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Begin forwarded message:
From: Altium <webform(a)>
Date: April 24, 2020 at 4:09:30 PM CDT
To: Mount-first Ng <Mount-first.Ng(a)>
Subject: New Altium Webinars in May - Register Now
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In May
Hi Mount-First,
Check out our upcoming webinars in May below and register now for a live event!
The webinars will be covering the following topics:
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Altium 365 Webinar Series
Date: Various Session Dates, See Below
We are pleased to offer a 3 part Altium Academy Virtual series to discuss the problems that companies can encounter while working remotely, and how to effectively overcome these issues. During these three webinars, we’ll cover:
* Teaming up with other stakeholders
* Collaborating from various locations with colleagues from your organization
* Cooperating with 3rd party companies or contractors
* Managing your company data in a cloud-based infrastructure
These sessions are short and followed by a question/answer period.
Register Now<>
[Webinar Tab with Icon]
Altium Academy Virtual Events
Date: Various Session Dates, See Below
Also, check out next week’s other FREE Altium Academy Virtual Sessions. These weekly interactive sessions are short and focused and allow time for live Q&A. These weekly interactive sessions are short and focused and allow time for live Q&A. We’ll have topics for users of every tool, including industry best practices, professional development courses as well as Altium Designer specific courses...something for everyone!
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From: MathWorks <mathworks(a)>
Date: April 22, 2020 at 4:12:45 AM CDT
To: Mount-first Ng <Mount-first.Ng(a)>
Subject: MATLAB Support for Distance Learning
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MATLAB Resources for Online Instruction
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As many universities are moving quickly to online instruction, we are reaching out to ensure you are aware of online learning resources available for distance learning. Whether you are an expert in using MATLAB in an online environment, or just getting started, we have many free resources to help.
Teaching with MATLAB and Simulink
[Teaching with MATLAB and Simulink] Provide hands-on learning experiences to analyze data, create models and simulate systems.
» Explore teaching resources<…>
Access Free Training
[Access Free Training] Teaching with MATLAB Course
Learn how to integrate MATLAB into your online course with these 7 short, self-paced tutorials.
» Launch course<…>
Online Training
Save instruction time by assigning self-paced training on topics that help students ramp up on MATLAB and Simulink.
» Explore training<…>
Explore Tools for Online Instruction
[Explore Tools for Online Instruction] MATLAB Online & MATLAB Drive
See how you can share and collaborate with students and colleagues with MATLAB Online and MATLAB Drive.
» Watch video<…>
Create auto-graded course assignments with instant student feedback.
» Learn more<…>
Join Communities & Blogs
[Join Communities & Blogs] Keep Teaching Through Distance Learning Blog Post
Tips and resources to adapt your teaching approach to an online setting while still delivering key learning outcomes.
» Read blog<…>
Distance Learning Community
Connect with others on this community for resources and information that you can use for teaching with MATLAB and Simulink through distance learning.
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From: "ANSYS, Inc." <corporate(a)<>>
Subject: Register today for an Ansys webinar!
