: 8 - 10 May 2009 - Place: Istanbul/
Turkey - Subjects: All (bio)medical Researches - Presentation: Poster
and oral presentation - Awards: MAX. 1000 Euros - Accommodation: 3
nights for in a 3 star hotel - Including: Breakfast, lunch, dinner and
social programme. - Deadline: 15 February 2009
imsrc2009(a) <>
American Society for Engineering Education : ASEE Spring 2009
Northeast Conference
*April 3-4, 2009*
The Spring 2009 Northeast ASEE Conference will be held on April 3-4,
2009 at the University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Connecticut, U.S.A.
This year's conference theme is: *Engineering in the New Global Economy*.
In the coming years, our world will continue to face economical,
environmental and energy related problems. How is Engineering and
Engineering Technology Education responding to the needs of our society
and the world? This will be the theme for an exhilarating and thought
provoking weekend of professional workshops, presentations, and
discussions at the University of Bridgeport. The ASEE Northeast Section
is soliciting faculty papers, student papers and student posters which
address the various challenges and paradigms in this technological world
through research and instructional programs in Engineering and
Engineering Technology education.
There are three conference tracks: 1. Regular/ faculty papers 2. Student
papers and 3. Student posters
The deadline for abstract submission is *February 27th, 2009*.
Prospective authors are invited to submit their abstracts online in
Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format through the conference website at Suggested conference topics are listed
below. Other innovations in course and laboratory experiences and
assessments are also most welcome for submission: . Chemical and
Biological Engineering . Civil & Environmental Engineering . Electrical
& Computer Engineering . Engineering Technology/ Community Colleges .
Industrial, Automation and Manufacturing Engineering . Engineering
Technology and Community Colleges . Innovations In Engineering Education
. First Year Experiences . K-12 Education (Engineering Curriculum
Integration) . Mechanical Engineering . Computer Science and Information
Technology . Women in Engineering and Computer Science . Robotics .
Service Learning . Sustainability . Design Projects . Engineering and
Technology in the Liberal Arts . Systems Engineering . Globalization .
Ethics . Diversity In Engineering . Multidisciplinary Research Paper and
other Proposal Submissions
Prospective authors are invited to submit their abstracts online in
Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format through the website of the conference
at Proposals for special sessions,
tutorials, worskshops and exhibitions are also welcome. Please check the
conference website regarding instructions for these proposal submissions.
*Important Dates:*
Abstracts due *27th February, 2009 *
Acceptance notification *6th March, 2009 *
Final manuscript & Registration due *20th March, 2009*
Centre on Aging Student Scholarships
Centre on Aging Student Scholarships that are available for 2009 - 2010.
The Centre on Aging has several funding opportunities that are meant to
encourage the furthering of studies in aging and gerontology. These
awards have been made available through gifts and donations made to the
Alzheimer Society awards and CIHR opportunities are also available.
There are awards open to both undergraduate and graduate students. For
more information on a specific award, please refer to our website: and click on For Students:
Funding. Specific criteria and application forms can also be found on
the website. If you require any further information, please contact me
at the address below. Keep in mind the deadline for applications is
April 1, 2009.
Trish Macdonald, BHEc Coordinator Centre on Aging
338 Isbister Building
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2
Fax: (204)474-7576
E-mail: macdonap(a) <>
CIHR Institute of Gender and Health
In June 2009 CIHR's Institute of Gender and Health will host its
inaugural summer institute for trainees (graduate students and
post-doctoral fellows). The summer institute will take place at the
University of British Columbia (Vancouver, BC) from June 23-26, 2009.
This residential workshop will offer participants an opportunity to
increase their understanding of methods for gender, sex and health
research, as well as the opportunities and challenges that arise from
the application of these methods. The Summer Institute will also give
participants the chance to network with colleagues and mentors from
across Canada working in the field of gender, sex and health research.
We are accepting applications from trainees until March 1, 2009.
Application forms and further information about the summer institute are
available in both official languages on our website:
CIHR Institute of Gender and Health 2009 Summer Institute:
Atelier d'été 2009 de l'Institut de la santé des femmes et des hommes
des IRSC:
Department of National Defence: 2009 Awards, Scholarship and
Internship Programs
The Department of National Defence has launched the following 2009
Awards, Scholarship and Internship Programs:
SDF Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (including the R.B. Byers
Postdoctoral Fellowship)
SDF PhD Scholarship Program (including the Dr. Ronald Baker Doctoral
SDF Master of Arts Scholarship Program
SDF Internship Program
SDF Aboriginal Scholarship Program
Applications must arrive at the AUCC by* February 9, 2009*. Interested
candidates will find the information needed to apply for these programs
by visiting the Department of National Defence website:
IGSS Application Form Available
*International Graduate Student Scholarship (IGSS) *
Beginning with the 2005-2006 academic session, scholarships will be
offered to recognize and reward the excellence of international graduate
students pursuing Master's or Ph.D. degrees at the University of
Manitoba. The scholarships will be offered to students who:
(1) are international students (i.e., those in Canada on study permits)
continuing in full-time study in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the
University of Manitoba in either the second year of a two-year Master's
program, the second year of a two-year Ph.D. program, the second or
third year of a three-year Ph.D. program, or in the first year of a
Ph.D. program after completing a Master's degree at the University of
(2) are paying the international student tuition fee;
(3) have achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 over
the equivalent of the last two years of study;
(4) show great promise as researchers and as graduate students; and
(5) are not recipients of external funding that pays for their tuition.
The value of the scholarship is $4,000.
This scholarship may be held with the UMGF and other awards offered by
the University of Manitoba, but may not be held in conjunction with the
International Graduate Student Entrance Scholarship (IGSES) and the
International Graduate Student Bursary (IGSB). Students may be
considered for this scholarship in each year of eligible study. Students
who are enrolled in a re-registration year are not eligible.
Scholarships will only be applied against any outstanding international
tuition fee differential.
fgs logo
Mrs. Enza Pohl
Awards Assistant
Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
University of Manitoba
R3T 2N2
Telephone 204-474-6827
Fax 204-474-7553
To All Awards Contacts, please circulate as required. This message was
sent to graduate students.*
*Research Fields *Law, Psychology, Sociology
*Categories * No categories available
*Citizenship * Unrestricted
*Eligibility *
This award is to support the study of adult harassment. The fellowship
will be offered to a student who:
1. is enrolled full-time in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, in either a
Master's or Doctoral program delivered by the Faculty of Law, the
Department of Psychology, or the Department of Sociology;
2. has achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 3.5 (or
equivalent) based on the last 60 credit hours (or two full years or
equivalent) of university study;
3. has undertaken or has proposed to undertake research focused on
issues related to adult harassment (non-physical, non-sexual, mental,
emotional, and/or psychological), including but not limited to its
causation, the motivations or psychodynamics of the perpetrator,
implications for the victim's life and well-being, and/or legal aspects.
*Value *TBD
*Currency *Canadian
*Tenable at * Tenable at the University of Manitoba
*Deadlines* *February 2*
*Application Details *
Applicants will be required to submit an application which will consist
of a description of their proposed research or ongoing research (maximum
500 words), a current academic transcript(s), and two academic letters
of reference from professors at a post-secondary institution.
Recipients may hold the Dr. Richard Douglas Oatway Memorial Fellowship
concurrently with any other awards, consistent with policies in the
Faculty of Graduate Studies. A recipient may not hold the Fellowship
more than twice.
Contact: Christal Barkman at barkman(a)
<> or 204-474-6827.
Mrs. Enza Pohl
Awards Assistant
Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
University of Manitoba
R3T 2N2
Telephone 204-474-6827
Fax 204-474-7553
To All Awards Contacts, please circulate as required. This message was
sent to graduate students.
