Hi Soil Science Grads,
I just wanted to update everyone on the upcoming MSSS Drop-in Tour. Please see the attached poster with all the details about the event.
Please feel free to register for this event even if you did not respond to the email sent out previously to estimate the number of grad students who would attend.
MSSS Drop-In Soil Tour
* Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2020
* Event is free to attend (monolith option is $50)
* Need arrange own transportation to sites, but there is a carpooling/shuttling option available for grad students. Please let me know if you would like the carpool/shuttling option and I can hope make arrangements
* Registration: Please email msss(a)umanitoba.ca<mailto:msss@umanitoba.ca> with your intended time of arrival at the first site. If you choose to build your own monolith, please indicate your site of choice (limited space). Upon registration you will receive a confirmation email and directions to the 3 sites.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!
Sarah Johnson
Graduate Student (MSc)
Department of Soil Science
University of Manitoba