Date: April 14, 2020 at 12:35:23 PM CDT
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[Webinar Promotion]<…>
Upcoming Ansys Webinars
Harness the full potential of Ansys simulation to achieve your product goals by registering for an upcoming webinar. Choose from the many topics below, or find additional webinars on the Ansys calendar<…>. Here are all of the webinars included in the email:
Upcoming Ansys Webinars
Acceleration Factors and Life Predictions<…> Optimizing Electric Motor Performance with CFD<…>
Hybrid Techniques for the Modeling/Simulation of PCBs<…> 7 Tips in 17 Minutes: Leveraging CFD for Electronics<…>
Increasing Student Engagement in Materials Education Using Ansys GRANTA EduPack<…> Ansys SPEOS 2020 R1: Powering Dynamic New Lighting Advancements<…>
Simulating Complex Gearbox Lubrication Cases Using CFD<…> Recent Advances in Multiphase Modeling in Ansys Fluent<…>
Design for Additive Manufacturing<…> ROM to Simulate in Real Time while Maintaining the Detail of the Three-Dimensional Physical Simulation<…>
Modeling Thermal Management for Electrified Systems<…> New Materials in Architecture: A Pedagogical Approach to Materials by Design<…>
Ansys Simulation Platform for Electric Machines<…> Accelerating the Aerospace & Defense Digital Transformation with FACE and ARINC 661 Avionics Standards<…>
Build Setup Using Ansys Additive Prep<…> Additive Manufacturing of a Vehicle Gearbox Fork<…>
Modeling Inductive-Based Wireless Power Transfer Using Ansys Maxwell<…> Process Simulation Using Ansys Additive Print<…>
How Reliable Material Data and Simulation Helped Etergo Develop a Smart Electric Scooter<…> Validating Finite Element Simulations Through Physical Testing<…>
Concept Modeling: Design Exploration for Every Engineer<…> Material Analysis Using the Latest Tool in the Ansys Additive Solution<…>
Functional Safety for Semiconductors in Critical Autonomous Driving Systems<…>
Acceleration Factors and Life Predictions<…>
April 16, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Acceleration factors (AF) are essential variables when designing an effective accelerated life test (ALT). Attend this webinar to learn about acceleration factors, their impact on test protocols and their role in quickly determining the faults and failures of a product.
Optimizing Electric Motor Performance with CFD<…>
April 16, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn to use simultaneous multiphysics simulations to design and optimize high-performance electric machines, without compromising solution accuracy. Topics include CFD thermal model creation for a water-cooled electric motor; one-way and two-way coupling between electromagnetic and CFD solvers; and tips and tricks on modeling oil-spray cooling of electric motors.
Hybrid Techniques for the Modeling/Simulation of PCBs<…>
April 21, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Explore Ansys simulation solutions for modeling PCBs and learn which techniques — trace mapping, trace modeling, lumped material models, etc. — are best-suited for solving specific design problems.
7 Tips in 17 Minutes: Leveraging CFD for Electronics<…>
April 21, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Liquid cooling is increasingly required for advanced electronics that draw more power while occupying less space. Learn how Ansys Discovery simulations can help you compare design trade-offs from an architectural standpoint (size/shape of flow channel or number of fins/veins) to determine requirements of associated systems, like pump sizing or cooler capacity.
Increasing Student Engagement in Materials Education Using Ansys GRANTA EduPack<…>
April 21, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn the various ways you can enhance student engagement with engineering topics, and discover how Ansys GRANTA EduPack promotes learning in a range of engineering and design areas.
Ansys SPEOS 2020 R1: Powering Dynamic New Lighting Advancements<…>
April 21, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn how Ansys SPEOS enhancements in Ansys 2020 R1 will help you design the highest quality and most efficient lighting systems, which satisfy the needs of the global market and make use of eco-friendly products. Discover how to integrate a lighting device into a specific environment by considering multiphysics behaviors — thermal, optical, mechanical and electronic — and optimize the shape and number of your lighting components.
Simulating Complex Gearbox Lubrication Cases Using CFD<…>
April 21, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis is a great tool for ensuring proper lubrication of rotating gears and bearings: It can help compute the immiscible motion of the oil–gas phase, as well as the temperature of components in gearboxes. Learn how Ansys Fluent can be used for this application and receive an introduction to our new end-to-end automated workflow, ACT-Gearbox.
Recent Advances in Multiphase Modeling in Ansys Fluent<…>
April 22, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn about recent innovations in Ansys Fluent that provide the widest range of multiphase models for the most accurate simulation of your toughest engineering challenges.
Design for Additive Manufacturing<…>
April 22, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn how the Ansys Discovery topology optimization tool can be used for creating lightweight designs and readying your parts for additive manufacturing.
ROM to Simulate in Real Time while Maintaining the Detail of the Three-Dimensional Physical Simulation<…>
April 23, 2020, at 10 a.m. EDT / 2 p.m. GMT / 7:30 p.m. IST
Ansys Twin Builder offers several reduced-order modeling (ROM) techniques to speed up multiphysics 3D simulations without sacrificing accuracy.