To view this email in your web browser, please click link
top banner <>
The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following
competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements: 23 January 2009
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_*
/*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/
/*_Research Area_*/
/*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/
*G. Clarence Elliott Fellowship
March 15 Agriculture
Housing & Community Planning M, D 70% of annual interest earned on
fund up to a maximum of $10,000.00
Colloquium Announcement: Sense and Sustainability at the
Université de Montréal
Sense and Sustainability at the Université de Montréal
Département d'études anglaises
March 13 - 14, 2009
Keynote speaker Clive Doucet, poet & author of Urban Meltdown (2007)
The English Graduate Student Society of the /Département d'études
anglaises /at the /Université de Montréal /invites all graduate students
to this historic multilingual city to attend our sixth annual colloquium
'Sense and Sustainability: Green approaches to reading', from Friday
March 13th to Saturday March 14th, 2009, located in the beautiful
Pavillion Jean-Coutu.
Send your 250-word abstract to submissions(a)
<> by January 31, 2009.For CFP see: <>
*PHDs Interested in Work in Saudi Arabia?*
King Saud University, invites distinguished PhD holders in the fields of
Engineering, Biotechnology, Computer Sciences
and Business Administration to join as University Staff.
1. PhD holders from well-respected universities in Europe, New
Zealand, Australia and/or USA/Canada
2. With experience both in teaching and research
*Features: *
1. Salary about $ 30,000.00 - 80,000.00 per Annum.
2. Accommodation allowance.
3. Annual air tickets up to 4 persons "Business class".
4. Free medical care.
5. Tax free
*Please send your application and CVs to:** **ndaghri(a)
For more information please visit <>
IGSS Application Form Available
*International Graduate Student Scholarship (IGSS) *
Beginning with the 2005-2006 academic session, scholarships will be
offered to recognize and reward the excellence of international graduate
students pursuing Master's or Ph.D. degrees at the University of
Manitoba. The scholarships will be offered to students who:
(1) are international students (i.e., those in Canada on study permits)
continuing in full-time study in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the
University of Manitoba in either the second year of a two-year Master's
program, the second year of a two-year Ph.D. program, the second or
third year of a three-year Ph.D. program, or in the first year of a
Ph.D. program after completing a Master's degree at the University of
(2) are paying the international student tuition fee;
(3) have achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 over
the equivalent of the last two years of study;
(4) show great promise as researchers and as graduate students; and
(5) are not recipients of external funding that pays for their tuition.
The value of the scholarship is $4,000.
This scholarship may be held with the UMGF and other awards offered by
the University of Manitoba, but may not be held in conjuction with the
International Graduate Student Entrance Scholarship (IGSES) and the
International Graduate Student Bursary (IGSB). Students may be
considered for this scholarship in each year of eligible study. Students
who are enrolled in a re-registration year are not eligible.
Scholarships will only be applied against any outstanding international
tuition fee differential.
*The Canadian Arthritis Network: 2009 Pilot Grant Program (PGP)*
for******* new investigators*
The Canadian Arthritis Network, a federally-funded organization that
funds arthritis research, supports trainees and acts as a facilitator to
connect the leading players in the arthritis research community, has
recently launched an* open competition*** for pilot operating funds.**
The******* 2009 Pilot Grant Program (PGP)* for******* new investigators*
aims to support new researchers who are establishing their careers in
arthritis in the areas of Osteoarthritis (OA), Inflammatory Joint
Diseases (IJD) or Bioengineering for the Restoration of Joint Function
(BIO). The program will provide one-time funding to innovative research
proposals submitted by eligible applicants.
Eligibility: new investigators who, at the time of the application:
· are within three years of receiving their first academic
· hold an appointment as an independent investigator at a CIHR
eligible institution at the time of taking up the award, and throughout
the term of the award;
· who do not hold (or have not held) peer-reviewed operating funds
as a Principal Investigator totalling greater than $30,000.
· Up to $50,000 is available from the Canadian Arthritis Network
for this award.
*Application Deadlines*
· Registration deadline: Monday, February 2, 2009
· Submission deadline: Monday, February 16, 2009
A Registration form and Grant Review Selection Process form have been
attached for those interested in applying for funding. These forms, and
other relevant information, are also available on the Canadian Arthritis
Network's website here:
Any questions should be directed to Stefanie Cara at 416-586-4800 ext.
