The following message is sent on behalf of the Financial Planning Office
Thank you for all of your efforts to date in developing the 2018/19 operating budget. Further adjustments will be required as we continue through the budget development process but some changes have been made that we would like you to be aware of:
1. A system defect was resolved that resulted in properly consolidating salaries that were entered in the compensation screens.
2. Several Central Support Units have reduced their original budget requests
3. Allocations have been re-run
As a result, all Academic units will see that their total budget, when including allocations, has changed.
Aurora Finance Customer Service
416 Administration Building
Winnipeg, Manitoba ∙ R3T2N2 ∙ Canada
Phone: 204.480.1001<>
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Access to UM Plan for all Academic and Ancillary Unit users has been changed to read only. As you continue to review your budget please notify FPO(a)<> of any errors you find. The Financial Planning Office will also continue the review of all budgets entered and write access will be re-instated for any necessary adjustments.
Thank you.
Anil Rattan
Functional Analyst, Financial Systems
Financial Services
416 Administration Building
Winnipeg, Manitoba ∙ R3T2N2 ∙ Canada
Phone: 204.474.7055<>
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The UMPlan system did not refresh properly overnight.
For those who are currently working on your budget, this will result in expected new data not showing in the system for you such as budget transfers, VIP updates and chart of accounts information that were created or changed yesterday.
Any updates or changes that you inputted and saved in UMPlan will not be impacted.
The issue and resolution have been identified and the system is expected to refresh normally tonight.
Aurora Finance Customer Service
Phone: 204.480.1001
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To continue supporting you through the budgeting process, additional UMPlan Build Your Budget sessions have been scheduled throughout the month of November.
Work at your own pace with the UM support team at your fingertips for assistance and to respond to your questions related to the system functions.
These sessions are available for registration on the LOD Course Registration site<…>. To register please use the access code of BUDGET17
Please note: Courses which have no registered participants are subject to cancellation. If you plan on attending a session, please register in advance. Thank-you for your cooperation.
Kristine Ward
Assistant Manager, Financial Systems
Financial Services
410 Administration Building
Winnipeg, Manitoba ∙ R3T2N2 ∙ Canada
Phone: 204.272.1669<>
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Good Evening
The UMPlan system is now available for all clients; you can proceed to log in and continue work on your budget.
The incidents experienced over the last few days were unrelated and each required the engagement of Oracle, our service provider, to apply a resolution.
Your support teams within the University of Manitoba for this system are committed to maintaining system stability and availability for you; we continue to work with our software provider to monitor & improve the systems performance.
Kristine Ward
Assistant Manager, Financial Systems
Financial Services
410 Administration Building
Winnipeg, Manitoba ∙ R3T2N2 ∙ Canada
Phone: 204.272.1669<>
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The UMPlan system is currently unavailable; individuals who were logged in are experiencing system errors and those trying to access the system are unable to.
This incident is being treated with the highest priority; University of Manitoba resources are engaging the software provider for a resolution.
Thank-you for your patience and understanding.
Kristine Ward
Assistant Manager, Financial Systems
Financial Services
410 Administration Building
Winnipeg, Manitoba ∙ R3T2N2 ∙ Canada
Phone: 204.272.1669<>
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Good Morning
Yesterday we shared with this group that UMPlan was not functioning properly and clients were experiencing error messages when accessing forms and reports.
We are happy to advise that all issues have been resolved and the planning and budgeting tool is now working as expected.
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank-you for your patience while teams worked towards reinstating this service for you.
Kristine Ward
Assistant Manager, Financial Systems
Financial Services
410 Administration Building
Winnipeg, Manitoba ∙ R3T2N2 ∙ Canada
Phone: 204.272.1669<>
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