Hi all,
I have the contract from ALT Hotel but am still awaiting the one from the Fort Garry. The numbers are as reported at our last meeting. I would, however, like this committee's input regarding the number of rooms the conference is going to commit to providing for certain participants. In the budget justification for the original SSHRC application, we indicated that we would be providing accommodation for 36 participants according to my tally, (10 Roundtable presenters; 10 grad students; 5 emerging scholars; 5 postdocs, and 6 community partners/activists).
Are we still committed to providing accommodation for these groups, and/or have any of the numbers been affected by the programming changes?
If we are so committed and the numbers are in fact 36, I can see about adding one room to this block and we can set up a master account to provide accommodation for all our presenters at the ALT Hotel. As I recall, this was suggested by Jim M at our last meeting. This would leave the Fort Garry to provide rooms for those paying their own way.
Does this sound about right? I am up to date on various developments and still on the right page? Please advise.
Paul Jenkins, PhD
Instructor, Department of History, &
Program Developer/Coordinator & Assistant to the Director
Institute for the Humanities,
University of Manitoba