5164 or _scara(a)mtsinai.on.ca_ <>.
2009 U of M Political Studies Students' Conference:
"The Never-Ending Story? Conflicts in the Middle East"
The organising committee for the 2009 U of M Political Studies Students'
Conference (PSSC) entitled "The Never-Ending Story? Conflicts in the
Middle East", would like to extend an invitation for all graduate
students at the U of M.
Briefly, the conference is being held between *January 28-30* and seeks
to engage students, leading academics and the public in an open forum to
explore a range of key challenges that confront the MIddle East. There
will be eighteen guest speakers on six panels to discuss topics that
include: "The Israeli-Palestinian Question", "Social Conflict: Religion
and Political Culture", "Economic Conflict: Oil and Water", "Military
Conflict: Proliferation", "Geopolitical Conflict: Territory and External
Powers" and "Canada, Conflict and the MIddle East."
Also, the keynote speaker is Michael Bell. He is from the University of
Windsor and was the former Canadian Ambassador to Israel, Jordan and
Egypt. He recently gave an interview to the Globe and Mail about the
current crisis in Gaza.
The conference is located at the Great Hall (University College
building) at the University of Manitoba. A question period will follow
each panel.
We also have a website at <>
fgs logo
Mrs. Enza Pohl
Awards Assistant
Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
University of Manitoba
R3T 2N2
Telephone 204-474-6827
Fax 204-474-7553
To Awards Contacts, please circulate as required. This message has been
sent to graduate students.
To view this email in your web browser, please click link
top banner <>
The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following
competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements for the week of: 19 January 2009
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_*
/*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/
/*_Research Area_*/
/*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/
February 27 environmental or conservation focus M, D $3,500
January 29 language study and international research M, D $30,000
January 30 ALL M, D Tuition, travel, room and board on campus
(approximately $27,000)
January 31 humanistic sciences, political studies, law, economics,
film studies, music M, D A round trip air-ticket (economy class) for
the scholarship recipient only for his/her arrival and upon his/her
definite departure from Greece and a monthly allowance of EUR 1.200 for
subsistence, accommodation and all other expenses
February 6, 2009 (for U of M students) Medicine, Community Health,
Nursing M, D $16,000
February 2 Unrestricted D $5,000
February 6 medieval studies D cash award as well as a membership in
the Society for three years
February 16th, April 15th, June 15th, and October 1st sex, gender,
health of men, women, girls, boys M, D The maximum amount for a single
award is $1,000 to partially cover the costs of travel, accommodations,
and registration.
February 2 Unrestricted M, D $10,000
subject to change
One Open Scholarship is awarded annually across Canada.
February 27 Unrestricted D The deadline for faculties and schools to
have their nominations to FGS is February 27
February 1 Medicine M, D Personal Awards: $1000 per applicant
Travel Grants: $500
February 6 Medicine, Community Health, Nursing M, D February 6
February 23 Computer science, computer engineering, software
engineering or related technical fields M, D $5,000 CAD
Call for Papers: Education Graduate Students' Society (EGSS)
The Education Graduate Students' Society (EGSS) warmly invites students
and faculty
members to celebrate research and theory in education, and bridge their
work with practical
applications by submitting a proposal related to one of the following
Culture and Values . Curriculum Studies . Educational Leadership and
Policy . Educational Psychology . School Psychology . Counseling . Child
and Adolescent Development . Kinesiology . Physical Education .
Technology, Media, and Information Studies . Second Language Education .
Teacher Education . Human Development .
Not sure if your work would fit into any of these categories? E-mail us at
egssconference2009(a) <>
The McGill EGSS Conference is a great opportunity to come together,
professionally and personally, to share ideas and begin dialogues with
individuals across various fields of education. Past conferences have
attracted students and faculty both nationally and internationally. In
addition, the McGill EGSS Conference is the perfect place for students
to develop presentation skills and put valuable experience on your CV.
Find out more *here* <attachments/EGSS_Call4Papers.pdf>.