This webinar is presented in Italian.
Modeling Thermal Management for Electrified Systems<…>
April 23, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn how to model thermal management systems for electric vehicles and other applications using the heating and cooling library in Ansys Twin Builder, which includes models for heat exchangers, pumps, compressors, valves and other devices commonly used in thermal management systems.
New Materials in Architecture: A Pedagogical Approach to Materials by Design<…>
April 28, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
In recent years, materials have emerged as a focus of architectural pedagogy, based on the bold assertion that architecture design requires materials design. Learn about tools and resources to support teaching materials in architecture, along with innovative concepts that can be used to demonstrate the value and power of a materials-based design approach.
Ansys Simulation Platform for Electric Machines<…>
April 28, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn about simulation solutions available for the initial design of electric machines, efficiency maps and temperature-dependent demagnetization. Discover a multiphysics coupled workflow that predicts the thermal performance and acoustic signature of a machine.
Accelerating the Aerospace & Defense Digital Transformation with FACE and ARINC 661 Avionics Standards<…>
April 28, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn how model-based development tools for high-reliability embedded control, display and human-machine interface applications enable you to support efficient embedded software development in accordance with DO-178C (up to DAL-A) requirements, FACE™ and ARINC 661.
Build Setup Using Ansys Additive Prep<…>
April 29, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Discover how Ansys Additive Prep creates the right orientations or supports for your metal additive manufacturing (powder bed fusion) processes, with an easy-to-use interface and heat maps to guide the process from start to finish.
Additive Manufacturing of a Vehicle Gearbox Fork<…>
May 5, 2020, at 9 a.m. EDT / 1 p.m. GMT / 6:30 p.m. IST
Learn how Ansys Additive Manufacturing simulation solutions can be used to print a vehicle gearbox fork — a part requiring regular replacement from constant wear and tear. Discover how Ansys Additive Print can help you produce defect-free parts the first time and every time.
This webinar is presented in Spanish.
Modeling Inductive-Based Wireless Power Transfer Using Ansys Maxwell<…>
May 5, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn how simulation can help you design optimal inductive-based wireless power systems for charging biomedical implants, consumer electronics and even electric vehicles.
Process Simulation Using Ansys Additive Print<…>
May 6, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn how Ansys Additive Print metal AM process simulations can ensure your parts will print "first time right," while accurately predicting any failures like blade crash and compensating for any possible distortions.
How Reliable Material Data and Simulation Helped Etergo Develop a Smart Electric Scooter<…>
May 7, 2020, at 10 a.m. EDT / 2 p.m. GMT / 7:30 p.m. IST
Discover how the Amsterdam-based startup Etergo is using Ansys GRANTA Selector as a source of reliable data for high-quality materials used in Ansys simulation solvers to design their next-generation smart electric scooter.
Validating Finite Element Simulations Through Physical Testing<…>
May 7, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn why an electronic assembly might fail reliability testing even when the FEA simulation predicts it should pass, and how to perform physical tests to ensure that realistic material properties are used in reliability testing.
Concept Modeling: Design Exploration for Every Engineer<…>
May 12, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Ansys Discovery is replacing traditional CAD technologies with direct editing and a modern UI that is fast, easy and intuitive to learn. Learn how Discovery can import, repair and modify files from any CAD system, and then perform instantaneous simulations in real time so you can test your product’s performance virtually without waiting for results.
Material Analysis Using the Latest Tool in the Ansys Additive Solution<…>
May 13, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn how Ansys Additive Science can be used for micro-level predictions of your metal additive manufacturing process — like the microstructure and porosity of the part — and how to use this data for your part qualification purposes.
Functional Safety for Semiconductors in Critical Autonomous Driving Systems<…>
May 13, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn how Optima Design Automation and Ansys are helping automotive engineers with a new solution for mapping semiconductor designs to the key functions they support within a vehicle — and ensuring that semiconductors will perform flawlessly to support consistent vehicle performance and outstanding passenger safety.
