The HTML solution will be fine. Anyone can set up their system to print to PDF (it's built into OSX for those who use a Mac). It can be easier to get an HTML document into a spreadsheet or word processor. PDF writers often subset fonts so that cut and paste do not work (this is a rather technical issue that results from PDF writers aiming to make small PDF files. As an example, try to cut and paste the text from the Intro to Manager PDF. Any text in a special font will not be copied).
On 2011-05-26, at 9:39 AM, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
During the most recent weeks experimentation has been made with the creation of pdf formatted reports on structure, labels etc. Unfortunately we had to stop the pdf development due to various reasons and time constraints. Instead an html based solution will be created. This will be part of next test release.