*Conference Announcment: /Alzheimer Society 2009 Conference /*
*/*Partners in Care...Unlimited Possibilities*/*
March 9th & 10th, 2009
Canad Inns - Polo Park 1405 St. Matthews . Winnipeg
Find out more by reading *this attachment
fgs logo
Mrs. Enza Pohl
Awards Assistant
Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
University of Manitoba
R3T 2N2
Telephone 204-474-6827
Fax 204-474-7553
Good morning all,
The University of Manitoba Distinguished Dissertation will be advertised
to students shortly. I am giving you advance notice of this award as
your faculty/school's nominations are due to the Faculty of Graduate
Studies by *February 27*. You may wish to announce to faculty/students
that you have your own internal deadline by which nominations must be
submitted in order that your own review committee has time to assess and
then choose the top candidate to forward to FGS. Please see this link
for the award information.
Please ensure that all deans and directors are notified of this award
and its' upcoming deadline.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Christal Barkman
Awards Assistant
Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2
ph: (204) 474.6827
fax: (204) 474.7553
email: barkman(a)

06 Jan '09
To Awards Contacts, please circulate as required. This message has been
sent to graduate students.
To view this email in your web browser, please click link
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The Faculty of Graduate Studies would like to bring the following
competition(s) to your attention:
Announcements for the week of: 05 January 2009
*_Title of Award or Scholarship_*
/*_Application Deadline or Date of Event_*/
/*_Research Area_*/
/*Study Level (M=Master, _D=Doctoral)_*/
Sport Information Resource Centre
January 7 Medical, Health or Psycho-Social
Physical Education M, D $1,000 - $2,000, full details available from
the SIRC website
Dr. Richard Douglas Oatway Memorial Fellowship
January 15 Law, Psychology, Sociology M, D TBD
Richard C. Goulden Memorial Award
January 30 Environmental Studies
Natural, Physical or Life Sciences M, D interest earned
The Dirksen Congressional Center invites applications for grants to fund
research on congressional leadership and the U.S. Congress. A total of
up to $30,000 will be available in 2009. Awards range from a few hundred
dollars to $3,500.
The competition is open to individuals with a serious interest in
studying Congress. Political scientists, historians, biographers,
scholars of public administration or American studies, and journalists
are among those eligible. The Center encourages graduate students who
have successfully defended their dissertation prospectus to apply and
awards a significant portion of the funds for dissertation research.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens who reside in the United States.
The awards program does not fund undergraduate or pre-Ph.D. study.
Organizations are not eligible. Research teams of two or more
individuals are eligible. No institutional overhead or indirect costs
may be claimed against a Congressional Research Award. There is no
standard application form. Applicants are responsible for showing the
relationship between their work and the awards program guidelines.
Applications are accepted at any time.
Applications which exceed the page limit and incomplete applications
will NOT be forwarded to the screening committee for consideration.
All application materials must be received on or before February 1, 2009.
Awards will be announced in March 2009. Complete information about
eligibility and application procedures may be found at The Center's Web
site: **. PLEASE READ
THOROUGHLY. Frank Mackaman is the program officer --
The Dirksen Congressional Center 2815 Broadway Pekin, IL 61554
*EDC 2008-2009 Competition now open*
Export Development Canada (EDC) launched its 11th annual national
competition of the EDC International Business Scholarship Program.
EDC's International Business Scholarship Program is designed to help
grow Canada's trade competencies and underlines the importance of
international trade among Canada's future business leaders. By
incorporating environmental studies with international business into the
program, EDC is helping to build Canada's future capacity to engage in
international trade in an environmentally responsible manner.
EDC will offer as many as 30 scholarships, 25 of which will recognize
exceptional students in the field of international business or
economics. The remaining 5 scholarships will be awarded to outstanding
business students who combine these fields with a focus on sustainable
management or environment studies.
The scholarship winners will receive a *$3,000 cash award *and, if
eligible, a possible four-month work term worth approximately *$10,000.*
The work term includes mentoring from leading industry experts at EDC's
head office in Ottawa. This year's application deadline is January 26,
2009. Scholarships will be awarded in the spring of 2009 and work terms
will be available for the summer of 2009. Students interested in an EDC
work term should indicate this at the time of applying for the scholarship.