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================= Mount-first.Ng(a)<> ============= /\
Mount-first Ng :: Information Technologist, EITC, E3-550 O +--/~~\
(204)-474-9657 :: Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering X--/\/\/\
================= University of Manitoba ===================== | \/ \
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Wolfram Insider" <Insider(a)<>>
Subject: Your Insider briefing: COVID-19 special edition
Date: April 13, 2020 at 1:19:15 PM CDT
To: mtfirst(a)<>
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Quarter 2, 2020
[Wolfram Community Insider]
Wolfram Language at Work and Play
[COVID-19 Resource Center]
COVID-19 Data and Resources »<…>
Supporting research, remote work and remote learning during the COVID-19 outbreak, we're offering free access to Wolfram technology, as well as hosting curated datasets, computational essays, livestreams and other open resources.
Additionally, for parents who are likely struggling as first-time homeschoolers or trying to figure out how you can help with your children's continued education right now, Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition is the tool you need! We've made it free for you to use through the summer.
Get free access to Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition »<…>
COVID-19 Contributions from the Wolfram Community
[Simulating Spread in Social Networks]
Data Science: Graph Theory
Simulating Spread in Social Networks <…>
Christopher Wolfram
Find out how agent-based models can provide insights beyond standard compartmental models for the spread of disease by using different network structures and interaction rates.
[Comparative Modeling of Influenza and COVID-19]
Modeling & Simulation: Epidemiology
Comparative Modeling of Influenza and COVID-19<…>
Robert Nachbar
Interactively explore several epidemiological models with this in-depth report using data from two historical flu outbreaks and the current COVID-19 pandemic.
More Contributions
[Hearing Images]
Signal Processing: Sonification
Hearing Images with Hilbert Curves<…>
Srinath Rangan
Using symbolic images and audio to develop a method for converting color values into sounds for the visually impaired—with a topological twist!
[Visual summary of text]
Data Science: Natural Language Processing
Following the Conversation with Computation<…>
Wolfram Emerging Leaders Program students
Get a visual summary of any text with this innovative method that uses built-in linguistic data and cluster analysis to plot similar topics over time.
The Inside Scoop
Wolfram Study Groups: Online Monday–Friday at Noon EDT<…>
Daily video lessons and guided discussions with Wolfram staff and users to help build Wolfram Language skills.
[Wolfram U]
New Features in Wolfram Language 12.1:<…>
April 15, 22, 29 and May 6<…>
Free webinar series about the latest Wolfram Language features. <…>
[Data Science Boot Camp]
Data Science Boot Camp: July 20–31 <…>
Connect remotely with our experts for a guided online introduction to applied multiparadigm data science.
[Data Science Boot Camp]
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================= Mount-first.Ng(a)<> ================ /\
Mount-first Ng :: Information Technologist, EITC, E3-550 O +--/~~\
(204)-474-9657 :: Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering X--/\/\/\
================= University of Manitoba ===================== | \/ \
================= Mount-first.Ng(a)<> ================ /\
Mount-first Ng :: Information Technologist, EITC, E3-550 O +--/~~\
(204)-474-9657 :: Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering X--/\/\/\
================= University of Manitoba ===================== | \/ \
Begin forwarded message:
From: "ANSYS, Inc." <corporate(a)<>>
Subject: Register today for an Ansys webinar!
