More cities trying out ciclovias

According to an article in the Sept. 28 "Parks, Greenways, Trails, Great Places to Walk & Bike" newsletter [by Gil Penalosa], "An increasing number of cities are temporarily opening streets to people and closing them to cars. Without any capital investments (some operational), they are getting people out to be physically active; from thousands in small communities to millions in large cities, it is working.
"Thanks to StreetFilms and the leadership of Clarence Eckerson, now we can learn from many of these 'best practices.' Use the videos to get people on board, and then barrow the Nike slogan and 'just do it!' It takes political will, a can-do attitude from city staff, and community engagement.
"See four examples of magnificent exercises of social integration where people of all ages, gender, levels of ability, economic and ethnic backgrounds come out and participate as equals. Although Bogota has enjoyed ciclovia for many years, NYC, San Francisco, and Portland began in 2008; you can too, by learning from them. This could be your first resolution for 2009!"
Videos: Bogota (CO): New York City (NY): San Francisco (CA): Portland (OR)
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie