  • 540 discussions

by Martha Blouw
1 year, 7 months

FW: Apply to become a CAPI Doctoral Fellow | Postuler pour devenir un boursier doctoral de l'ICPA
by Martha Blouw
1 year, 7 months

FW: Research Grant Opportunity for Topics relating to The Intersection of Trade, Environment, and Food Security - Opportunité de financement pour des projets de recherche sur l’intersection du commerce, de l’environnement et de la sécurité alimentaire
by Martha Blouw
1 year, 7 months

FW: Spearheading Sustainable Solutions initiative made possible by RBC Foundation // L'initiative a l'avant-garde des solutions durables rendue possible par RBC Fondation
by Martha Blouw
1 year, 7 months

REMINDER: Registration for Fall 22 & Winter 23
by Martha Blouw
1 year, 8 months

FW: Reminder: 2022/23 Agricultural and Food Sciences Awards - Applications Now Open on UM Learn!
by Martha Blouw
1 year, 8 months

UM Bursaries
by Martha Blouw
1 year, 8 months

FW: Please Circulate - New Government of Manitoba Paid Data Science Internship Program
by Martha Blouw
1 year, 8 months

FW: Grad Stats Course: SOIL 7250 T02 Non-traditional Quantitative Techniques
by Martha Blouw
1 year, 8 months

FW: You are invited! FAFS Graduate Student Orientation - Mandatory for new students
by Martha Blouw
1 year, 8 months
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