Date: April 1, 2020 at 8:05:31 AM CDT
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Having trouble reading this email? View it in your browser.<…>
[Webinar Promotion]<…>
Upcoming Ansys Webinars
Harness the full potential of Ansys simulation to achieve your product goals by registering for an upcoming webinar. Choose from the many topics below, or find additional webinars on the Ansys calendar<…>. Here are all of the webinars included in the email:
Upcoming Ansys Webinars
Ansys Motor-CAD 2020 R1: Advancements and Upgrades<…> Artistic Uses of Materials for Engineering and Design Instructors<…>
2020 Ansys Fluids R1: Enhancements & Updates<…> Ansys Twin Builder 2020 R1: Examining Latest Enhancements + Twin Builder Battery Wizard<…>
Optimizing Li-Ion Battery Performance with CFD<…> Entering a New Era: Using Simulation Technology for Aircraft Electrification<…>
Accurately Predict Automotive Aeroacoustic Noise for a Quieter Ride<…> Ansys 2020 R1 — Maxwell Product Update<…>
Acceleration Factors and Life Predictions<…> Optimizing Electric Motor Performance with CFD<…>
Hybrid Techniques for the Modeling/Simulation of PCBs<…> 7 Tips in 17 Minutes: Leveraging CFD for Electronics<…>
Increasing Student Engagement in Materials Education Using Ansys GRANTA EduPack<…> Ansys SPEOS 2020 R1: Powering Dynamic New Lighting Advancements<…>
Simulating Complex Gearbox Lubrication Cases Using CFD<…> Recent Advances in Multiphase Modeling in Ansys Fluent<…>
Design for Additive Manufacturing<…> Modeling in small orders to simulate in real time while maintaining the detail of the three-dimensional physical simulation<…>
New Materials in Architecture: A Pedagogical Approach to Materials by Design<…> Ansys Simulation Platform for Electric Machines<…>
Build Setup Using Ansys Additive Prep<…>
Ansys Motor-CAD 2020 R1: Advancements and Upgrades<…>
April 2, 2020, at 10 a.m. EDT / 2 p.m. GMT / 7:30 p.m. IST
Discover the cutting-edge advancements in Ansys Motor-CAD for optimizing your electric motor design. Learn to easily incorporate Motor-CAD into your workflow and successfully execute highly precise 2D and 3D physics-based modeling and machine analysis. Receive expert user tips for outputting an electrothermal model-based design.
Artistic Uses of Materials for Engineering and Design Instructors<…>
April 7, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn how Ansys GRANTA EduPack supports engineering and design educators in introducing materials topics into their courses, and provides inventive projects and use cases taken from art and design history. The design database also provides a view into sensory and aesthetic properties for artists and designers.
2020 Ansys Fluids R1: Enhancements & Updates<…>
April 9, 2020, at 2 a.m. EDT / 6 a.m. GMT / 11:30 a.m. IST
Learn about the latest enhancements to Ansys Fluent, including the new multiphase setup that is 25% faster and eliminates the need to find and interact with 17 separate software locations.
Ansys Twin Builder 2020 R1: Examining Latest Enhancements + Twin Builder Battery Wizard<…>
April 9, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Discover Ansys Twin Builder enhancements in Ansys 2020 R1, with a deep-dive focus on the new Battery Wizard. Understand how Twin Builder helps create, validate and deploy complete systems simulations for predictive maintenance. Learn to use the Battery Wizard to cut development time for an entire battery-powered electrical system. Receive expert tips for virtually constructing battery cells, modules, models and parameters.
Optimizing Li-Ion Battery Performance with CFD <…>
April 9, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Attend this webinar for an overview of electric vehicle (EV) battery simulation using Ansys solutions. Topics include: battery electrothermal coupling for thermal management and BMS integration; use of simulation to prevent thermal abuse propagation in a battery pack; and 3D Li-ion electrochemistry.
Entering a New Era: Using Simulation Technology for Aircraft Electrification<…>
April 14, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Get a detailed look at how cutting-edge simulation technology is radically advancing aircraft electrification. Learn to use simulation to slash development costs and boost product reliability. Understand how to conduct in-depth digital exploration during key product development cycle phases. Discover the latest tools and techniques for modeling and creating next-generation electric aircraft components.
Accurately Predict Automotive Aeroacoustic Noise for a Quieter Ride<…>
April 14, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn how Ansys solutions can help you reduce aerodynamic noise and other key acoustic design challenges associated with hybrid and electric vehicles, including locating and determining the nature of noises, for a quieter ride.
Ansys 2020 R1 — Maxwell Product Update<…>
April 15, 2020, at 2 a.m. EDT / 6 a.m. GMT / 11:30 a.m. IST
Learn about new capabilities available in Ansys Maxwell, including powerful new features for the design and analysis of electric motors, actuators, transformers and electromechanical devices.