EDC's scholarship program is a key component of its Education and Youth
Employment (EYE) Strategy. For additional information about EDC's EYE
Strategy and International Business Scholarships, please visit: <>
The program is managed on behalf of EDC by the Canadian Bureau for
International Education (CBIE). "We are proud to manage the EDC
International Business Scholarships," said Jim Fox, CBIE President.
"This Program recognizes excellence and provides added support to top
students. Through cultivating the country's fresh talent, EDC is helping
position Canada for cutting-edge achievement in both international and
'green' business."
CBIE is a national non-governmental organization with a membership
comprising 200 universities, colleges, institutes, school boards,
educational organizations, training agencies and provincial ministries
of education. CBIE has extensive expertise in scholarship, fellowship
and internship management. For information about CBIE, please visit: <>.
EDC is Canada's export credit agency, offering innovative commercial
solutions to help Canadian exporters and investors expand their
international business. EDC's knowledge and partnerships are used by
nearly 7,000 Canadian companies and their global customers in up to 200
markets worldwide each year. EDC is financially self- sustaining, is a
recognized leader in financial reporting and economic analysis, and has
been named one of Canada's Top 100 Employers for eight consecutive years.
May 27-29, 2009 - HONOLULU, HAWAII
You are invited to submit an abstract for the 5TH INTERNATIONAL
Honolulu, May 27-29,2009 to take place at the Ilikai Hotel, 1777 Ala
Mona Blvd., in beautiful Waikiki. (ph. 808-949-3811).
This conference will draw together scholars from the Pacific Nations to
present academic papers, poster or cultural displays on issues in
lndigenous education. Fifteen minutes will be allocated for each
presentation. Sessions will run from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for each of
the three days of the conference. Please note that if papers are
presented in a language other than English, an English version must be
presented by power point projection. Please submit registration form
below by return email by *January 31, 2009* with title and abstract in
Word, Times New Roman II font (English). Submit your abstract early as
there will be a limit placed on the number of paper presentations. For
those who wish to have their papers published in the conference
proceedings, full text of papers to be submitted as above by April I) 2009.
*Conference Fees*: Delegate tuition: $300.00 U.S.D. Student and retiree
tuition: $150.00 U.S.D. Tuitions to be paid by international money order
upon acceptance of abstract. Note: All participants are responsible for
their own transportation, meals, and accommodation.
Those flying out of *Canada *may take advantage of 10% discount on
WestJet, with promotional code provided on request once abstract has
been accepted, and a web link for reservations at the Ilikai Hotel will
be provided for discount rates.
Please feel free to forward this call for abstracts to your colleagues.
Welcome Back Reminders
*Information for all Master's and Ph.D. students who are continuing in
their program (except MBA or MPA students). *
Please remember that it is a requirement that all Master's and Ph.D.
students are registered for the Fall AND Winter terms.
The most efficient way of ensuring that you are registered in order to
retain status is to register for the "Re-Registration" course:
"Master's re-registration"
GRAD 7020
"Ph.D. re-registration"
GRAD 8020
This re-registration should be over and above any course registration(s)
you complete. If you are registered for the re-registration course (over
both Fall and Winter terms) you will retain status in your graduate
program even if you withdraw from courses.
*Fee Payment for Winter Term Courses*
*Deadline for payment of Winter Term fees is Thursday January 8, 2009.*
* Click here for information on methods of fee payment
* Check your fee balance on Aurora Student. If you have questions or
concerns about your student account, call the Registrar's Office
at 474-9420 or drop in to Room 400 University Centre during
business hours (8:30 -- 4:30 Monday to Friday).
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Gene Senior
Recruitment, Promotion and Communications
Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Manitoba
p (204) 474 6172
f (204) 474 7553
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sender, please destroy this transmission and contact us immediately.
Christal Barkman
Awards Assistant
Faculty of Graduate Studies
500 University Centre
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2
ph: (204) 474.6827
fax: (204) 474.7553
email: barkman(a)