Acceleration Factors and Life Predictions<…>
April 16, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Acceleration factors (AF) are essential variables when designing an effective accelerated life test (ALT). Attend this webinar to learn about acceleration factors, their impact on test protocols and their role in quickly determining the faults and failures of a product.
Optimizing Electric Motor Performance with CFD<…>
April 16, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn to use simultaneous multiphysics simulations to design and optimize high-performance electric machines, without compromising solution accuracy. Topics include CFD thermal model creation for a water-cooled electric motor; one-way and two-way coupling between electromagnetic and CFD solvers; and tips and tricks on modeling oil-spray cooling of electric motors.
Hybrid Techniques for the Modeling/Simulation of PCBs<…>
April 21, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Explore Ansys simulation solutions for modeling PCBs and learn which techniques — trace mapping, trace modeling, lumped material models, etc. — are best-suited for solving specific design problems.
7 Tips in 17 Minutes: Leveraging CFD for Electronics<…>
April 21, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Liquid cooling is increasingly required for advanced electronics that draw more power, while occupying less space. Learn how ANSYS Discovery simulations can help you compare design trade-offs from an architectural standpoint (size/shape of flow channel or number fins/veins), to determine requirements of associated systems, like pump sizing or cooler capacity.
Increasing Student Engagement in Materials Education Using Ansys GRANTA EduPack<…>
April 21, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn the various ways you can enhance student engagement with engineering topics, and discover how Ansys GRANTA EduPack promotes learning in a range of engineering and design areas.
Ansys SPEOS 2020 R1: Powering Dynamic New Lighting Advancements<…>
April 21, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn how Ansys SPEOS enhancements in Ansys 2020 R1 will help you design the highest quality and most efficient lighting systems, which satisfy the needs of the global market and make use of eco-friendly products. Discover how to integrate a lighting device into a specific environment by considering multiphysics behaviors — thermal, optical, mechanical and electronics — and optimize the shape and the number of your lighting components. With SPEOS, you’ll reduce physical prototyping and time to market.
Simulating Complex Gearbox Lubrication Cases Using CFD<…>
April 21, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis is a great tool for ensuring proper lubrication of rotating gears and bearings: It can help compute the immiscible motion of the oil–gas phase, as well as the temperature of components in gearboxes. Learn how Ansys Fluent can be used for this application and receive an introduction to our new end-to-end automated workflow, ACT-Gearbox.
Recent Advances in Multiphase Modeling in Ansys Fluent<…>
April 22, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn about recent innovations in Ansys Fluent that provide the widest range of multiphase models, for the most accurate simulation of your toughest engineering challenges.
Design for Additive Manufacturing<…>
April 22, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Learn how the Ansys Discovery topology optimization tool can be used for creating lightweight designs and readying your parts for additive manufacturing.
Modeling in small orders to simulate in real time while maintaining the detail of the three-dimensional physical simulation<…>
April 23, 2020, at 10 a.m. EDT / 2 p.m. GMT / 7:30 p.m. IST
Ansys Twin Builder offers numerous reduced-order modeling (ROM) techniques to compress multidimensional, 3D simulations, to increase calculation speed without sacrificing accuracy.
This webinar is presented in Italian.
New Materials in Architecture: A Pedagogical Approach to Materials by Design<…>
April 28, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
In recent years, materials have emerged as a focus of architectural pedagogy, based on the bold assertion that architecture design requires materials design. Attend this webinar to learn about tools and resources to support teaching materials in architecture, along with innovative concepts that can be used to demonstrate the value and power of a materials-based design approach.
Ansys Simulation Platform for Electric Machines<…>
April 28, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
See simulation solutions available for the initial design of electric machines, efficiency maps and temperature-dependent demagnetization. We’ll also present a multiphysics coupled workflow to predict the thermal performance and acoustic signature of the machine.
Build Setup Using Ansys Additive Prep<…>
April 29, 2020, at 11 a.m. EDT / 3 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. IST
Discover how Ansys Additive Prep creates the right orientations or supports for your Metal AM (powder bed Fusion) processes, and offers an easy-to-use interface and heat maps to guide the process from start to finish.
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